Scene 331 买书
Scene 331 买书 ❶ 这是我们书店的畅销书。This is the best-seller in our store. 同类表达 It's one of the world's best-sellers. 这可是全球畅销书之一。 ❷ 稍等,我帮您查一下。Hold on, let me check. 同类表达 Fou
Scene 332 论文
Scene 332 论文 ❶ 论文什么时候交?When is the paper due? 同类表达 When do we have to turn in the paper? 我们什么时候该交论文? ❷ 你的论文是关于什么的?What's your paper on? 同类表达 How is your Doctoral thes
Scene 333 咨询
Scene 333 咨询 ❶ 我去哪里领取注册材料?Where should I go for the registration materials? 同类表达 When will the registration begin? 注册什么时候开始? When will the registration close? 注册什么时候结束? ❷ 如果你
Scene 334 图书馆
Scene 334 图书馆 ❶ 我想还这本书。I'd like to return this book. 同类表达 Please return your books by the 20th. 请在二十号之前还书。 ❷ 我一次能借几本书?How many books can I borrow at one time? 对话 A: How many bo
Scene 335 课堂
Scene 335 课堂 ❶ 他在页边空白处做笔记。He made some notes in the margin. 同类表达 She wrote reams of notes. 她做了大量笔记。 ❷ 她正在复习笔记准备考试。She is looking over her notes before the exam. 同类表达
Scene 336 寝室
Scene 336 寝室 ❶ 你知道我被分到哪个房间了吗?Do you know which room I was assignedto? 同类表达 Where is my dorm? 我的宿舍在哪儿? ❷ 希望我能和室友好好相处。I hope I'll get along well with my roommates. 同类
Scene 337 校规
Scene 337 校规 ❶ 这里的校规太严格了。The school regulations are too strict here. 对话 A: The school regulations are too strict here. 这里的校规太严格了。 B: That's right. But you have to adjust yourself to it. 确实如此,但
Scene 338 活动
Scene 338 活动 ❶ 我们有机会办一些文化交流的活动吗?Is there any chance to hold someactivities of cultural exchange? 同类表达 You can come to the English corner and tell them about some cultural differencesbetween Chinese and
Scene 339 社团
Scene 339 社团 ❶ 我对加入学生社团有兴趣。I'm interested in joining a student organization. 同类表达 Which club are you interested in? 你对哪个社团感兴趣? ❷ 我想知道学校都有什么俱乐部?I am curious about
Scene 340 假期
Scene 340 假期 ❶ 这个假期我准备去徒步旅行。I am going backpacking during this vacation. 对话 A: What's your plan for this summer vacation? 暑假有什么安排吗? B: I am going backpacking during this vacation.这个假期我准备
Scene 341 兼职
Scene 341 兼职 ❶ 学校的布告栏上有很多招聘广告。There are a lot of job ads on the noticeboards around campus. ❷ 允许外国学生在英国打工吗?Are foreign students allowed to work inBritain? 同类表达 More and more coll
Scene 342 结束学业
Scene 342 结束学业 ❶ 你还要修多少学分才能毕业?How many credits have you left untilgraduation? ❷ 我选了日语,可以得四个学分。I have taken Japanese for four credits. 对话 A: Which course did you take? 你选了哪一
Scene 343 毕业
Scene 343 毕业 ❶ 我的学生时代有很多美好回忆。I have many good memories from myschool days. 同类表达 I will cherish all the memories about my college life. 我将珍惜大学生活所有的记忆。 ❷ 现在该照毕业照了。
Scene 344 租房信息
Scene 344 租房信息 ❶ 此房出租。This house is for rent. 同类表达 This house is to rent. 此房出租。 ❷ 我在哪里可以租到房间?Where can I rent a room? 同类表达 Do you know any real estate agencies? 你有认识的房产
Scene 345 租房需求
Scene 345 租房需求 ❶ 您的要求是什么?What are your requirements? 同类表达 What is your price range? 您的价格范围是多少? 这样回答 We'd like to rent an apartment which is close to the subway station. 我们想租一个离