[00:47.28]∮ Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket ∮ 抓住颗流星放入口袋
[00:50.76]∮ Never let it fade away ∮ 永不让其消逝
[00:54.80]∮ Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket ∮ 抓住颗流星放进口袋
[00:57.88]∮ Save it for a rainy day ∮ 把它留给雨天
[01:01.48]∮ For love may come and tap you on the shoulder ∮ 因为爱情会悄然而来 轻轻拍打你的肩膀
[01:07.64]∮ Some starless night ∮ 在没有繁星闪烁的夜
[01:11.80]∮ just in case you feel you wanna hold her ∮ 以备你想拥住心爱的她
[01:14.80]∮ You’ll have a pocketful of starlight ∮ 你会有满满一口袋的星光
[01:19.00]∮ Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket ∮ 抓住颗流星放入口袋
[01:23.44]∮ Never let it fade away ∮ 永不让其消逝
[01:27.04]∮ Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket ∮ 抓住颗流星放入口袋
[01:30.28]∮ Save it for a rainy day ∮ 把它留给雨天
[01:37.68]∮ For love may come and tap you on the shoulder ∮ 因为爱情会悄然而来 轻轻拍打你的肩膀
[01:42.56]∮ Some starless night ∮ 在没有繁星闪烁的夜
[01:43.12]∮ And just in case you feel you wanna hold her ∮ 以备你想拥住心爱的她
[01:49.48]∮ You’ll have a pocketful of starlight ∮ 你会有满满一口袋的星光
[01:53.72]∮ Pocketful of starlight ∮ 满满一口袋的星光
[01:57.56]∮ Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket ∮ 抓住颗流星放入口袋
[02:02.52]∮ Never let it fade away ∮ 永不让其消逝
[02:06.52]∮ Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket ∮ 抓住颗流星放入口袋
[02:09.88]∮ Save it for a rainy day ∮ 把它留给雨天
[02:16.16]∮ For when your troubles start multiplying ∮ 因为当麻烦接踵而至时
[02:22.92]∮ And they just might ∮ 它们也许
[02:25.80]∮ It’s easy to forget them without trying ∮ 它们可以被释怀
[02:31.36]∮ With just a pocketful of starlight ∮ 只要仅仅拥有满满一口袋星光
[02:32.72]∮ Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket ∮ 抓住颗流星放入口袋
[02:36.48]∮ Save it for a rainy day ∮ 把它留给雨天
[02:42.80]∮ Save it for a rainy day ∮ 把它留给雨天
[02:45.44]∮ Save it for a rainy day ∮ 把它留给雨天
[02:55.44]-You keeping busy? -Yeah, I’ve been busy. You know - 最近忙吗? - 嗯,还满忙的
[02:59.20]-Busy doing what? -Busy in the garden - 忙些什么呢? - 忙着整理后院
[03:01.48]ln the garden. You know what? You’re missing work. That’s what 忙后院的事,你知道吗? 因为你想念上班
[03:02.88]-l can see that. -No, l’m not missing work - 我很了解 - 我没有
[03:03.16]Yeah, you’re missing the buzz1 and the jokes and the guys. l know that 才怪,你是在怀念同事 还有热络的气氛,我很清楚
[03:07.44]-Don’t tell me that’s not true. Yeah. -Maybe a little - 别跟我否认 - 或许有点吧
[03:10.92]Are you gonna buy some meat or what? 你到底要不要买肉?
[03:11.56]Yeah, l’m gonna buy some meat. l’m looking at some meat right now 我是要买啊 我现在正在挑
[03:14.52]-l want to get some real good steak. -l got a special here on the rump - 给我来些上等牛排 - 今天后腿肉特价
[03:18.72]Forget the specials 别管什么特价品了
[03:20.68]l got the children visiting me this weekend from all over the country 我的孩子们这周末 从全国各地飞来看我
[03:21.60]Got them all around the same table, all four of them 我要和四个孩子聚餐
[03:34.44]Excuse me. Do you know about these wines? 抱歉,你懂这些酒吗?
[03:36.80]-The wine? These wines? -Yeah - 酒?这些酒吗? - 是的
[03:39.96]l stock this section. Why? ls there a problem? 这边酒是我上架的 怎么?有什么问题吗?
[03:44.48]No, l just wanna get some expensive bottles of wine for my children 不,我只是想替孩子们 买瓶好酒
[03:48.20]-This isn’t for children. -l know it’s not for children - 这不是给小孩喝的 - 我当然知道不是
[03:51.72]lt’s for my children that aren’t children anymore 是给我的孩子们 他们都已经长大了
[03:55.96]What would be the best one... ones of this? 哪瓶最好...这瓶吗?
[03:58.24]Well, we got wines from all over the world 我们有来自世界各地的葡萄酒
[04:01.12]We got English wines, you know, from France 有英国的、法国的
[04:05.84]We got ltalian wines from all over Europe 意大利的 欧洲各国葡萄酒都有
[04:09.28]l wanna make a good impression on my kids 我想要给孩子们留个好印象
[04:13.96]You will. Definitely 你一定会的
[04:17.36]with seven different grades 共分七种等级
[04:19.92]And there’s an automatic spritz to calm flames if the oil catches 这里有自动喷水器 以防炉内的油起火
[04:25.60]lt has an automatic rotisserie 还有全自动旋转烤肉架
[04:29.68]and when the lid is closed, the oxygen’s reduced to a level 盖子盖上时 内部的氧气浓度会降低
[04:33.52]Yeah 是喔
[04:37.72]-ls that what it’s going for? -648. That’s the sale price - 这多少钱? - 六百四十八,特价
[04:39.92]That’s a heck of a deal for this model. That’s as low as l can go 以这款来说真得很便宜了 不能再低了
[04:43.96]-How about 6? -Done. Sure. Absolutely - 六百如何? - 没问题,当然可以
[04:46.68]-Where do l... -You can just put it right in there - 这要放哪... - 摆在那里就可以了
[04:50.52]-Looks like somebody’s having a party. -Yeah, it’s just the family - 看来有人要开派对 - 嗯,家庭聚餐
[05:18.28]-Hello? -Dad, it’s Robert - 喂 - 爸,我是劳勃
[05:20.16]Robert 劳勃
[05:21.44]Dad, listen, things aren’t looking very good... 爸,听着 我的状况不是很好...
[05:28.12]-Sorry. -Well, that’s a shame - 抱歉 - 真可惜
[05:32.28]That’s a real shame 真是可惜
[05:34.00]Yeah, you’re gonna miss out on having some fancy wine 你会错过很棒的葡萄酒
[05:41.24]Yeah, so far all of them are coming 嗯,到目前为止 大伙都会来
[05:44.72]Some Friday night, some Saturday morning 有人星期五晚上到 有的则是星期六早上
[05:45.40]-I’m sorry again, Dad. -Yeah, l’m sorry, too, Rob - 我真的很抱歉,爸爸 - 我也是,小劳
[05:53.76]-I will. You take care. Okay. -Okay. You take care, too. Okay - 我会的,你保重,好吗? - 好的,你也是,好吗?
[05:57.68]Okay 好的
[06:19.92]Dad, hi. I can’t stop right now. I’m back on stage in a few minutes 爸,嗨,我现在没时间 我过几分钟还要上台
[06:23.00]The producers are flying in from Paris and wanna see the original cast 制作人们从巴黎飞来 要与剧组原班人马会面
[06:28.48]so I just can’t get away this weekend 我这周末真的走不了
[06:29.96]I’m sorry. I know I haven’t been home since the funeral 我很抱歉,我知道我从丧礼后 就没有回家过
[06:35.20]but I’m trying, I promise. I love you. I’m thinking of you 但我尽力了,我保证 我爱你,我会想你的
[06:40.52]Big kiss 亲一个
[06:41.36]Hey, Dad. It’s Amy 嘿,爸,我是艾美
[06:45.36]but things have just gotten really crazy at the agency 但公司真的忙到爆
[06:45.48]I’m really sorry to have to do this 很抱歉打这通电话
[06:50.84]and Jack’s sick with a fever. He missed school today 杰克又感冒发烧 今天还没去上学
[06:54.20]So between one thing and another 事情一件接一件
[06:55.52]we’re not gonna be able to make it this weekend 我们这周末没有办法赶回去了
[06:56.68]I’m really sorry, Dad 我真的很抱歉,爸
[07:02.24]And to make things worse 更糟的是
[07:05.72]He’s got a lot going on, a painting or something, but... 他事情也很多 大概是忙着画画还是什么...
[07:11.12]Anyway, I promise we’ll make it to you soon. Okay? 我保证我们一定尽快回去陪你 好吗?
[07:27.40]Well, you can’t 你不行
[07:28.68]You can’t just go flying all across the country 你现在的身体状况
[07:32.88]-not in your condition. -Who said anything about flying? - 不能四处搭飞机 - 谁说要搭飞机了?
[07:35.48]What about buses? What about trains? 如果是搭公车或火车?
[07:36.88]l’m worried about your lungs, Frank 法兰克,我很担心你的肺
[07:37.04]Don’t worry about my lungs. Worry about your lungs 别担心我的肺了 担心你自己的肺吧
[07:39.32]My lungs are fine 我的肺很好
[07:41.24]Fibrosis of the lungs requires you to take things easy 你的肺纤维化 不能太劳累
[07:45.52]l’m just going on the buses, on the trains... 我只是搭公车与火车...
[07:48.28]You picked the wrong job, Frank. l mean 你入错行了,法兰克 我是指
[07:51.44]breathing in humidified PVC all those years... 这么多年来 长期吸入湿化聚氯乙烯...
[07:55.84]You know, it’s just about seeing the family. You know, l... 我只是想要见见家人 我只是...
[08:00.40]Jean always kept in touch with everybody, and now it’s... 洁儿以前总是与大家联系...
[08:02.40]You know how it is. Now it’s down to me 你是知道的 现在是我的责任了
[08:07.68]-How are you managing on your own? -l’m fine - 你可以照顾自己吗? - 没问题的
[08:09.88]-You’re fine? Yeah, fine? -Fine, yeah. l’m fine - 你没问题?是吗? - 没问题,我很好
[08:14.04]You know, when l lost my wife 我老婆走的时候
[08:16.72]l found myself talking to her like she was still there 我发觉自己还是跟往常一样 跟她说话
[08:19.48]lt went on for months 连续好几个月都这样
[08:21.40]"Where the hell are my shorts?" “我的短裤呢?”
[08:25.96]No, no. There’s nobody there. No. Talking to myself 其实根本没有其他人在场 完全是我自言自语
[08:27.96]Crazy, huh? 像个疯子吧?
[08:30.04]-You do that, Frank? -No - 你会这样吗,法兰克 - 不会
[08:31.80]-No? No? -Not yet - 不会?不会吗? - 还没有
[08:35.28]Look, l hear what you’re saying, l do, but this trip 我懂你的想法,真的 但是这趟旅行
[08:40.28]it’s not what you need right now. You gotta take things easy 对你来说真的负荷太大 你必须要放轻松
[08:42.96]You do. Stay home 真的,请待在家里
[08:45.16]You know what you should do? Spend more time in the garden 你知道该怎么做吗? 多花点心思种花养草
[08:55.16]Ed said it was fine 艾德说没问题
[08:59.68]He said just take enough medication and stick to trains and buses 他说只要带够药 而且搭火车与客运就行了
[09:03.24]And l’ll take plenty of pictures, and l’ll bring home the news 我会拍很多照片 也会告诉你们路上的见闻
[09:12.08]l’ll start with David in New York 我先到纽约看大卫
[09:14.16]And if anything goes wrong, l’ll be right home 若有任何状况 我马上就回家
[09:20.56]Got my keys, got my wallet 钥匙带了,皮夹带了
[09:25.92]My keys, got my medication 钥匙带了,药带了
[09:33.04]Camera 相机
[09:35.32]Got my keys 钥匙带了

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v.充满了激动或活动的声音,发出低沉的声音 | |
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n.(教堂、教室、戏院等里的)过道,通道 | |
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v.精确计量;估计;n.标准度量;计量器 | |
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n.家禽,禽肉 | |
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n.加付款;赠品;adj.高级的;售价高的 | |
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vt.点燃,引发;vi.着火 | |
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n.肉片;鱼片 | |
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n.管弦乐队;vt.命令,定购 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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