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时间:2020-11-18 06:06来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

Sprint1 is getting ready to release the highly anticipated HTC EVIL 4G, America's first 3G/4G Android handset. Tonight you are gonna get a sneak2 peak of both.

这个春季,美国Android系列首款3G或4G手机,也就是大家翘首企盼的HTC EVIL 4G即将上市。今天我们将一睹为快。

Clayton Morris, here at the Sprint launch of the HTC 4G EVIL, one of the superfast phones to the market, superfast and that beautiful screen.Let's take a look at some of the features inside the phone. It's got lightning-fast apps on running android 2.1, and we jumping Youtube, internet loads up very quickly. You can stream all of your contexts throught HDML out to a high-defination television which is great. And you can sit on the dark, and actually stream that same content using one of the sprints3 over pipe carries the dark / with the product. Another incredible feature with this phone,this phone turns you into a mobile hotspot, so imaging you have this sitting in your car, dark in your car, up to 8 other people can jump onto this network and you have Internet access from your phone turns you into a mobile hotspot on the globe.

这是Clayton Morris从HTC EVIL 4G新品发布会上发来的报道,这是一款超快的手机,速度超快,而且屏幕更棒。让我们进一步看看这款手机的特殊功能。在安卓2.1系统支持众多应用程序,使用户快速应用优酷,打开网页。用户可以把需要的视频从HDML转换为高分辨率视频。这样,你就可以坐在暗处,细细品味高速手机带来的享受。这款手机另一个不可思议的功能在于强大的上网功能。想象你坐在车里,车里一片漆黑,只能手机上网打发时间,有8个人在和你争夺网速,但只有你的手机能联网。

The HTC EVIL 4G, the Amercia's first 4G device, it's got a host of capabilities4. So it's the largest screen, 4.3-inch screen, it's a full touch screen, it's also got an 8 mega pixel of camera, it's got a back camera. That's a 8 mega pixel, but it's also has a front facing camera, 1.3 mega pixel, which is camera and video camera. So you can record video as well as camera. The front facing gives you the ability to have a video chat and we announce today a video chat application, it's also got one "gigger-hurts" proccessor, so the fastest processor in the market, and yet it's the first 4G device. And the 4G is actually next generation network that operates ten times faster than 3G.

HTC EVIL 4G手机是美国最早的4G手机,它十分强大,具有4.3英寸超大触屏屏幕,8百万像素,有后置摄像头。这可是8百万像素,同时它还配备有1千3百万像素的前置摄像头,集照相与摄像功能与一身。因此,你可以在摄像过程中进行拍照。前置摄像头可支持视频聊天,也就是配置有现在的视频聊天软件。另外,它还有高运行速度的优点,在4G手机市场中,这还是头一部。而4G手机的运行速度是3G手机的10倍。

Sprint is really counting on their 4G network which is really fast and all the screen testers we have seen so far, its network, its lightning-fast compared with another network — 3G load time of video. Just take a look at this demo that putting on stage, A 4G versus5 3G video load.

今年春季真的是4G手机的发布季,它真的很快,而且屏幕更好。和3G手机相比,它的网络加载速度,运行速度快了许多。看看手机发布会的样片,4G vs 3G。

"This is playing a video standard quality, this is what most people on their iphones,the model of all products,the range of products they are used to. The biggest thing you'll notice is on the motor work joint,the quality of pictures it's a lot smaller, it's blockier. There is not much of color on contrast in the video,and the sound quality tends to be a little bit less stereo-like. When you look at the EVIL 4G, the biggest thing you'll notice is that it is a higher quality picture, it's got more contrasts, more colour,and the sample is phenomenal. And you know really if you put these things side by side, you can really tell the difference, so we have manufacture this, this is very really the same faith for both the devices. That exercise is really amazing. "

“这是3G手机播放视频时候的标准模式,这就是大多数iPone和摩托莫拉用户使用时候的情景。我们注意到3G手机的最大问题就是画面质量,3G手机的更小,成块状画面。视频中画面颜色的对比度并不大,声音质量没有立体声。当你看着EVIL 4G这款手机,最吸引你的就是高质量的画面,对比度更高,色彩更鲜明,这个例子很明显。而且,如果你把3G和4G手机并排放在一起,你能看到很明显的区别。因此我们生产了后者,两者的要达到的目标是一致的。4G手机真的是很神奇的电子设备。”

Here, it is the Sprint HTC 4G EVIL which launches on June 4th for 199 dollars.

这就是7月4日上市的HTC 4G EVIL手机,售价199美元。


1 sprint QvWwR     
n.短距离赛跑;vi. 奋力而跑,冲刺;vt.全速跑过
  • He put on a sprint to catch the bus.他全速奔跑以赶上公共汽车。
  • The runner seemed to be rallied for a final sprint.这名赛跑者似乎在振作精神作最后的冲刺。
2 sneak vr2yk     
  • He raised his spear and sneak forward.他提起长矛悄悄地前进。
  • I saw him sneak away from us.我看见他悄悄地从我们身边走开。
3 sprints 617aabe05f387ce10003edf8f6a91925     
n.短距离的全速奔跑( sprint的名词复数 )v.短距离疾跑( sprint的第三人称单数 )
  • You can run sprints only so long before you're out of breath. 你死命地跑,只能跑那么一段时间,到了喘不上气的时候,只好停下来。 来自辞典例句
  • The cheetah finds the open grasslands ideal footing for its lightning-quick sprints. 非洲猎豹把开阔的草原作为它们闪电猎食的理想处所。 来自互联网
4 capabilities f7b11037f2050959293aafb493b7653c     
n.能力( capability的名词复数 );可能;容量;[复数]潜在能力
  • He was somewhat pompous and had a high opinion of his own capabilities. 他有点自大,自视甚高。 来自辞典例句
  • Some programmers use tabs to break complex product capabilities into smaller chunks. 一些程序员认为,标签可以将复杂的功能分为每个窗格一组简单的功能。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
5 versus wi7wU     
  • The big match tonight is England versus Spain.今晚的大赛是英格兰对西班牙。
  • The most exciting game was Harvard versus Yale.最富紧张刺激的球赛是哈佛队对耶鲁队。
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