[00:03.33]嗷! Ow!
[00:09.71]你在干吗? What are you doing?
[00:11.01]吃汉堡包啊 你吃过吗? Eating a hamburger. Have you ever tried one?
[00:13.94]当然 给你提供条免费消息 洛瓦人顿顿吃汉堡包 Yes. And FYl, they have hamburgers in lowa.
[00:17.58]哦 Oh!
[00:19.11]好吧 Right.
[00:20.92]- 你应该融入我们的生活的 - 我正在融入啊 -You’re supposed to be blending in. -I am blending.
[00:24.05]这样算是吗? 在课堂上说流利的法语 Speaking fluent French in class?
[00:26.16]像喝茶一样面条斯文的吃汉堡? And eating hamburger like you’re having tea with the Queen?
[00:29.12]- 哦 那该怎么吃呢? - 这样 -Well, how else should it be eaten? -Like this.
[00:34.60]就这样 The works.
[00:37.80]吃吧 There you go.
[00:40.57]嗯哼 Mmm-hmm.
[00:44.87]不要 Stop.
[00:49.98]现在吃吧 Now.
[00:54.35]- 像这样吗 - 很好 -Like this? -It’s perfect.
[00:56.15]注意了 注意了 我要宣布一件事情 <i>Can I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.</i>
[00:58.45]大家安安静静的坐好 行吗? <i>Can we sit down and settle down, please?</i>
[01:02.02]周一 我们要为归途中的女王 <i>On Monday, we’ll be taking nominations1</i>
[01:04.79]提名候选人 <i>for the homecoming court.</i>
[01:06.20](GlRLS CHEERlNG)
[01:10.70]善良 聪慧 仁慈 <i>Kind, intelligent, honest, charitable members</i>
[01:14.17]还必须是门罗湖当地人 <i>of the Lake Monroe community.</i>
[01:15.90]得票最多的三个女生 <i>Now, the three girls with the most votes</i>
[01:18.44]将有机会成为 "归途中的女王" <i>will become your homecoming princesses.</i>
[01:21.44](ALL CHEERlNG)
[01:24.25]还有 还有 <i>There’s more, there’s more.</i>
[01:26.58]周五晚上 在我们的周年舞会上 <i>On Friday night, at our annual dance,</i>
[01:29.25]其中一名幸运女孩 <i>one of these lucky girls will be crowned</i>
[01:31.75]将会加冕成为尊贵的门罗湖"归途中的女王" <i>your homecoming queen of Lake Monroe High.</i>
[01:34.99]耶 BOY: Yeah!
[01:36.76]谢谢 BURKLE: Thank you.
[01:42.30]我们很民主啊 风水轮流转 皇后人人当 We’re a democracy. We’re into voting.
[01:44.60]好吧 谁都可以成为公主吗? 你也可以吗? So then, anyone can be a princess? Even you?
[01:50.67]理论上讲是的 Theoretically.
[01:54.58]打扰下 大家伙 注意啦 Excuse me, everyone. May I have your attention?
[01:57.18]- 你要干吗 快坐下 - 不 不 -What are you doing? Sit down! -No, no.
[01:59.08]我像大家推荐 我的表姐卡特·梅森 做你们的王后 I would like to nominate my cousin, Carter Mason, to be your queen.
[02:03.99]我认为她是良好典范 I think that she would make an excellent ruler.
[02:08.76]男生1:卡特? BOY 1 : (WHOOPS) Carter?
[02:11.66]男生2: 耶 太好了 BOY 2: Yeah, right.
[02:18.23]这年头什么都敢胡来 唉 Was that for real? Wow!
[02:21.57]呵呵 ED: Oh, man.
[02:22.97]看起来我势在必得 Looks like I’m the queen.
[02:26.98]卡特! ROSALlNDA: Carter!
[02:29.48]- 卡特 - 别理我 -Carter! -Leave me alone.
[02:31.85]我命令你停下 I order you to stop.
[02:35.22]你命令我? 你还命令我 You order me? You order me.
[02:40.52]你不能命令我做任何事情 You cannot order me to do anything.
[02:42.36]想打架吗? 你可是在我们国家 Wanna bet? You’re in my kingdom now.
[02:43.86]好了 好了 Okay, hey, hey, hey. Whoa, whoa.
[02:45.86]嘿 怎么了 Whoa, what’s going on?
[02:46.96]爸爸 她根本做不来 她就没法像正常人一样 Dad, she can’t do it. She can’t act normal.
[02:50.37]- 我正常的很 - 是吗 好吧 -I am normal. -Really? Okay.
[02:52.50]一个正常的从没见过汉堡包的人 So, a normal person who has never seen a hamburger before
[02:55.60]却可以用六种语言对别人发号施令 can order one in six languages?
[02:57.54]啊 你这样啊 Really? You did that?
[02:58.91]我经常用我服侍的语言和他们交流 I always speak to my staff in their native tongue.
[03:00.81]可他们不是你的服侍 她们是打饭的夫人 好吗? They’re not your staff. They’re lunch ladies, okay?
[03:03.55]爸爸 你还没看出来这根本不可能吗? Dad, can’t you see that this isn’t gonna work?
[03:05.35]卡特 会好起来的 只是需要一些时间 Carter, it’s gonna work, okay? We just have to give it a little time.
[03:10.25](CARTER GRUNTS)
[03:15.92]会成功的 It’ll work.
[03:52.93]广播声音:今天将又是大热天 <i>MAN ON RADIO: It’s gonna be a scorcher again today...</i>
[03:56.03]- 嘿 厄尼 - 嗨 卡特 -Hey, Ernie. -Hi, Carter.
[03:57.10]- 你好 - 哦 又来了 -Hello. -Oh, great.
[03:58.87]早上好啊 卡特 你在做什么? Good morning, Carter. What are you doing?
[04:01.84]做家务 Chores.
[04:03.87]- 做家务 我不懂 - 是啊 你当然不懂 -Chores? I do not understand. -No, of course not.
[04:08.74]或许我可以学学"做家务" 你可以教我 Perhaps I could learn this "chores." You could teach me.
[04:13.58]知道吗 这是你有生以来最好的想法 You know, that’s the best idea you’ve had.
[04:16.29]我该做什么呢? What must I do?
[04:20.39]- 查货? - 就是算术啦 -lnventory? -Counting.
[04:24.33]查查这里面有多少 然后把他们放到这里面 好好干吧 You count what’s in here, and put it in here. Have fun.
[04:31.07]对了 如果你做完了 整个架子上都是 Oh! And when you’re done, there’s a whole other shelf, too.
[04:54.96]一条 One.
[04:58.49]- 一切还好吗 - 是的 很好 -Everything okay? -Yeah. Just peachy.
[05:03.43]- 你涂船头 - 好的 -You got the bow? -Uh-huh.
[05:05.47]别超过那条线 Stay above that line.
[05:06.80]- 什么线 - 就那儿 -What line? -Right there.
[05:08.80]好的 Okay.
[05:19.21]卡特 罗西在鱼饵店做什么呢? Carter, what’s Rosie doing in the bait shop?
[05:22.32]干活呢 Chores.
[05:25.35]爸 Dad.
[05:27.36]罗西! JOE: Rosie!
[05:29.29]- 你还好吗? - 我没事 -CARTER: Are you okay? -I’m all right.
[05:34.03]我想我得去洗澡 I think I need to bathe.
[05:39.77]卡特 你要负责把这清理干净 Carter, why don’t you go on in and clean this up, okay?
[05:43.34]- 为什么我啊 是她弄的 - 拜托了 我会帮你的 -Why me? She’s the one who did it. -Come on, pal7. I’ll help you.
[05:47.31]- 好吧 这一定都不好笑 - 是的 得了吧 -All right, it... It’s not funny. -(GlGGLlNG) Yes. Come on.
[05:50.28]- 有点好笑 - 好了 干活 -You know it’s a little funny. -All right. Here. Go.
[05:52.05]- 你也想笑 - 不 我不想笑 -You wanna laugh, too. -No, I don’t wanna laugh.
[05:53.58]- 不会 你也想笑 - 很搞笑 对吧 -Yes, you do. -This is serious. Come on.
[05:57.02]- 晚饭想吃什么 - 批萨 -What do you want for dinner tonight? -Pizza.
[05:59.32]批萨 昨晚刚吃过 吃汉堡吧 Pizza? We had pizza last night. How about... How about burgers?
[06:03.26]这样吧 批萨和汉堡 How about this? Pizza and burgers.
[06:06.30]- 两样都要? - 是的 我两样都想吃 -Pizza and burgers. -Yeah. I wanna do both.
[06:15.37]我还不知道我们还剩这么多东东呢 I didn’t know we still had all that stuff.
[06:18.51]- 这是什么 - 一顿简餐 -What’s all this? -A proper dinner.
[06:24.91]- 那是鱼饵 - 现在知道了 -It’s bait. -I’m aware.
[06:27.15]好吧 Okay.
[06:31.89]- 这儿 我来吧 - 别 别 -Here. Let me. -No, no.
[06:33.96]谢谢你 但今晚 我来服侍你 Thank you, but tonight, I serve you.
[06:36.66]好吧 我可不会拒绝的 Well, I’m not gonna say no to that.
[06:39.60]这是你的 It is for you.
[06:40.73]- 我的? - 嗯哼 -For me? -Mmm-hmm.
[06:42.20]戴上吗 很好 To wear. Okay. Fine.
[06:46.80]来吧 卡特 Come on, Carter.
[06:50.91]你会做饭? 我以为你有服侍帮你做呢 So, you cook? I thought you had servants for that.
[06:54.84]事实上 我妈妈是土生土长的农民 Actually, my mother grew up a peasant.
[06:57.85]她教会我做很多家庭食谱 So she taught me many family recipes.
[07:05.69](SPEAKlNG SPANlSH)
[07:09.59]哇! Wow!
[07:10.69]好吧 有点好的过头了 Yeah, that sounds kind of fancy.
[07:12.59]- 只吃批萨不好吗 - 这是鸡肉和大米 -Why don’t we just order pizza? -No, it’s chicken and rice.
[07:16.26]太棒了 上桌吧 Fantastic. Bring it on, Rosie.
[07:18.70](JOE CHUCKLES)
[07:20.04]知道吗 我从没吃过像样家庭饭菜 自从... You know, I haven’t had a real home-cooked meal since...
[07:22.77]从没吃过 Forever.
[07:25.27]是的 Right.
[07:27.41]开吃吧 Let’s dig in!
[07:32.08]- 你觉的怎么样 - 尝起来... -How do you like it? -That...
[07:36.75]- 谢谢 - 你真厉害 -Thank you. -This is terrific. You’re wonderful.
[07:40.79]谢谢 你要吃面包卷吗? Thank you. Would you like a roll?
[07:43.26]- 你还做了面包卷? - 是的 -You made rolls, too? -ROSALlNDA: Yes.
[07:45.16]- 我还不知道呢 - 是的 -I had no idea. -Yes.
[07:48.46]哇 Wow!
[07:49.77]去装一天农民一定很厉害 Must be nice to play peasant for a day.
[07:56.87]离开一下 Would you excuse me?
[08:27.60]你一点都不了解我 卡特 You do not know me, Carter.
[08:31.51]有什么大事吗? What’s the big deal?
[08:33.01]你总会和你的服侍回去的 You’ll be back with your servants
[08:34.94]很快还会有 你的个人厨师和私人老师 and your personal chef and private tutors soon enough.
[08:42.72]你爸爸都跟你说了我的什么? How much did your father tell you about me?
[08:45.55]有需要吗 我想我们只需要认识下就够了 Other than the obvious, I think we’re on a need-to-know basis.
[08:48.59]我想你需要知道我的名字叫做 罗萨琳达·玛丽亚·蒙托亚·菲奥雷 I think you need to know that my name is Rosalinda Marie Montoya Fiore,
[08:53.73]- 而且我是皇家公主 -当真? -and I am a royal princess. -(SCOFFS) No kidding.
[08:56.87]我来自一个叫做科斯塔卢娜的小岛国 I am from a small island nation called Costa Luna.
[09:00.20]- 从没听过 - 大部分地图上找不到的 -Never heard of it. -lt is not on most maps.
[09:03.47]它非常小 对于大国来说很不起眼 It is very small, very unimportant to large countries,
[09:07.14]但对我来说十分重要 but very important to me.
[09:21.26]我父王死后 把科斯塔卢娜留给了我 When my father died, he left Costa Luna to me.
[09:28.43]你用不着跟我说这些... You don’t have to tell me...
[09:29.66]在离我的加冕仪式还有一个月的时候 我的宫殿被袭击了 One month before my coronation, our palace was attacked.
[09:33.10]你的父亲十分勇敢 Your father was very brave.
[09:36.77]他拼命救出了你 我知道 He risked his life for you, I know.
[09:38.84]那就是他的工作 解救"无助" 受压迫的公主们 That’s his job. He rescues poor, oppressed princesses.
[09:43.71]但他告诉 我不得不把我母亲抛在身后吗? Did he tell you we had to leave my mother behind?
[09:47.02]入侵科斯塔卢娜的那个家伙 现在把她抓做人质 The man who invaded Costa Luna now holds her as a hostage.
[09:52.89]我不知道 I didn’t know.
[09:53.99]他们告诉我 只有变成罗西·冈萨雷斯 They told me my becoming Rosie Gonzalez
[09:55.72]这样才能保证她的安全 was the only way to keep her safe.
[09:57.83]好了 别说了 Stop. It’s okay.
[09:59.86]卡特 不管我做什么 你都不喜欢我 我很抱歉 Carter, whatever I did to make you dislike me, I am truly sorry.

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n.提名,任命( nomination的名词复数 ) | |
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n.被提名者,被任命者( nominee的名词复数 ) | |
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n.皇家,皇族 | |
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adj.充满笑声的,欢闹的;[反]depressed | |
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n.码头;桥墩,桥柱;[建]窗间壁,支柱 | |
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n.详细目录,存货清单 | |
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n.朋友,伙伴,同志;vi.结为友 | |
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n.小吃,开胃品 | |
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n.食物的一份&adj.帮助人的,辅助的 | |
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adj.疯狂的,发疯的n.窃听器( bug的名词复数 );病菌;虫子;[计算机](制作软件程序所产生的意料不到的)错误 | |
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n.马;int.向右!前进!,惊讶时所发声音;v.向右转 | |
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