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  • 好睡眠-马上就开始做(5)

    好睡眠 Do It Now 马上就开始做 If you won't be able to sleep until it's done, then do it now. Doing the work the night before, leads to better sleep and a better start to tomorrow....

  • 好睡眠-写进日志(4)

    好睡眠 Write in Your Journal 写进日志 Writing in your journal is a great way to clear your mind. The end of the day is a great time to review your daily accomplishments. Write a quick journal entry。...

  • 好睡眠-把你的工作写下来(3)

    好睡眠 Write That Task Down 把你的工作写下来 Worrying about tasks you need to do? Get those tasks out of your head and onto your to do list. Let your list remember,so that you can sleep....

  • 好睡眠-与朋友聊天(2)

    好睡眠 Have a Chat With Your Significant Other 与朋友聊天 A great way to clear your head is to get all those feelings,thoughts, and discussions out. Express yourself. Tell your partner all about your day. Then, you will be able to concentrate...

  • 好睡眠-睡觉之前不要检查邮箱(1)

    好睡眠 Don't Check Email Before Bed 睡觉之前不要检查邮箱 Checking email before going to bed only leads to stress and unfinished business. Most likely you won't be able to take action until the next morning anyway. Besides, do you really...

  • 如何学好英语-建立程序(3)

    How to learn English well? 如何学好英语 Establish a routine 建立程序 I have an English routine.Just as athletes run or swim every day not to lose their fitness, I watch English TV every evening. It doesn't matter whether it's Downton Abbey...

  • 如何学好英语-挖掘你喜欢做的事情,然后用英文去做(2)

    How to learn English well? 如何学好英语 Find something you like and do it inEnglish 挖掘你喜欢做的事情,然后用英文去做 The second advice I want to share with my fellow students is this: find something you really like and do it...

  • 如何学好英语-找一个老师(1)

    How to learn English well? 如何学好英语 Find a teacher 找一个老师 The teacher is, in fact, essential toyour learning process. He or she must understand your needs and keep your interests high and your enthusiasm alive, especially when you'...

  • 给别人差评-Ta可能会将你视为一种负担(5)

    如果你经常给别人差评 He/she will see you as a burden 他可能会将你视为一种负担 Daily life is enough of a hassle. Ifyour partner overly criticizes you, you may see them as a drag, a burden, and aproblem. Your overly criticized par...

  • 给别人差评-Ta可能会在网上或者其他地方寻找价值(4)

    如果你经常给别人差评 He/she may seek validation online or elsewhere Ta可能会在网上或者其他地方寻找价值 A partner who is overly criticized needs an outlet. It can be as innocent as reading a bookalone or more risky like venti...

  • 给别人差评-他不会让你有犯错的机会(3)

    如果你经常给别人差评 He/she will not give you the space to make your own mistakes 他不会让你有犯错的机会 The overly criticized partner will admire you, perhaps too much. They will give you no room to mess up,as you become the lig...

  • 给别人差评-他们可能会偷偷的怨恨你(2)

    如果你经常给别人差评 He/she will secretly resent you 他们可能会偷偷的怨恨你 A build up of criticism can lead to closeted resentment. Resentment shows up when you most need your partneron your deathbed or co-signing on a loan. Res...

  • 给别人差评-他对你有所隐瞒(1)

    如果你经常给别人差评 He/she will hide things from you 他对你有所隐瞒 Your partner may be tempted to keep secrets if you routinely spew negativity and criticism. If you are always criticizing your partner, think twice. Your partner ma...

  • 爱阅读-给每一本书设定一个截止日期(5)

    Love reading 爱阅读 Give Yourself a Deadline to Complete Each Book 给每一本书设定一个截止日期 Before you read each book, ask yourself when you need to complete this book by. What I find interesting is that I tend to read books that I...

  • 爱阅读-设定一个阅读目标(4)

    Love reading 爱阅读 Set a Reading Goal 设定一个阅读目标 可可电台 Why do you read? What are you reading? How are you reading? Having a reading goal helps you figure out how much reading you need to do in a week or even a day....
