[00:22.36]So, did you see them again? 你有再见到他们吗?
[00:26.08]l wouldn’t be here if l had. 要是有,我就不会在这里了
[00:30.80]Was she pretty? 她长得漂亮吗?
[00:34.60]l guess not. 应该不漂亮
[00:37.56]The most beautiful woman in the world. 全世界最美的女人
[00:40.88]He means ’’the bitch of the slums.’’ 他指的是贫民窟啦
[00:41.24]Sisterfucker! 王八蛋!
[00:45.72]Hey, hey! 够了
[00:48.04]Hold him down. 压制住他!
[00:53.68]l’ll burn your ass1. 我要杀了你
[00:56.76]Well, well. The slumdog barks. 好吧,不会叫的狗咬人了
[00:59.64]Money and women. The reasons to make most mistakes in life. 钱和女人是人生犯错的两大原因
[01:03.40]Correct. 没错
[01:06.52]lt looks like you’re mixed up with both. 你两种都遇到了
[01:11.80]Srinivas? 史里尼瓦?
[01:13.88]Go and get me something to eat. 去帮我买点吃的
[01:13.96]You need the exercise. 你需要运动
[01:17.16]Yes, sir. 好的
[01:19.20]And chai. 还要茶
[01:23.48]Phaode. 法欧德
[01:32.52]ldiot, Srinivas. 那个大白痴
[01:42.28]You puzzle me, slumdog. 我真搞不懂你
[01:42.48]Admitting murder to avoid the charge of fraud... 为了逃避诈骗罪而承认杀人
[01:47.88]is not exactly clever thinking. 这可不是明智之举
[01:51.72]Now, why would you do that? 你干嘛这样?
[01:56.60]When somebody asks me a question... 有人问我问题
[02:01.20]l tell them the answer. 我就告诉他们答案
[02:07.04]So, how did you manage to get on the show? 你怎么会上这个节目?
[02:13.48]Okay, everyone. Listen up. 好了,大家听好
[02:17.88]lt’s been a big week for U.K. 这礼拜对英国很重要
[02:21.44]Kat is back. 凯特回来了
[02:22.04]But she was already back? 不是早就回来了?
[02:24.52]Bardi. 巴迪!
[02:24.80]Jamal? 杰默?
[02:28.92]Oh, well, she did come back. 她是有回来过
[02:29.32]Then she went away when Alfie split up with her, 和奥菲分手之后又走了
[02:32.40]and now she’s back again. 现在她又回来了
[02:33.20]But it looks as if Alfiie still fancies Mo after all. 但奥菲好像还是喜欢小莫…
[02:36.44]Thank you, Jamal. 谢谢你,杰默
[02:39.08]Bardi, keep up. 巴迪,争气点
[02:40.12]The chai-wallah knows more than you. 连茶水小弟都比你懂
[02:43.24]Anyway, there’s also the festival in Edinburgh. 爱丁堡也有文化祭
[02:48.60]Ah, kilts, castles, haggis, 苏格兰裙、城堡、羊杂包
[02:51.76]Ben Nevis. 尼维斯峰
[02:53.28]Good. Yes? 很好,还有吗?
[02:56.28]lnspector Taggart, whisky, 泰格特巡官、威士忌
[02:57.16]Sean Connery. 史恩康纳莱
[02:58.04]Good, and lochs...their word for lakes. 很好,还有很多湖泊
[03:01.40]No filming. 不准拍照
[03:09.04]Hey, Jamal? 杰默?
[03:11.36]Come here. 你过来
[03:14.72]Dave! 戴夫!
[03:14.76]l’m on millionaire duty today. 我今天要看“百万大富翁”
[03:15.44]Please, just for five minutes. 拜托,5分钟就好了
[03:18.84]l can’t. 不行啦
[03:21.40]Sit here. 你坐这里
[03:22.28]lf the team leader comes just pretend you are on a call doing an upgrade for.. 若组长过来,就假装你在升级…
[03:23.80]’’Friends and Family’’, l know. 亲朋好友的电话号码,我知道
[03:25.20]Yah. 好
[03:25.48]Two minutes. 两分钟
[03:32.72]Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? 想成为百万大富翁吗?
[03:34.80]Dial this number...now. 马上拨打这支电话
[03:37.68]Or answer this question. 或是回答这个题目:
[03:39.96]What does ATM stand for? ATM是什么意思?
[03:43.36]Hello? hello? 喂?
[03:45.36]l would like to be a contestant2 on ’’Who Wants to Be a Millionaire’’. 喂?我想报名“百万大富翁”
[03:48.16]Hello? l want to be on Who Wants to be a Millionaire. 喂?我想报名“百万大富翁”
[03:49.72]Bloody bastard3, l never get it! 搞什么嘛!都报不到名
[03:53.32]You have to dial when Prem says, ’’if.’’ 普伦说“如果”你就要打了
[03:56.48]That’s when they open the lines. 电话是那时候开放的
[03:58.36]That’s what Anjum in Technical says. 技术部门的安忠说的
[03:58.80]How the hell do you know that? 你怎么知道?
[04:02.28]He put the system in. 系统是他安装的
[04:03.12]Hello? Hello? 喂?
[04:04.96]Have l been transferred again, for God’s sake? 电话是不是又被转接了?
[04:07.80]Hello? 喂?
[04:10.40]Good God, will somebody talk to me? 拜托,有没有人在听?
[04:11.96]Hello, 喂?
[04:13.16]Mrs...Mackintosh from... 麦金塔太太,你住…
[04:17.08]King Gussie. 金古西
[04:20.24]lt’s Kingussie, love. Pronounced ’’Kinoosie’’. 是金努西,你的发音错了
[04:24.80]So, where are you from? Abroad, l bet. 你是哪来的?是国外回来的吧
[04:27.80]Just down the road from your house, Mrs. Mackintosh... 就在你家附近,麦金塔太太
[04:30.08]next to the loch. 我住湖边
[04:31.28]Och aye? Which loch? 湖?哪个湖?
[04:35.56]Loch... 就是…
[04:36.32]Loch... Big... 大湖
[04:38.96]Loch Ben. 尼维湖
[04:40.00]Loch Big Ben! 尼维斯湖!
[04:42.00]Look, can l just speak to your supervisor4, son? 请你的上级来跟我讲
[04:42.32]Next door to Sean Connery’s flat. 在史恩康纳莱他家的隔壁

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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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n.竞争者,参加竞赛者 | |
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n.坏蛋,混蛋;私生子 | |
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n.监督人,管理人,检查员,督学,主管,导师 | |
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