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  • Scene 346 联系房东 Scene 346 联系房东 ❶ 听说您有空房间要出租。I've been told you might have a vacant room. 同类表达 I know you have a room to rent. 我知道您有一间房要出租。 ❷ 我看到你的租房广告,很感兴趣。I saw your adv
  • Scene 347 房子概况 Scene 347 房子概况 ❶ 这所房子朝南。The house faces south. 同类表达 Which direction is the apartment facing? 公寓面对什么方向? There is enough daylighting. 这里采光充足。 ❷ 交通十分便利。The transportation is
  • Scene 348 房租 Scene 348 房租 ❶ 月租是多少?What's the rent per month? 同类表达 How much is the rent? 房租是多少钱? How much is it per month? 每个月要多少钱? ❷ 我需要付电费吗?Do I need to pay for electricity? 同类表达 W
  • Scene 349 签约 Scene 349 签约 ❶ 租约期是多久?How long will the lease be? 同类表达 How long is the lease going to be? 租约期是多久? ❷ 我必须要签一年的租约吗?Do I have to sign for a one-year term? 同类表达 Do I have to sign
  • Scene 350 合租 Scene 350 合租 ❶ 我要找一位室友。I'm looking for a roommate. 同类表达 Do you know if there is anybody looking for a roommate? 你知道有谁在找人合租吗? I want to share the rent. 我想找人合租。 ❷ 我和其他两个人
  • Scene 351 设施故障 Scene 351 设施故障 ❶ 如果有东西要修理,我应该如何处理?What should I do when I needsomething repaired? 这样回答 You have to deal with it yourself. 您得自己处理。 ❷ 我公寓里的空调坏了,所以屋里很热。
  • Scene 352 联络感情 Scene 352 联络感情 ❶ 谢谢你们让我住在你们家里。Thank you for letting me stay with yourfamily. 同类表达 I'm very happy to stay at your home and become a new family member. 我很高兴能够住在你们家里,成为你们家庭中
  • Scene 353 寄宿 Scene 353 寄宿 ❶ 您是史密斯先生吗?Are you Mr. Smith? 同类表达 You must be Mr. Smith. 您一定是史密斯先生吧。 It's good to finally meet you. 终于见到你了,真好。 ❷ 谢谢你能来。Thank you for coming. 同类表
  • Scene 354 异国生活 Scene 354 异国生活 ❶ 有人会和我共用这间房吗?Do I share this room? 同类表达 Is the room all for me? 整间房都是我的吗? ❷ 我的衣服可以放在哪里?Where can I put my clothes? 同类表达 Can I have some more h
  • Scene 355 帮做家务 Scene 355 帮做家务 ❶ 我愿意帮助你做家务活。I'd like to help you do the housework. 同类表达 I can also make some Chinese food. 我也会做一些中国菜。 ❷ 让我来洗碗吧。Let me do the dishes. 同类表达 Where is the
  • Scene 356 相处 Scene 356 相处 ❶ 不好意思,我的房间这么乱。I'm sorry my room is in such a mess. 同类表达 You are such a mess! 你真是一团糟! How can you live in this mess? 你怎么能住在这么乱的地方? ❷ 你们有门禁时间吗
  • Scene 357 告别 Scene 357 告别 ❶ 这是要送给你们的告别礼。This is a farewell present for you. 同类表达 I present this gift as a token of our appreciation for what you've done for us. 这份礼物代表了我们的感激之情,感谢你为我们所
  • Scene 358 谈论工作 Scene 358 谈论工作 ❶ 我正忙着找工作。I'm busy with job seeking. 同类表达 I'm busy with hunting for a new job. 我正在忙着找工作。 I'm looking for a new job. 我在找新工作。 ❷ 我已经失业半年了。I have been ou
  • Scene 359 求职意向 Scene 359 求职意向 ❶ 你想找什么样的工作?What kind of job are you interested in? 同类表达 What type of position are you interested in? 你想找什么样的职位? What kind of job are you looking for? 你想找什么样的工作?
  • Scene 360 职位信息 Scene 360 职位信息 ❶ 我们提供翻译的职位。We have a position for a translator. 同类表达 We have a position open for a translator. We have a post available for a translator. ❷ 能上夜班者优先考虑。Being able to work on th