[00:01.72]我们应该请个灯光师 We should hire a lighting1 designer.
[00:03.69]会超出预算的 切尔西 你只能利用现有的 The budget’s gone, Chelsea. What you see is what you get.
[00:07.39]好吧 好吧 我知道了 Okay, okay. I know!
[00:10.96]一定要跟着我打聚光灯 A follow-spot just on me.
[00:13.43]淡淡的粉色 或者阳光样的金黄色 Maybe light pink, or golden like the sun.
[00:16.97]到时候封后就好了 It’s great to be queen.
[00:19.24]你现在还不是王后 卡特会赢的 You’re not queen yet. Carter could win,
[00:22.44]- 或者罗西 - 不可能的 维尔斯 -or Rosie. -Can it, Muffy.
[00:24.81]- 我叫玛格丽特 - 管你呢 -My name’s Margaret. -Not anymore.
[00:30.15]- 嘿 切尔西 - 别那么叫我 -Hey, Chels. -Don’t call me that.
[00:35.39]还有他非一般强大的表妹 and her strangely formal cousin.
[00:37.89]好吧 要是我们能让罗西失去"归途王后"的资格呢 Well, what if we could get Rosie to drop out of homecoming altogether?
[00:41.59]- 怎么可能 -有可能 -She would never do that. -She might.
[00:44.36]她并不像她自己所说的 她是罗萨琳达公主 <i>She’s not who she says she is. She’s Princesa Rosalinda.</i>
[00:51.10]这是西班牙语的 CHELSEA: It’s in Spanish.
[00:53.97]- 文章说什么了 - 我也不确定 -What does the article say? -I’m not sure.
[00:57.14]我很漂亮 但不是很聪明了 好吧 我试试 What? I’m pretty, not smart. Okay, let me try.
[01:03.25]是关于罗西和她妈妈的 It’s about Rosie and her mom.
[01:06.39]一个流亡他国 一个限于监狱 One of them has fled the country and one of them is in prison
[01:10.09]或者纸板里(大概西班牙语的婚约和 纸板很相似) or a paper bag.
[01:11.39]这两个词有点迷惑 I get those two mixed up.
[01:13.16]没有了 干的好 布鲁克伊 No biggie. Good work, Brookie.
[01:16.10]多谢 切尔西 Thanks, Chels.
[01:19.43]我有一个完美计划 CHELSEA: I have the perfect plan.
[01:35.58]- 嘿 女孩们 - 嗨 梅森先生 罗西在家吗? -JOE: Hey, girls. -Hi, Mr. Mason. Is Rosie home?
[01:39.25]- 可能吧 什么事 - 什么事? -Maybe. What’s up? -Up?
[01:41.55]我们要给卡特一点"公主"的惊喜 Well, we’re planning a little princess surprise for Carter.
[01:45.12]- 要去祝贺她 - 这是罗西的主意 -To congratulate her. -Yeah. It was Rosie’s idea.
[01:49.33]她在屋里呢 进去吧 She’s in her room. Go on in.
[02:03.84](SPEAKlNG SPANlSH)
[02:08.95]我从没听说过科斯塔卢娜 你呢 布鲁克伊? I’ve never heard of Costa Luna. Have you, Brookie?
[02:12.02]我也没 切尔西 No, Chels.
[02:14.02]我不知道你们在说些什么 I do not know what you are talking about.
[02:15.59]我们知道所有你和你妈妈的事情了 还有"纸板"的事 We know all about you and your mother. And the paper bag.
[02:19.53]- 什么? - 可怜的罗萨琳达公主啊 -What? -Poor Princess Rosalinda.
[02:22.50]你听说她在逃亡吗? Did you hear she’s in hiding?
[02:25.10]- 你不明白的 - 我当然明白你欺骗了我们 -You do not understand. -I understand that you lied to us.
[02:28.77]- 我只是为了保护我妈妈 - 逃避纸板? -Only to protect my mother. -From the paper bag?
[02:31.70]不是 No.
[02:32.91]听着 如果能帮我保守秘密 我会给你一份奖赏 Look, I will give you a reward for keeping my secret.
[02:36.21]- 我们知道你会的 - 你愿意吗 -We know you will. -You do?
[02:39.48]我们已经想好 And we already have it picked out.
[02:42.08]- 我不明白 - 我也不明白 -I don’t understand. -Yeah, me either.
[02:46.29]你要交出你的"皇冠" 公主 You’re gonna turn in your crown, Princess.
[02:48.45]你要告诉所有人 唯一真正的 You’re going to tell everyone that there is, and only will be,
[02:52.09]归途王后 就是我 one true homecoming queen, and that’s me.
[02:55.36]- 太棒了 - 可以 -That’s good. -Fine.
[02:57.56]你可以夺走我的"皇冠" You may take my crown,
[03:00.27]但你不能夺走卡特的 她对你没有威胁 but you will not take Carter’s. She’s no threat to you, Chelsea.
[03:06.14]好吧 Fine.
[03:07.34]就让鱼饵女当一晚上公主吧 Let Bait Girl play princess for one night.
[03:11.48]她怎么看都不像 She just won’t look like one.
[03:29.20](CHELSEA LAUGHlNG)
[03:31.36]舞会玩的开心的噢 CHELSEA: Have fun at the dance!
[03:34.00](BOTH LAUGHlNG)
[03:42.61](CAR HORN HONKlNG)
[03:49.42]看看切尔西和布鲁克伊都干了些... Look at what Chelsea and Brooke...
[03:52.12]- 出什么事了 - 我要走了 卡特 -What’s wrong? -I have to leave, Carter.
[03:54.49]离开 去哪啊 Leave? Leave where?
[03:56.52]回到我的国家 Back to my country.
[04:07.47]凯恩将军强迫我妈妈和他结婚 General Kane is forcing my mother into marriage.
[04:11.07]- 我爸爸不会让你回去的 - 他不会知道的 -Father’s never gonna let you go back. -He’ll never know.
[04:14.34]是的 我知道 我也不会让你回去的 Yeah, but I know. And I’m not gonna let you go back, either.
[04:16.58]卡特 你不能这么做 Carter, you have to stay out of this.
[04:18.71]我对我的人民有责任 I have a duty to my people.
[04:20.21]你永远不会明白的 And this is something that you’ll never understand.
[04:24.85]我已经爱上路易斯安那州这儿的生活了 I’ve loved living here in Louisiana.
[04:28.39]我希望每天都过这样的生活 And I wish my life could be like this every day.
[04:32.43]但这一切都不现实 But this is not reality.
[04:35.23]我是说 你觉的我公主的生活像童话吗 I mean, you think my life as a princess is some fairy tale?
[04:42.94]在这儿生活才是童话 This here is a fairy tale!
[04:46.37]而且我再也不能躲藏下去了 And I cannot hide here anymore.
[04:49.44]很快我就要成为科斯塔卢娜的王后了 Soon I will be Queen of Costa Luna.
[04:54.08]我的国家需要我 My country needs me.
[04:56.88]你是对的 他们的确需要你 You’re right. They do need you.
[05:01.92]他们需要你引导他们 保护他们 They need you to lead them, and to protect them.
[05:08.23]回到科斯塔卢娜 到底会是什么结局 which is exactly where you’ll end up if you go back to Costa Luna.
[05:21.01]我不允许这些事情发生 No way am I letting this happen.
[05:30.82](CELL PHONE RlNGlNG)
[05:36.02]哈喽 我是优雅 你是? Hola, this is Elegante. Who is this?
[05:38.62]那不重要 That’s not important.
[05:39.89]重要的是我是罗萨琳达公主的朋友 All that matters is I’m a friend of Princess Rosalinda,
[05:42.23]她现在要犯错误了 <i>and she’s about to make a very big mistake.</i>
[05:44.43]我的公主 要犯什么错? <i>My princesa? What mistake is this?</i>
[05:47.97]她想回家 <i>CARTER: She wants to come home.</i>
[05:50.20]不 不行 不能这么做 No, no, no, no, no, she must not.
[05:52.47](SPEAKlNG SPANlSH)
[05:53.57]太危险了 It’s too dangerous.
[05:55.48]我知道 我有一个计划 I know. But I have a plan.
[05:58.68]我要你仔细听好了 And I’m gonna need you to listen very carefully.
[06:01.71]我愿意为公主做任何事 <i>I will do anything for the Princesa. Anything.</i>
[06:05.69]好吧 首先 我需要两套衣服 Okay, to start with, I’m gonna need two dresses.
[06:18.56]你还好吗? You okay?
[06:20.37]我会想念这里的 I’m going to miss this place.
[06:24.00]我会想你的 卡特 I’m going to miss you, Carter.
[06:25.77]我也不知道为什么说这些 我也会想你的 I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m going to miss you, too.
[06:33.78]罗西 临走前能帮我个大忙吗? Rosie, can you do me a big favor before you go?
[06:37.88]任何事情都可以 Anything.
[06:38.99]你说过公主的工作就是帮助别人 You said it is a princess’ job to help others.
[06:42.76]是的 It is.
[06:44.12]好 周五晚上就是舞会了 Well, the dance is on Friday night,
[06:46.16]我想帮一些人 and there’s some people that I want to help.
[06:49.43]我想给他们一个特殊的夜晚 给我们全部 I want to make this night special for them, for all of us.
[06:53.67]等那过了在走好吗? Will you please stay until then?
[06:56.87]求你了 为了他们 For them, please.
[07:24.70]把你的下巴抬高点 MARGARET: That’s it, keep your chin up.
[07:27.40]这是在... JOE: What in the...
[07:28.67]就这样 保持 很好 MARGARET: Okay, stay there, that’s perfect. Very good.
[07:33.84]- 早上好 老爹 - 早上好 这是在... -Morning, Dad. -Morning. What the...
[07:35.88]你们女生要干什么啊 What are you girls up to?
[07:37.21]就是请了些学校的朋友啊 可以吗 Just having some friends over from school. Is that okay?
[07:39.51]当然 没问题 盒子里是什么 Yeah, yeah. It’s fine. What’s in the box?
[07:53.66]你确定归途舞会这件事吗 优雅绅士 <i>KANE: And you are sure about this homecoming dance, Senor Elegante?</i>
[07:57.73]当然 ELEGANTE: Absolutely.
[08:03.07]但我觉的你应该知道 将军 but I thought you should know, General.
[08:05.74]这是为了科斯塔卢娜好 It’s for the good of Costa Luna.
[08:09.44]你做一件正确的事情 先生 <i>You did the right thing by coming to me, senor.</i>
[08:15.01]告诉飞行员 我们直飞路易斯安那 tell pilot we will be flying to Louisiana.
[08:17.72](SPEAKlNG SPANlSH)
[08:23.62]好可爱的颜色 真可爱 A lovely color. Lovely indeed.
[08:27.49]加勒比海蓝 Caribbean blue, General.
[08:34.17]好了 去工作吧 你还有一件衣服要做呢 Well, back to work. You have a dress to finish.
[08:40.94]事实上 是2件 Two, actually.
[08:52.95]你从哪弄到这些的 Where did you get them?
[08:54.19]你说过有问题就找优雅先生 Well, you said to call Mr. Elegante if I had an emergency.
[08:57.26]我想这正是时尚圈的紧急情况 And I think that this is a fashion emergency.
[08:59.09]- 卡特 你真聪明 - 这是你的 -Carter, you are brilliant. -This one is yours.
[09:03.70]他说你穿粉色最好看 He says you look best in pink.
[09:06.40]这是我的 加勒比海蓝 And this one is mine. It’s Caribbean blue.
[09:11.70]谢谢你 卡特 我会永远记着这个晚上的 Thank you, Carter. This is a night I’ll always remember.
[09:18.61]希望如此 I hope so.
[09:21.55]你们准备好了吗 我们可能要迟到 Are you guys ready? ’Cause it’s getting kind of late.
[09:24.12]进来吧 女孩们 HELEN: Come on in, girls.
[09:25.62]海伦的美女之家正式营业啦 Helen’s House of Beauty is open for business.
[09:31.06](ALL CHATTERlNG)
[09:36.13]好了 Okay.
[09:38.83]这颜色最适合你 Oh, this is a great color on you.
[09:55.15]我看起来怎么样 老爸 How do I look, Dad?
[09:57.48]我想有一个问题 I think we have a problem.

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n.照明,光线的明暗,舞台灯光 | |
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n.王冠,王权,顶点;v.使...成王,加冕,居...之顶 | |
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n.饵,引诱物;vt.用饵引诱,折磨,奚落 | |
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n.监狱,看守所;vt.监禁,拘留 | |
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n.原料,材料,东西;vt.填满;吃饱 | |
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对…不忠( betray的现在分词 ); 背叛; 出卖; 泄露 | |
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n.喷气发动机,喷气式飞机;v.喷出,喷射 | |
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n.补足物,船上的定员;补语;vt.补充,补足 | |
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n.语气,音调,气度,色调;vt.(up)增强 | |
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n.朋友,伙伴,同志;vi.结为友 | |
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