[00:01.10]芝麻开门 <i>AUTOMATED1 VOICE: Door opening.</i>
[00:13.51]芝麻关门 Door closing.
[00:17.41](MACHlNERY WHlRRlNG)
[00:20.35]这是... 我在哪? 这是监狱吗? What... Where am l? Is this some kind of prison?
[00:24.59]不是监狱 是保护你的 <i>Not prison, protection.</i>
[00:27.42]罗萨琳达·玛丽亚·蒙托亚·菲奥雷公主殿下 <i>Princess Rosalinda Marie Montoya Fiore,</i>
[00:31.83]在国际公主保护计划下 简称PPP计划 <i>of the International Princess Protection Program, the PPP.</i>
[00:36.67]我从没听说过 I’ve never heard of it.
[00:38.00]在需要我们的帮忙之前 没人知道这项计划 你干的不错 少校 <i>Nobody ever hears about us until we’re needed. Good work, Major.</i>
[00:42.04]谢谢 主任 Thank you, Director.
[00:46.51]你会很安全的 公主殿下 You’ll be safe now, Princess.
[00:49.55](DOOR CLOSES)
[00:52.98](MACHlNERY WHlRRlNG)
[00:54.15]我要在这儿待多久 How long am I staying here?
[00:55.69]直到 你为第四阶段准备好 <i>Until you’re ready for stage four.</i>
[00:57.62]第四阶段? 那阶段一是什么? Stage four? What is stage one?
[01:00.36]救驾 就是把你带到这儿 <i>Extraction. That is what brought you here.</i>
[01:03.49]- 第二阶段呢? - 过渡阶段 -Stage two? - Transition.
[01:05.70]- 过渡到什么 -第三阶段 <i>-Transition to what? -Stage three.</i>
[01:09.27]进来 好吗 我会全都给你解释清楚的 <i>Come inside, why don’t you? And I will explain everything.</i>
[01:20.24]罗萨琳达 欢迎来到公主保护计划的 Welcome, Rosalinda, to the operational heart
[01:22.85]操作中心 of the Princess Protection Program,
[01:25.02]一项全世界王室资助的 最高机密机构 a top-secret agency funded by the world’s royal families.
[01:33.86]她们全都是受到这样 那样的威胁 all of whom have been threatened in one way or another.
[01:37.26](MACHlNERY BEEPlNG)
[01:38.56]- 克洛艾 可以了吗 - 当然可以 主任 -Chloe, may l? -Of course, Director.
[01:40.93]这是钱德拉公主殿下 DlRECTOR: This is Princess Chandra.
[01:43.17]去年一月份 梅森少校把她从一次政变中营救出来 Last January, Major Mason rescued her from a politically-motivated coup5.
[01:48.17]我们把她安排到了一个没人找得到的地方 We have placed her where no one will find her.
[01:54.24]跟她原住地相比 现在住的有点靠北 Let’s just say she’s a little farther north than she’s used to.
[01:58.38]- 她都快冻死了! - 可能吧 但很安全 -She is freezing! -Probably. But she’s safe.
[02:02.42]带你走走 好吗? Let’s take a walk, shall we?
[02:08.43]请 Please.
[02:11.19]克洛艾 报告情况 Chloe, report.
[02:12.80]383号公主 成功救驾 "Princess 383 has had a successful extraction.
[02:16.03]她将于1点到达 "She arrives at 01 00 hours.
[02:18.80]299号公主仍然拒绝所有的"转型"行为 "Princess 299 is still rejecting all attempts at transformation6.
[02:23.44]还有107号公主也需要我们的服务 "And princess 1 07 is in need of our services."
[02:37.35]我呢 你们要把我送到哪儿? ROSALlNDA: What about me? Where are you sending me?
[02:39.06]现在还没确定 首先你要通过第三阶段"转型" Nowhere yet. First you must go through stage three, transformation.
[02:43.89]首先从你的头发开始 然后是随身行头 First, we start with the hair and then the wardrobe,
[02:48.67]直到没人能认出你是公主 until you are unrecognizable as princesses.
[03:00.88]不 别动我! No! Stop!
[03:04.98]我根本不认识你们 I do not know any of you people.
[03:07.42]我要和梅森少校谈谈 我只信任他 I want to speak with Major Mason. I only trust Major Mason.
[03:29.61]怎么了? Is everything all right?
[03:31.11]带我回国! Take me back to my country.
[03:33.28]公主殿下 对不起 可凯恩将军已经占领了你的国家 Princess, I’m sorry, but General Kane has taken control of your country
[03:36.55]很可能已经组建政府了 and assumed command of its government.
[03:38.45]- 可我必须回去 - 是的 会回去的 -But I must go back. -And you will.
[03:40.72]等我们找到合法渠道罢免他 As soon as we find a legal way to remove him.
[03:43.09]但现在 你必须让我们保护你 In the meantime, you have to let us protect you.
[03:46.49]可我妈妈怎么办 谁去保护她? But what about my mother? Who’s protecting my mother?
[03:48.79]你来保护她 只要你在公主保护计划里 You are. As long as you’re in Princess Protection,
[03:51.06]你妈妈就会安全 请 your mom will be safe. Please.
[03:55.77]凯恩将军正等着你联络你妈妈呢 General Kane is hoping you’ll contact her
[03:58.40]好知道去哪找你 so he’ll know where to find you.
[04:00.80]如果他找到我会怎么处置我 What if he does find me?
[04:01.97]他也许会把你送进监狱 He’ll make an example of you by sending you to prison
[04:04.77]或者去劳动农场 or a work farm.
[04:06.24]这样一来科斯塔卢娜 就成了他的私人王国了 And Costa Luna will become part of his own personal kingdom,
[04:08.78]然后真正的皇室只能成为一段悲惨的记忆了 with its true royal family nothing but a memory.
[04:13.98]所以 如果你还关心你的国家 你妈妈的安全 Bottom line, if you care about your country, and your mom’s safety,
[04:19.16]就不能让任何人知道你的真实身份 nobody can know who you really are.
[04:29.93]你可以动手了 You may proceed.
[04:44.88]很好 DlRECTOR: Good work.
[04:46.62]从现在开始 你不再是一个公主了 From now on, you are no longer princess.
[04:49.32]你现在叫做罗西·冈萨雷斯 一个普通的美国女孩 You are now Rosie Gonzalez, an average American girl.
[04:53.49]现在做什么 What happens now?
[04:54.96]- 第四阶段 转移 - 去哪? -Stage four. Relocation. -Where?
[04:58.66]一个凯恩将军永远想不到的 Somewhere where General Kane will never think
[05:00.60]科斯塔卢娜公主会去的地方 of looking for the Princess of Costa Luna.
[05:06.64]欢迎来到路易斯安那 罗西 JOE: Welcome to Louisiana, Rosie.
[05:23.85](CAR DOOR SLAMS)
[05:42.87]这边 JOE: Over here.
[05:55.22]欢迎来到你的新家 只是暂时的 Welcome to your new home. For a while, at least.
[05:59.32]这儿 我来给你开门 Here, let me get the door.
[06:05.30](ALL CHATTERlNG)
[06:13.50]该下车了 甜心 Here you go, sweetie.
[06:17.14]谢谢 海伦 Thanks, Helen.
[06:18.98]嘿 好像有人"又"回家了 Hey, looks like someone’s back home again.
[06:23.41]明天见 CARTER: See you tomorrow!
[06:33.72]爸? Dad?
[06:42.37]爸爸? Dad?
[06:51.54]- 你好 - 你好 -Hello. -Hey.
[06:58.78]- 你是谁啊? - 罗萨... 是罗西 -Who are you? -Rosa... Rosie.
[07:02.29]你确定吗? 你看起来犹豫不决的样子 Are you sure? ’Cause you don’t seem sure.
[07:04.25]罗西 我确定 Rosie. I’m sure.
[07:06.96]好吧 你在这儿干什么 Okay. So, what are you doing here?
[07:08.83]- 哦 梅森少校把我安排在这间屋子 - 他做的? 哈 -Oh, Major Mason gave me this room. -He did, huh?
[07:12.03]- 是的 他是个好人 - 好人? -Yes, he’s been very lovely. -Lovely?
[07:16.87]如果把那张多余的床搬出去就好多了 but it will feel much larger once I have that extra bed removed.
[07:20.07]什么多余 那是我的 抱歉出去一下 It’s not extra, it’s mine. Will you excuse me for a second?
[07:23.74]没问题 你可以出去了 Yes. You are excused.
[07:32.22](DOOR SLAMS)
[07:44.06]别这么叫我 (SCOFFlNG) Don’t "pal" me.
[07:47.10]你... 你见过罗西了吧 You... You met Rosie?
[07:49.67]是的 她是谁啊 怎么会在我的房间 Yeah. Who is she and why is she in my room?
[07:53.24]呃 我只能带她来这 主任所命 Well, I had to bring her here. The director didn’t give me a choice.
[07:57.67]好吧 知道吗 一个正常的老爹 Okay. Just, you know, a normal dad
[07:59.61]到国外出秘密任务时 would go to a foreign country on a secret mission
[08:01.74]回来会给他的女儿带一件T恤衫当礼物 而不是一个大活人! and bring his daughter back a T-shirt, not a person.
[08:10.99]你应该先跟我说一声的 You should have warned me.
[08:14.09]卡特 我也没办法 这丫头只信任我 Carter, I didn’t have a choice. She doesn’t trust anybody but me.
[08:17.29]好吧 我懂这种感觉 Yeah, I know the feeling.
[08:19.36]嘿 我的工作很复杂 Hey, what I do is complicated.
[08:24.00]如果这样会伤害到我的家庭... But if I thought for one second it would hurt our family...
[08:26.44]我明白你的意思 老爸 Dad, I get it.
[08:29.47]- 你明白了? - 我有的选吗? -So, you’re in? -Do I have a choice?
[08:32.61]很好 我正想你帮忙呢 Good, ’cause I’m gonna need your help.
[08:35.48]她需要暂时留在这儿 隐蔽的 She needs to stay here for a while, undetected.
[08:37.75]为了防止这样的事情发生 And in order for that to happen,
[08:40.12]她要融入并成为一个普通的美国少年 she has to blend in as a normal American teenager.
[08:42.32]不 没可能的 老爹 她可是个公主 Yeah, no, that’s not gonna happen, Dad. She’s a princess.
[08:47.52]- 好吧 那我说她是谁呢? - 你的表妹 -Fine. Who do I say she is? -Your cousin.
[08:52.23]卡特 谢谢你 如果我们能把这事做好 Carter, thank you. Now, if we do our job right,
[08:55.37]她很快就能离开这儿 回到自己的国家 she’ll be out of here and back to her own country in no time.
[08:58.37]- 好吧 周二就走? - 会很快的.我保证 -Okay, so by Tuesday? -lt’ll be soon. I promise.
[09:04.31]- 还是你和我 好吗 丫头? - 不 -Still you and me, pal? -No.
[09:06.84]- 好嘛 好吗 快点 - 不 就不 -Come on. Come on. Come on. -(GlGGLlNG) No. No. No.
[09:08.71]- 这样呢? 不同意 - 不要 -ls that right? You’re gonna go... - No!
[09:10.21]- 就把你丢进水里 - 放我下来 -...in the water if you don’t say yes. -Put me down.
[09:11.95]- 放我下来 - 好吧 -Put me down. -All right.
[09:15.79]- 你把我头都晃晕了 - 好好对她 -You give me a headache. -Be nice.
[09:18.66]嗯 嗯 Mmm-hmm.
[09:23.43](DOOR OPENS)
[09:29.03]你有别的睡觉地方了? You have made other sleeping arrangements?
[09:31.17]听好了 这屋子不是你的 是我们的 我们分享 Look, the room is not yours. It’s ours. We share it.
[09:37.11]- 分享? - 是的 -Share? -Share.
[09:38.61]我知道这概念对一个公主来说可能有点陌生 I know that’s probably a foreign concept for a princess,
[09:41.24]意思就是你住在房间一边 but what it means is that you get one side of the room
[09:44.45]我住另一边 and I get the other.
[09:45.78]所以呆在自己的那边 So stay on your side.
[09:55.96]我不出这张了 CARTER: I don’t want that.
[09:57.76]好吧 JOE: That’s good.

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a.自动化的 | |
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vt.翻晒,撒,撒开 | |
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n.监护,照看,羁押,拘留 | |
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adv.积极地,勤奋地 | |
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n.政变;突然而成功的行动 | |
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n.变化;改造;转变 | |
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n.一套(家具);套房;随从人员 | |
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n.朋友,伙伴,同志;vi.结为友 | |
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