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《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第12集第4期:都想知道真相

时间:2021-01-19 08:43来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

I can't believe you're adopted.I never saw that coming, and it gets weirder1.

真难相信你是被收养的 我也没想到 更奇怪的是

I looked at my birth certificate.It lists Miranda and Grayson Gilbert as my birthparents.

我看了我的出生证 上面写米兰达和格雷森·吉尔伯特夫妇就是我的生父母

None of them makes any sense.Which is why you should ask Jenna.

根本说不通呀 所以你该去问问珍娜

First of all, Elena I know we would always want the real truth, good or bad.

首先 埃琳娜 我知道不管好坏 我们都想知道真相

And second of all?You just found out your boyfriend is a vampire,So unless your birthparents are aliens.

那第二呢 你刚发现你的男朋友是吸血鬼 所以除非你的生父母是外星人

How bad could it be?Ah, ok, look, I have to go to the store.

要不还能糟到哪去 好吧 我得去商店一趟

My outfit2 for the dance is severely3 lacking accessories.


All right. I'll pay the bill.Ok. Bye.Bye.What do you want from me?

好的 我来付账吧 好 再见 再见 你想干什么

I think we need a fresh start.You tried to kill me.But I didn't, and if I wanted to, I would have.

我想我们需要重新认识一下 你曾试图杀了我 但我没杀 如果我真想 你早死了

Does that not count for anything?You know, I can start fires with my mind.

那还不够诚意吗 你知道我能用意念放火吧

Fires kill vampires4, right?Just stay the hell away from me.

火可以杀死吸血鬼 对吧 你他妈的离我远一些

Everything ok over here?Yeah, we're fine.I wasn't talkin' to you.

没什么事吧 是的 没事 我没和你说话

Thank you.Any time, Bonnie.Wait. You remember me?I didn't graduate that long ago.

多谢 随时愿意效劳 邦妮 等等 你记得我吗 我毕业也没多久吧

You're makin' me feel old.Sorry. I didn't I didn't mean that. I just I didn't know you knew me.

你让我觉得我好老 抱歉 我不 我不是那个意思 我只是 以为你不认识我

I always know a pretty face.Hello.Hello, Elena.

我总是能记住漂亮的脸蛋 你好 你好呀 埃琳娜

Hey, who's this?You hit me with your car.Is that a new one?You got away from me.You won't next time.

你是谁 你用车撞了我 又换了辆新车吗 上次让你跑了 下次就不会了


1 weirder cd9463d25463f72eab49f2343155512f     
怪诞的( weird的比较级 ); 神秘而可怕的; 超然的; 古怪的
  • Actually, things got a little weirder when the tow truck driver showed up. 事实上,在拖吊车司机出现后,事情的发展更加怪异。
2 outfit YJTxC     
  • Jenney bought a new outfit for her daughter's wedding.珍妮为参加女儿的婚礼买了一套新装。
  • His father bought a ski outfit for him on his birthday.他父亲在他生日那天给他买了一套滑雪用具。
3 severely SiCzmk     
  • He was severely criticized and removed from his post.他受到了严厉的批评并且被撤了职。
  • He is severely put down for his careless work.他因工作上的粗心大意而受到了严厉的批评。
4 vampires 156828660ac146a537e281c7af443361     
n.吸血鬼( vampire的名词复数 );吸血蝠;高利贷者;(舞台上的)活板门
  • The most effective weapon against the vampires is avampire itself. 对付吸血鬼最有效的武器就是吸血鬼自己。 来自电影对白
  • If vampires existed, don`t you think we would`ve found them by now? 如果真有吸血鬼,那我们怎么还没有找到他们呢? 来自电影对白
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