科学美国人60秒 SSS Heat Will Hit America's Poorest Worst
Heat Will Hit America's Poorest Worst 退出巴黎协议?伤害的可是美国穷人 In President Trump's June 1st speech withdrawing the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accord, he claimed the climate agreement was costing American workers. In a whole
科学美国人60秒 SSS Beer Marinade Cuts Grilling Carcinogens
Beer Marinade Cuts Grilling Carcinogens 健康吃烧烤的秘诀来点啤酒 Grill masters already know that a cold brew is a fine companion at the barbecue. So here's some science to toast tomarinating meat in beer actually cuts the number of potent
科学美国人60秒 SSS How to Find Loooong Gravitational Waves
How to Find Loooong Gravitational Waves 神秘的引力波 In 2016 the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, LIGO, made the first accepted detection of gravitational waves. 2016年激光干涉引力波天文台(即LIGO),首次进行
科学美国人60秒 SSS Franklin's Lightning Rod Served Political Ends
Franklin's Lightning Rod Served Political Ends 富兰克林发明的避雷针竟有政治色彩? Besides helping to create the United States of America, Benjamin Franklin of course invented the lightning rod. Which sits atop buildings and protects
科学美国人60秒 SSS Bacteria Might Share the Blame for Eczema
Bacteria Might Share the Blame for Eczema 皮肤湿疹可能是细菌惹的祸 Your skinlike many other parts of your bodyis crawling with microscopic critters. It's a microbial zoo in a sense. Heidi Kong, a dermatology researcher at the National Ins
科学美国人60秒 SSS Medical Marijuana Faces Fed's Catch-22
Medical Marijuana Faces Fed's Catch-22 医用大麻面临第22条军规 Medical marijuana is now available in 28 states. But a big obstacle to research on marijuana as medicine is that its listed by the federal government on whats called Schedule I.
科学美国人60秒 SSS Frog Spit Behaves Like Bug-Catching Ketchup
Frog Spit Behaves Like Bug-Catching Ketchup 青蛙唾液竟然类似番茄酱? You might think frogs catch insects cause their tongues are sticky. But why is the tongue sticky, and how does it actually adhere to these insects at these very high acc
科学美国人60秒 SSS Pesticide Additive Could Be One Culprit in Bee Deaths
Pesticide Additive Could Be One Culprit in Bee Deaths 农药添加剂蜜蜂死亡的一大元凶 Springtime is flower season. And that includes some 90 million almond trees in California. It's the largest pollination event in the U.S.and beekeepers t
科学美国人60秒 SSS This Cell Phone Needs No Battery
This Cell Phone Needs No Battery 不用电池的新型手机? A dying battery is a huge annoyance for cell phone users. But for engineers? It's inspiration. Can we design a smartphone which can make a phone call and have a conversation without the
科学美国人60秒 SSS Old Records Help Resurrect Historic Quake
Old Records Help Resurrect Historic Quake 旧文件再现史上大地震 Ninety-nine years ago, a magnitude 7.3 earthquake hit Puerto Rico. It also caused a tsunami that swept through coastal towns. All told, the shaking and flooding killed more than
科学美国人60秒 SSS A Humble Fish with a Colorful Edge
A Humble Fish with a Colorful Edge 小鱼眼中的颜色似乎更多姿多彩 Hundreds of millions of years ago a humble fish swam in the lakes and rivers of the supercontinent Gondwana. Eventually Gondwana broke apart, becoming the continents we kno
科学美国人60秒 SSS Widening the Suez Canal Ushers In Underwater Invaders
Widening the Suez Canal Ushers In Underwater Invaders 苏伊士运河对地中海水下物种的侵害 The Mediterranean Sea is home to some 17,000 native species. But it's also home to a growing number of non-native species: 756 at last count. 756 m
科学美国人60秒 SSS Flying Through a Corpse's Clues
Flying Through a Corpse's Clues 能帮法医验尸的苍蝇 As soon as a person dies, decomposition begins. And the first visitors arrive. Within five to fifteen minutes of death, blow flies or other insects begin to colonize the body. Rabi Musah, an
科学美国人60秒 SSS The Arctic's Anti-Snowball Snowball Effect
The Arctic's Anti-Snowball Snowball Effect 北极的反雪球效应 Last Christmas, Santa Claus must have been loading his sleigh in a t-shirt and shorts. Temperatures at the North Pole crept up toward the freezing point when they should have been mi
科学美国人60秒 SSS Hawaiian Crows Ready for the Call of the Wild
Hawaiian Crows Ready for the Call of the Wild 一度濒危的夏威夷乌鸦又将返回自然啦 Once upon a time, on the big island of Hawaii, it would not have been unusual to hear: 很久以前,在夏威夷大岛上听到乌鸦叫是司空见惯的