[00:01.50]我还以为公主都有人设计衣服和行李呢 So I thought princesses had designer clothes and stuff.
[00:04.87]呃 她不得不那些都抛弃了 Well, she had to leave all that behind.
[00:07.40]我想你可以... 可以借她一些你的东西 But I was thinking you could, you know, loan her some of your stuff.
[00:13.18]当然 为什么不呢? Yeah, sure. Why not?
[00:15.24]谢谢你 现在 在去试一次 Thank you. Now, go try again.
[00:20.15]- 等这把打了在去 - 不行 现在就去 -I will after this hand. -No, now.
[00:29.86]不许偷看我的牌 And don’t look at my cards.
[00:39.64](DOOR OPENS)
[00:43.47]嘿 厨房要关门了噢 再不吃就没得吃了 All right, the kitchen’s closing. Last chance to eat something.
[00:47.11]不吃了 谢谢 我想睡觉了 No, thank you. I wish to sleep.
[00:50.18]好吧 Okay.
[00:52.25]你该帮我准备床铺了 You may help me prepare for bed.
[00:57.45]- 我该? - 是的 -I "may"? -Yes.
[01:00.59]我需要一件睡衣 最好是丝质的 最好是粉红色的 I need a nightgown. Preferably silk, preferably pink.
[01:05.63]丝质粉色 我给你找找看 Pink silk. Let me see what I’ve got.
[01:12.24]就这个了 Here.
[01:19.24]啊? Huh?
[01:20.34]我能用下厕所吗? May I use your restroom?
[01:22.25]好啊 楼上 右拐第一间 Yeah, upstairs, first door on the right.
[01:26.02]谢谢(西班牙语就会这一句 囧 )
[01:28.99]好吧 请便了 Okay, whatever.
[01:40.20]怎么了? What happened?
[01:46.90]拜托! Come on!
[01:53.88]也许吧 我没见过 我们有亨利负责... Maybe, but I never see them. That is why we have Henry.
[02:00.72]是的 也许你也该找一个 Yes. And you should get one, too.
[02:04.59]晚安 Good night.
[02:10.93]她会习惯的 She’s gonna be okay.
[02:12.63]不 她会受不了这苦 No. She’s gonna be a royal pain.
[02:32.12](DOOR OPENlNG)
[02:33.82]- 早上好 - 嘿 -Good morning. -Hey.
[02:36.85]嘿 JOE: Hey.
[02:43.83]- 喝果汁吗? - 好 -Juice? -Yeah.
[02:46.86]好的 吃吧 咖啡好了吗? All right. There you go. Coffee done?
[02:51.80]好的 Good.
[02:57.24]别害羞 罗西 想吃什么就拿吧 Don’t be shy, Rosie. Grab whatever looks good.
[03:01.58](CAR HORN HONKlNG)
[03:04.21]- 公车到了 - 真不用我送? -Bus is here. -Sure you don’t want a ride?
[03:06.28]是 我会没事的 你要来吗? Yeah, I’ll be fine. You coming?
[03:08.15]- 我们去哪 - 上学呗 你16岁了 就该去上学 -Where are we going? -School. You’re 1 6. You go to school.
[03:12.56]上学 当然 School. Of course.
[03:19.33]再见 Goodbye.
[03:29.44]- 早上好 甜心 - 嘿 海伦 -Morning, honey. -Hey, Helen.
[03:32.07]- 哇 这是谁? - 她是我的表妹 -HELEN: Whoa! Who’s this, now? -That’s just my cousin.
[03:36.11]- 你从没说过 - 你好 -You don’t say. -Hello.
[03:38.58]好 你真是个小美女 Well, aren’t you a cutie?
[03:40.42]我叫罗西 I am Rosie.
[03:41.58]我已经迟到了 快去占个位 快点 And I am late. Go ahead and grab a seat, quick as you can.
[03:45.49](KlDS CHATTERlNG)
[03:50.63](ENGlNE REVVlNG)
[03:54.26](MACHlNERY BEEPlNG)
[04:07.61]PPP计划链接建立 <i>PPP link established.</i>
[04:09.55]我是主任 报告你的情况 <i>This is the director. What is your situation report?</i>
[04:12.32]379号公主已经到了 阶段四准备完毕 Princess 379 is in position. Stage four is complete.
[04:15.69]- 她安全吗? - 当然了 绝对安全 <i>-She’s safe, then? -That’s affirmative, absolutely safe.</i>
[04:20.02]<i>The girl can’t help it</i>
[04:23.29]<i>The girl can’t help it</i>
[04:26.43]<i>The girl can’t help it</i>
[04:30.17]这位MM会当选公主吗? <i>ED: (IN BRITISH ACCENT) Could this be the queen?</i>
[04:32.07]当然不会 埃德 Obviously not, Ed.
[04:34.34]或许这位是吧 Maybe this is the queen.
[04:36.04]呃 技术上 什么也不是 Well, technically6, no. Not yet, anyway.
[04:38.84]美丽 诚实 我喜欢 Nice. Honest. I like it.
[04:44.28]顺便说下 我叫埃德 你是... I’m Ed, by the way. And you’re...
[04:46.15]- 罗西 - 罗西哈 -Rosie. -Rosie.
[04:48.18]我在拍一部记录片 I’m making a documentary.
[04:53.86]摇身变为归途中的王后" "to homecoming queen."
[04:55.52]归途中的王后 那是什么 The queen of homecoming? What is this homecoming?
[04:58.23]你没... 你从没听说过吗? You don’t... You’ve never heard of homecoming?
[05:00.70]我们那从没举行过 No. We have no such thing where I am from.
[05:02.60]真的吗? 你来自哪里? Really? Where’s that?
[05:04.40]嗯... 她从洛瓦来的 她有点... 你要干吗? Oh, um... That’s from lowa. She’s... What are you doing?
[05:08.60]- 我正要上学校呢 - 再见 伙计们 -I’m going to school. -Bye, guys.
[05:10.04]你应该表现的像个普通的美国女孩 Yes, and you’re supposed to act like a normal American girl.
[05:12.17]你应该融入的 You’re supposed to blend in.
[05:13.48]- 我已经在努力了 - 呃 在努力点 -I’m trying. -Well, try harder.
[05:20.32]在这儿呢啊 公主卡特 There she is, Princess Carter.
[05:26.36]快坐下! Sit.
[05:30.46]我喜欢你的蛮横 I like bossy.
[05:34.16]打扰 我能坐在这儿吗? Excuse me, may I have this seat?
[05:37.93]抱歉 我想这是学校的财产 I’m sorry, I think it’s school property.
[05:39.77](ALL LAUGHlNG)
[05:41.10](BOTH EXCLAlMlNG)
[05:48.78]可以 当然 Yeah, sure.
[05:51.75]十分感谢 ROSALlNDA: Thank you very much.
[05:55.02]怎么了 她太火热了! What? She’s hot.
[05:59.96](BELL RlNGS)
[06:05.80](叽里咕噜 法语...大概 早上好同学们 的意思)
[06:07.86](叽里咕噜 法语...大概 早上好老师 的意思)
[06:09.60](叽里咕噜 法语)
[06:13.64]哦 一定是新来的 卡特·梅森的表妹 This must be our new student, Carter Mason’s cousin.
[06:19.44](叽里咕噜 法语)
[06:51.21]你藏哪儿 我的小公主 <i>Where are you, my little princesa?</i>
[06:55.71]哦 KANE: Ah!
[06:56.85]索菲亚 感谢你能来见我 有关于罗萨琳达的消息吗 Sophia. Thank you for joining me. Any news from Rosalinda?
[07:03.12]没 以后也不会有 No. And there will never be.
[07:05.02]好吧 好吧 不要这么强硬嘛 Now, now, now, now. We must not be so negative.
[07:09.26]或许 或许我们应该想想好的方面 好吗? Perhaps... Perhaps we should think happy thoughts. Shall I begin?
[07:15.13]想象下 像我这样年轻有为的将军 I am picturing a dashing young general.
[07:21.17]现在的他... 已经坐在王位上 And he is... He’s sitting on a throne.
[07:30.35]你觉的怎么样? 他们会拥他为王 And what do you know? They have crowned him their king!
[07:34.88](KANE LAUGHlNG)
[07:36.02]只要我还活着 你就永远成不了科斯塔卢娜的国王 You will never be the king of Costa Luna, not as long as I’m alive.
[07:41.39]你可真会扫我兴致 把她带下去 You are ruining my happy thoughts. Take her away.
[07:53.77]<i>What you see is what you get When you’re looking at me</i>
[07:56.44]<i>I’m gonna tell it like it is Most definitely</i>
[07:59.41]<i>I can tell by the way you look me in the eyes</i>
[08:02.01]<i>That you’re not like the other guys</i>
[08:04.45]嘿 不许插队 GlRL: Hey, no cutting!
[08:06.58]哇 哇 哇 就你 Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey!
[08:09.35]退到线外面去 Back of the line.
[08:10.95]- 你说什么? - 这是规矩 不许插队 -Pardon? -That’s the rules. No cuts.
[08:15.22]当然了 我才不会插队 Of course. Then I will not cuts.
[08:17.56]嘿 罗西 跟我来 Hey, Rosie, come on up with me.
[08:21.86](叽里咕噜 西班牙语)
[08:24.03](叽里咕噜 西班牙语)
[08:29.67]好了 你总得选点什么 Well? You gotta pick something.
[08:32.37]哦! Oh!
[08:33.54](SPEAKlNG SPANlSH)
[08:37.48]人造肉 Mystery meat.
[08:39.62]我要一个这个 这是什么啊 Then I will have one of those. What is it?
[08:42.95]要一个汉堡包? A hamburger?
[08:47.49](西班牙语 谢谢)
[08:49.83]下个 Next.
[08:51.49]<i>(SINGING) Am I missing something here?</i>
[08:55.83]<i>Got to say the signs are clear as mud</i>
[08:57.97]忏悔吧 你真的要吃这些恶心的食物吗? True confession10. Are you gonna eat that nasty food?
[09:01.40]<i>When I laugh I taste the tears</i>
[09:04.37]<i>Sometimes I wish I’d just disappear</i>
[09:08.61]<i>I’m so confused, misunderstood</i>
[09:13.35]<i>I can’t be free</i>
[09:15.78]<i>Is it just me who feels this way?</i>
[09:19.86]<i>Trying to be where I am So out of place</i>
[09:24.43]<i>Can’t I just wait to see what’s right?</i>
[09:29.06]<i>’Cause it looks like we’re all just flying blind</i>
[09:34.47]快看她 她以为自己是谁啊? Check her out. Who does she think she is?
[09:38.11]我知道 她以为自己是卡特的表妹 I know. She thinks she’s Carter’s cousin.
[09:48.18]嗷 Ow!
[09:49.35]噢 那是你的腿吗 对不起 Oh, was that your leg? I’m sorry.
[09:53.62]表面上看和她表姐一样残废 但现在她很有威胁 She may be a loser like her cousin, but she’s dangerous.
[09:56.23]- 真的?为什么啊 - 认真点 看看她 -Really? Why?-Are you serious? Look at her.
[09:59.56]我知道 男生都喜欢那种头发 I know. Totally love the hair.

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n.蜥蜴( lizard的名词复数 ) | |
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n.爬行动物;两栖动物 | |
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n.口角者,争论者;牧马者 | |
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a.自动化的 | |
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v.快速爬行( scramble的现在分词 );攀登;争夺;(军事飞机)紧急起飞 | |
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adv.专门地,技术上地 | |
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adj.谦卑的,恭顺的;地位低下的;v.降低,贬低 | |
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adj.爱发号施令的,作威作福的 | |
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n.爱慕,崇拜 | |
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n.自白,供认,承认 | |
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