[00:05.50]-Robert, Dad wasn’t on the bus. -What? - 劳勃,爸没搭那班公车 - 什么?
[00:10.18]I met the 1 0:00 bus like you said 我照你所说的10点到车站
[00:11.02]and everyone else got off, but he’s not on it 大家都下车了,他不在车上
[00:15.90]Well... Well, did you look in the station? I mean... 嗯...你有在车站找找吗? 我是说...
[00:18.42]Yeah, of course, I looked everywhere 当然有啊,我都找遍了
[00:21.78]I don’t know what to tell you. He was doing the 1 0:00 我不知该跟你说什么 他是要赶10点那班车
[00:25.46]So how can he not be on it? 怎么可能不在车上?
[00:29.14]Listen, the damnedest thing happened. I was brushing my teeth this morning 听着,发生了件该死的事 我今天早上刷牙时
[00:33.14]and I left my bottle of pills right on the edge of the sink 把药摆在水槽边上
[00:35.02]Well, I knocked the whole thing right into the sink, and it got all wet 结果我把药罐打翻了 药全都湿了
[00:39.78]-you’re as bad as me, you know that. -The damnedest thing - 你跟我一样糊涂 - 真该死
[00:42.34]Listen, I’ll write a new prescription4, all right? 听着,我开新的药单 好吗?
[00:46.14]Just pop in. I’ll leave it in the reception 你随时可以来拿 我就留在柜台
[00:47.14]ls that the only way to get them? Go to reception? 只有这方法去拿吗? 到柜台去领?
[00:49.70]l have to come in? 我一定要亲自去吗?
[00:52.02]The garden is doing... ls great... l’m... lt’s doing... l’m looking right at it 后院...很好 很...我正在看着后院
[00:57.98]Looking really good, really good 一片欣欣向荣
[01:02.82]-Hello? -Hey, it’s me. Are you home? - 喂? - 嘿,是我,你在家吗?
[01:07.54]No. I’m waiting for you. Where are you? 不,我在等你 你在哪里啊?
[01:07.90]-He told you I was coming, didn’t he? -No - 他跟你说我要来,对不对? - 没有
[01:11.78]I told him not to tell you I was coming, and he told you 我叫他不要跟你说我要来 他还是跟你说了
[01:37.06]-Welcome to Vegas, Dad. -Yeah. Thanks - 欢迎到赌城,爸爸 - 谢谢
[01:44.02]l didn’t order a stretch. l just wanted something comfortable 我没有叫加长礼车 只想要台舒服点的车
[01:47.46]lt’s good. No, it’s got plenty of leg room, that’s for sure 很好啊,的确很宽敞
[01:50.18]That’s why they call it a stretch 所以才叫加长啊
[01:51.46]-l missed you. -l miss you - 我好想念你 - 我也很想你
[01:54.30]-l’ve been worried about you. -Tell me about your show - 我很担心你耶 - 跟我说说你主演的秀
[01:59.50]Okay, we were at the Bellagio, and it was a big production 好啊,我们在贝拉吉欧酒店 很盛大的制作
[02:08.22]-the lead. -Of course - 女主角 - 当然
[02:08.74]-And you would have loved it. -Well, when can l go? - 你一定会很喜欢的 - 我什么时候能去看?
[02:13.50]-lt finished last week. -lt finished? - 上礼拜下档了 - 下档了?
[02:15.18]Yeah. Next time you have to fly out and come see me. l just... 是啊,你下次要坐飞机来看我 我只是...
[02:20.90]l didn’t wanna bother you this time 我这次并不想打扰你
[02:23.34]because l knew that you weren’t feeling well 因为我知道你身体不舒服
[02:24.02]-but look at you. -Well, look at you - 但你看来很好 - 你看来才好
[02:27.46]A dancer in a Las Vegas show on the big stage 在赌城大舞台上的舞者
[02:28.34]just what you always wanted. Are you happy? 是你从小的梦想 你快乐吗?
[02:33.38]-Very happy. -Yeah? - 非常快乐 - 是吗?
[02:38.98]-A man. l know. -Well... - 一个男人,我知道 - 嗯...
[02:52.98]-This is where you live? -No, this is an elevator - 这是你家吗? - 不,这是电梯
[02:54.54]Very good 很好笑
[03:04.58]-Really. -Okay - 真的 - 好吧
[03:11.26]-Wow. -You like it? - 哗 - 你喜欢吗?
[03:13.38]-lt’s... -Very me? - 很... - 很像我的风格吧?
[03:15.42]Very you. Very impressive10 非常像你,很壮观
[03:21.62]-Well, do you wanna see your room? -Sure - 你要看你房间吗? - 好啊
[03:24.50]Okay. Come on 好,跟我来
[03:28.10]So, bed or sofa? Sofa or bed? 床还是沙发?沙发还是床呢?
[03:32.94]This is my room? 这是我房间?
[03:35.34]-lt’s huge. Look at that television. -l know - 好大啊,你看那台电视 - 是啊
[03:38.82]l’ve booked us dinner at a place called the Stratosphere 我在高塔大饭店订了位
[03:42.18]-Do you know what that is? -No - 你知道那是哪里吗? - 不
[03:46.62]-Stay just like that. -Okay - 别动 - 喔
[03:51.50]l’ll just get that. Stay there, l’ll be right back 我去开门 别走开,我马上回来
[03:52.34]Okay, one more time 好的,再一张
[03:54.42]l’m gonna take another picture 我要再拍一张
[03:58.98]-Jilly, hi. -Hi. How are you? - 洁莉,嗨 - 嗨,你好吗?
[04:01.78]l need a favor. l have to go pick up Paul from the airport 我需要你帮个忙 我要去机场接保罗
[04:02.18]Good. Come on in. l want you to meet... 很好,进来,我介绍...
[04:04.74]-and l haven’t got the car seat. -Okay. l want you to meet my dad - 我没有儿童座椅 - 好,我介绍我爸给你认识
[04:08.62]-Great. Hi. -Hi - 好啊,嗨 - 嗨
[04:09.42]-Dad, this is my friend, Jilly. -How you doing? - 爸,这是我朋友洁莉 - 你好吗?
[04:11.58]-Hi. l’m Jilly. -What was it? - 嗨,我是洁莉 - 什么来着?
[04:15.30]-Hi, Jilly. -lt’s a pleasure to meet you - 嗨,洁莉 - 幸会
[04:17.26]-How are you doing? -How are you doing? Who’s this guy? - 你好吗? - 你好吗?这小家伙是谁?
[04:20.26]This is Max, and we could really use a favor 这是麦克斯 我们真得很需要帮忙
[04:24.22]Could you watch him for a few hours? 可不可以帮我看他几个小时?
[04:25.10]Yeah. Well, the only thing is, is that we were gonna head out later for dinner 嗯,可是我们待会要出去吃饭
[04:30.10]You know, it’s fine. You know, l’m gonna pop downstairs 没关系,我到楼下去
[04:31.18]-l can just see if Helen’s around. -We could stay in if you want - 我去看看海伦在不在 - 我们可以待在家
[04:33.66]No. l think you guys should go out 不,你们该出去走走
[04:33.78]No, you’re tired. lt’s fine 不,你累了,不要紧
[04:35.94]-l’m easy, whatever it is. -We’ll take him - 我无所谓啊 - 我们带他吧
[04:38.06]-You sure? You sure? -Here, give him to me - 你确定?确定? - 我来抱
[04:41.46]Thank you so much. Well, listen, l should be back in time 真得很感谢你 我应该在你们吃饭前
[04:44.42]for you guys to go out anyway. lt’ll just be a couple of hours 就会回来了 只要几个小时的时间
[04:45.70]But thank you again 但真得很谢谢你
[04:48.78]Okay, yeah, it’s fine. Well, l can bathe him 没问题,我可以帮他洗澡
[04:54.34]Okay, l’ll call if l need anything. Honestly 好的,需要什么我再打给你 真的
[04:57.74]l’ll be all right. Okay. Bye 没问题的,好,再见
[05:03.58]Slight problem 有个小问题
[05:06.26]-Jilly? -Yeah - 洁莉吗? - 嗯
[05:09.14]Paul’s flight was cancelled, so he’s stuck in LA 保罗的飞机被取消了 他现在困在洛杉矶
[05:13.42]and she’s going to pick him up 她要开车去接他
[05:14.62]So, that means we have Max for the night 所以麦克斯要跟我们过夜
[05:21.10]lt’s okay 没问题
[05:21.90]What’s the matter? What’s the matter? 怎么了?怎么了?
[06:00.62]Okay, just stay up. Give me your arm 好,坐好喔,手给我
[06:03.74]-Do you want me to get that? -No, Dad, just leave it. lt’s fine - 要我接吗? - 不,爸,别管它了
[06:08.42]-Okay. -Thanks - 好 - 谢谢
[06:11.58]Keep your eyes closed. Keep your eyes closed 眼睛闭上,眼睛闭上
[06:13.10]Hi. I’m not here right now, so please leave me a message 嗨,我现在不在家 请留言
[06:19.54]It’s me 是我
[06:19.70]Look, I need the apartment back sooner than I thought. So call me 听着,我可能需要提早回家 打个电话给我
[06:48.18]A nice apartment 很棒的公寓
[06:50.74]Yeah, it’s a little big, though 是啊,有点太大
[06:52.86]-You bought it? -No, l’m renting it, but l got a good deal - 你买的? - 不,租的,但是很便宜
[07:05.46]Listen, l’m gonna leave tomorrow. l’m gonna go back home 听着,我明天就要走了 我要回家去
[07:08.54]-But you just got here. -l know, but it’s been a long trip - 但你才刚到 - 我知道,可是长途跋涉
[07:11.34]l’m running low on my medication. l just thought l’d... 我的药有点不够了 我想我...
[07:15.02]Well, can’t we get you a refill? 不能在这补药吗?
[07:20.10]lt’s been a long trip, honey 这次旅途很长,甜心
[07:24.06]Yeah. You look tired 嗯,你看来很累
[07:26.54]l’m okay. l should get home 我没事,我该回家了
[07:31.30]Would you be okay with that? 这样可以吗?
[07:33.38]Yeah. Course 当然可以啊
[07:36.38]You should do what you want. Here, take that 你该做你想做的事 这个给你
[07:44.70]l was thinking of flying 我想坐飞机回去
[07:47.22]-You never fly. -l know - 你从不坐飞机的 - 我知道
[07:57.26]Thank you 谢谢
[08:01.06]-Cheers. -Cheers - 干杯 - 干杯
[08:07.50]You didn’t really wanna eat out, did you? 你根本不想出去吃饭 对不对?
[08:11.50]No. l didn’t. Not 800 feet above the ground in a revolving restaurant 嗯,我不想 尤其是在250公尺高的旋转餐厅
[08:25.38]Remember when your mother taught you how to eat spaghetti? 还记得你妈教你 怎么吃意大利面吗?
[08:27.58]Yep 记得
[08:36.02]Sometimes l pick up the phone to dial her number 我有时还是会拿起电话 拨她的号码
[08:39.38]and then l remember 然后就会想起
[08:41.98]Keep calling next time 下次继续打
[08:43.98]The number’s still the same, and l’m still on the other end 电话没变,而我会在另一头接听
[08:49.90]-Yes. -l don’t know what it is with you kids - 是的 - 我真不知道你们这些孩子怎么了
[08:50.94]-Okay. -Yeah? - 好 - 是吗?
[08:52.42]You always told your mother everything 你们什么都跟妈妈说
[08:54.90]You never told me anything. You were always on the phone with her 但却什么都不让我知道 你总是在跟她讲电话
[08:59.58]l’d pick up the phone, l’d say, "Hello," you’d say "Hi, Dad. Mom there?" 我接电话说声“喂” 你就回:“嗨,爸,妈在吗?”
[09:02.38]lt wasn’t that bad. lt was just that 哪有那么糟,只是
[09:06.86]Mom was easier to talk to and you always worried so much 跟妈比较好讲话 事情稍微不完美
[09:08.54]-if everything wasn’t perfect. -No, that’s not true - 你就紧张兮兮的 - 才没有
[09:15.02]-We could just talk to Mom. -But you couldn’t talk to me? - 我们可以跟妈聊 - 却不能跟我聊?
[09:17.98]Well, she was a good listener. You were a good talker 她是个很好的听众 你是个很棒的演说者
[09:21.34]Well, so that’s good. We made a good team 那很好啊 我们是很配的组合
[09:25.82]Yeah 是啊
[09:29.10]You wouldn’t change anything, would you? 你会想要改变什么吗?
[09:32.50]You pushed us pretty hard 你逼我们逼满紧的
[09:36.26]No. That’s not true. l... 不,才没有,我...
[09:39.62]You didn’t all feel that way, did you? 你不会一直这么想吧?
[09:41.82]l think David felt it the most 我想大卫的感触最深
[09:46.62]Yeah, well... 嗯...
[09:52.38]l can see that 这我理解
[09:56.14]He so never wanted to let you down 他一直都不想让你失望
[10:00.82]l know 我知道

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adj.坦白的,直率的,真诚的 | |
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int.该死,他妈的;vt.指责,贬斥,诅咒 | |
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n.马;int.向右!前进!,惊讶时所发声音;v.向右转 | |
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n.处方,开药;指示,规定 | |
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n.魔力,魅力;vt.迷住 | |
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n.美人鱼 | |
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adj.遗失的,缺少的,失踪的 | |
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adj.广阔的,宽敞的 | |
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n.睡椅,长沙发椅;vt.表达,隐含 | |
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adj.给人深刻印象的,感人的 | |
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adj.旋转的,轮转式的;循环的v.(使)旋转( revolve的现在分词 );细想 | |
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v.使(液体)溅起( splash的现在分词 );(指液体)溅落;击水声 | |
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