[00:05.16]-Dad’s not answering his phone. -Well, don’t call him - 爸爸不接电话 - 那就别打给他
[00:08.44]Not till we know what’s going on with David 等了解大卫发生什么事再说
[00:10.04]-Is there any more news? -No - 有新消息吗? - 没有
[00:12.52]I just had that one call from Mexico saying he’d been arrested 我只接到一通墨西哥的电话 说他被逮捕了
[00:14.92]I keep leaving messages, but no one’s calling back 我一直留言 但都没有人回
[00:18.68]-I think we should tell Dad. -Not until we know what’s going on - 我觉得应该跟爸说 - 我们得先了解状况
[00:21.24]Just avoid talking to him for a couple of days 再躲他个几天吧
[00:24.88]-till we know the facts, okay? -Okay - 等我们弄清楚再说,好吗? - 好
[00:42.04]-Oh, my God! -Surprise - 我的天啊! - 惊喜吧
[00:45.12]Yeah, definitely1. Come on in, Grandpa 真的是,外公,进来吧
[00:51.60]-Man, does Mom know? -No, l hope not - 老天,妈知道吗? - 希望不知道
[00:56.64]l thought you were supposed to be in bed with a fever 我还以为你发烧躺在床上
[00:57.44]-l don’t know, am l? -That’s what she told me - 不知道,我有吗? - 她是这样跟我说的
[00:59.72]Yeah, l think l was... 嗯,我想我是...
[01:01.60]-lt’s got a handle. -Of course it’s got a handle - 有把手 - 当然有把手
[01:05.12]-l didn’t know that. -lt’s got wheels - 我不知道 - 还有轮子啊
[01:09.56]-Yeah. Look how big you got. -l know, right? - 嗯,看你长多大了 - 可不是吗?
[01:11.88]-Gee. -Hey, listen. l’m online - 哗 - 我还在网上
[01:17.56]-l’ll be back in a minute. -All right. You do your thing - 我马上就回来 - 好啊,去忙你的
[01:21.72]-Mom’s out back. -Okay, good - 妈在后面 - 好的
[01:26.56]No, l need to get down there. Yeah 不,我得下去一趟
[01:28.56]Can you check out some flights and see what’s available? 帮我查一下机票好吗?
[01:42.20]Amy! 艾美!
[01:46.16]Dad? 爸爸?
[01:53.00]What are you doing here? 你怎么在这?
[01:54.40]What do you mean, what am l doing here? 什么叫我怎么在这?
[01:54.68]Everybody didn’t show up for the visit 大家都没有来
[01:57.68]So l said, "lf you don’t come to me, l’m gonna go to you." 我就想:“你们不来找我 那我就去找你们”
[02:01.20]You crazy man 你好疯狂
[02:02.84]Look at you. You haven’t been well. You shouldn’t be traveling 看看你,你身体不舒服 不应该出远门的
[02:05.76]-Did you check with the doctor? -l checked with the doctor - 你有问过医生吗? - 我问过医生了
[02:07.12]-You checked with him? -Of course l checked with the doctor - 你有问过他? - 我当然问过医生
[02:07.44]-Jeff home? -No, not yet - 杰夫在家吗? - 还没回来
[02:10.20]Let me find out when he’s coming back 我去问问他几点回来
[02:14.72]So everybody dropped out of the visit? l didn’t realize. l had no idea 大家都取消了吗? 我完全不知道
[02:20.24]How did you get here? 你怎么来的?
[02:23.76]-You didn’t fly, did you? -No, of course l didn’t fly - 你没坐飞机吧? - 当然不是坐飞机
[02:24.12]l took a train to New York to see David 我先搭火车去纽约看大卫
[02:27.52]and he wasn’t there so l took a bus here 但他不在家 然后我就搭客运过来这
[02:29.72]-You took a bus? To Chicago? -Yeah. All by myself - 你搭客运?一路到芝加哥? - 是啊,就我一人
[02:38.92]Yeah, no, he did. Definitely, it was a 2 4-hour thing 嗯,不,他是啊 一天就好了
[02:46.40]l like the house 我很喜欢这屋子
[02:48.60]-Yeah? But you’ve seen pictures. -l’ve seen pictures - 是吗?你看过照片了 - 我是看过
[02:49.36]l haven’t seen the house, not the real thing 但我没亲自来看过屋子
[02:52.68]-Hey, everyone. -Hey, Jack - 嘿,大家 - 嘿,杰克
[02:56.16]-How’s it going? -Good - 怎么样? - 不错啊
[02:57.00]Jack, why don’t you take Grandpa outside and show him your golf? 杰克,不如你带外公到外面去 给他看看你的高球球技?
[03:02.40]-You play golf? -Sure, l’m a natural - 你会打高尔夫? - 当然,我是天生好手
[03:04.16]-Yeah, l’d like to see that. -You wanna see that? - 让我瞧瞧 - 你想要看吗?
[03:06.16]-Where are you hitting it? -To that flag over there - 你要往哪打? - 那边那面旗子
[03:09.24]All the way out there? Oh, boy. Okay 那么远吗?哗,好
[03:12.84]-My record’s three. -Three? - 我的记录是三球进洞 - 三球?
[03:17.84]l’ll believe that when l see it. Come on, let’s go 让我亲眼看见才算数 来吧,开始吧
[03:20.20]-You watch. -Okay - 你看好喔 - 好
[03:28.64]Not bad 不错嘛
[03:31.80]-Beat that. -l’ll beat that, easily, but... - 想赢我? - 要赢你轻而易举,但是...
[03:35.88]All right 好吧
[03:38.40]Now l’ll just have to show you a few things 我先教你几样东西
[03:48.44]-Come on, Tiger Woods. -You ready? - 来吧,老虎伍兹 - 准备好了吗?
[03:53.20]-Take your time. -Okay, ready? Yeah - 慢慢来 - 好的,预备?好
[03:57.60]-Oh, shit! Sorry. -What was that? - 可恶!抱歉 - 那是什么啊?
[03:59.88]Shot that... 那一球...
[04:02.92]That was just a practice shot. Give me another one of those 那是练习挥杆 再给我一颗球
[04:03.36]l’m going after this 我这次要打到
[04:10.68]Here we go 来吧
[04:18.88]-You hit the spice garden. -One more. Come on - 你打到花园去了 - 再一球,来吧
[04:20.36]l’m your guest. One more. Let’s go 我是客人,再一球,快
[04:20.64]This is the last one. Come on. This is... 最后一球了,来吧,这...
[04:21.84]Come on. One more. One more. Let’s go 快点,再一球,再一球 快点
[04:25.20]-This is my last one. -One more - 最后一颗球了 - 再一球
[04:27.80]-Don’t lose this one, too. -Give me another ball - 别又弄丢了 - 再给我一球
[04:28.60]Put it down. Be a sport 放下来,合作点
[04:29.28]-l wanna watch this baby fly. -Ready? - 这球会飞得又高又远 - 预备?
[04:33.28]-Ready? -lmpress me - 预备? - 让我折服
[04:45.60]Can you just... Yes, Chinese food would be fine 你可不可以... 好,中国菜可以
[04:47.44]No, of course not. No, he doesn’t know anything 不,当然不行 他什么都还不知道
[04:52.32]So, l hear you’re doing very well at school 我听说你在学校功课很好
[04:53.04]-Nah, not really. -What do you mean "not really"? - 不算好 - “不算好”是什么意思?
[04:56.72]Your mother says you’re at the top of your class 你妈说你是班上前几名的
[05:01.92]-Does she? -Yeah - 是吗? - 嗯
[05:06.56]-You have to work hard at school. -Yeah, l know - 你要用功读书 - 我知道
[05:09.72]l’ll tell you what l used to tell your mother when she was your age 我现在跟你说的话 你妈在你这年纪时也听我说过
[05:12.32]About being the best and getting to the top? 要很优秀并高人一等吗?
[05:15.80]-That’s right. -Yeah, she warned me about that - 没错 - 嗯,她警告过我了
[05:36.20]-Jeff’s home. -Okay - 杰夫回来了 - 好
[05:46.92]-Hey, Frank. -Hi, Jeff - 嘿,法兰克 - 嗨,杰夫
[05:50.32]What’s all this? Come here, come here 怎么回事?过来,过来
[05:55.60]-Surprise. -Big surprise. Big surprise - 惊喜 - 大惊喜,大惊喜
[05:56.84]-Look at you. You’re looking so well. -You, too - 看看你,气色真不错 - 你也是
[05:59.84]lt’s good to see you 很高兴见到你
[06:03.20]Oh, my God! What a day! 我的天啊!好忙的一天!
[06:06.40]You don’t wanna know. l’m sorry l’m so late 你不会想知道细节的 抱歉这么晚才回来
[06:07.92]-Can you believe this? -Can l believe it? - 你相信吗? - 我相信吗?
[06:11.80]Well, nothing surprises me about this guy 这人做什么都不令我惊讶
[06:15.76]Well, the place was really crowded today 今天人多到爆
[06:16.96]l can’t believe l was able to get out of there alive 我能活着出来就很庆幸了
[06:20.04]Don’t just eat your rice. Make sure you eat your chicken 别光吃饭,鸡肉也要吃
[06:23.12]Okay? 好吗?
[06:44.88]Let me get you a fork 我帮你拿叉子
[06:46.16]You don’t know how to use chopsticks? 你不会用筷子吗?
[06:48.24]Yeah, l can use them 我会啊
[06:48.92]l can use them to beat you at golf, that’s how well l can use them 我用筷子打高尔夫球 都可以击败你
[06:51.24]-You like making fun of me, don’t you? -Yeah, you’re funny - 你很喜欢笑我,是吧? - 嗯,你很好笑
[06:53.24]-Yeah, l’m funny, huh? -Try this - 是喔,我很好笑吗? - 用这个吧
[06:57.48]Thanks. A fork. A regular fork 谢谢,叉子,普通的叉子
[07:00.96]Now l can eat without dropping this all down my shirt 现在我可以放心吃 不用担心滴得一身
[07:08.44]Jack? 杰克?
[07:17.56]No 不要
[07:19.88]-Jack, pass him the sauce. -l’m not passing anything - 杰克,把辣椒酱给他 - 我什么都不给
[07:20.08]Don’t be silly 别闹了
[07:21.36]l don’t really want it. lt’s fine. l don’t need it 我不用酱料也没关系 不要紧
[07:26.44]-You sure? -Stop asking him - 你确定? - 别问他了
[07:29.80]He’s not stupid. lf he says no, he means no 他又不笨 他说不要就是不要
[07:31.80]lf he changes his mind, he knows where it is 若他改变主意 他自己也知道摆在哪
[07:33.16]-He can get it himself. -Jack - 自己拿就是了 - 杰克
[07:38.32]-l’m sorry, Dad. -That’s okay - 抱歉,爸 - 不要紧
[07:50.08]So, what are your plans? 你有什么计划呢?
[07:50.48]Well, l thought that l would stay a day or two or so 我想说待个一、两天
[07:59.04]and then head on out to see Robert. Surprise him on his tour 然后去看看劳勃 到他巡回演出地方给他个惊喜
[08:02.60]That would have been so great. lt’s just, this week’s really difficult 这会是个很棒的计划 但这礼拜真的很不方便
[08:12.16]and Jeff’s flying out on business tomorrow 杰夫明早又要出差
[08:20.88]Well, maybe l can just spend time with Jack? 或许我可以跟杰克相处几天?
[08:27.36]and then he’s off on a field trip for three days 然后户外教学要出去三天
[08:31.04]-A field trip? Where are you going? -l don’t know - 户外教学?你要去哪? - 我不知道
[08:32.92]Nobody tells me anything anymore 大家什么都不告诉我
[08:38.12]Well, you know, look 嗯,看来
[08:39.96]that’s what happens when you show up unexpectedly10 临时登门拜访就是这样
[08:40.16]l understand. You’re busy. That’s fine. Look... 我了解,你们都很忙 不要紧,听着...
[08:48.04]Oh, God, l feel awful. Any other time but this week 我真的很不好意思 但除了这礼拜随时都好
[08:51.80]Listen, l’ve had a good time. l’ve seen the house 听着,我很开心 我看到了房子
[08:54.20]l’ve seen Jeff and you 也看到了杰夫与你
[08:57.28]and l let this guy beat me at golf, so all in all it’s been a pretty good trip 让这小子赢我高球 这趟也不算白跑了
[09:00.64]-l’m really sorry, Dad. Really. -No - 我真的很抱歉,爸 - 不
[09:03.56]l’m gonna call Robert tonight and find out where he’s gonna be at 我打个电话给劳勃 问他人会在哪里
[09:07.00]l just... He’s really busy 我只是...他真的很忙
[09:10.72]He’s on tour, and l just don’t know if it’s gonna be possible. What? 他在巡回演出 不知道找不找得到他,怎么了?
[09:10.92]No, don’t call him, because l wanna surprise him 不,别打给他 我想要给他个惊喜
[09:15.36]-Okay. -Promise? - 好 - 你发誓?
[09:17.88]Yeah, promise. Absolutely. Yeah 好,我发誓,绝对
[09:33.84]I’m putting Dad on the train tomorrow 我明天送爸上火车
[09:35.16]He’ll be with you in Denver the next morning 他隔天早上在丹佛与你会面
[09:35.44]What? No, I’m rehearsing. I haven’t got time to meet him 什么?我在排练 我没有时间陪他
[09:38.84]Well, he can’t stay here! 他也不能待在这
[09:40.24]I need to get on a flight to Mexico to see what’s going on with David 我需要去墨西哥一趟 看大卫到底是怎么回事
[09:43.72]Is he okay? Have you spoken to him? 他还好吗?你跟他说到话了吗?
[09:44.52]No, but I got through to the police today 没有,但我今天找到警方了
[09:49.56]but they won’t give me any more details over the phone 但不愿在电话上跟我谈细节
[09:50.88]So I’m gonna try and get on a flight tomorrow 我尽量明天赶过去
[09:54.12]Amy, listen, I don’t know if I can lie to Dad about David when he gets here 艾美,听着,等爸到时 我不知道能不能瞒住大卫的事
[09:58.00]Well, just make up an excuse to get him to Rosie’s 随便找个理由 让他到萝西那去
[10:00.48]Say you’re flying off to Europe for a concert or something 就说你要飞欧洲演出 还是什么的

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adv.一定地,肯定地;明确地,确切地 | |
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n.插座,千斤顶,男人;v.抬起,提醒,扛举;n.(Jake)杰克 | |
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adj.坦白的,直率的,真诚的 | |
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n.赞成,赞成的意见,赞成者 | |
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n.基督,救世主,耶稣 | |
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int.该死,他妈的;vt.指责,贬斥,诅咒 | |
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n.辣椒 | |
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vt.监督,管理 | |
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n.经办;代理;代理处 | |
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adv.未料到地,意外地;竟;居然;骤然 | |
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adj.有关系的,有关联的,叙述的,讲述的 | |
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