[00:03.40]That’s too obvious. I’m not gonna do that 那太明显了 我才不会这么说
[00:05.04]-Well, think of something yourself! -Are you okay? - 那你就自己想办法啊! - 你还好吗?
[00:23.24]Jeff, come on! 杰夫,快点!
[00:31.04]Jeff, come on. Dad’s waiting to take a photo! 杰夫,快点 爸爸在等照相!
[00:34.52]Just get it out, and l’ll look at it when l get there 先拿出来就是了 我到时再看
[00:36.48]-All right. Okay, bye. -l’ll take one of you two first - 好的,拜 - 我先拍你们俩
[00:38.48]-Okay. -All right. Here? - 好 - 好的,这里吗?
[00:43.44]Little over this way 过来一点
[00:45.64]Okay. Little... 好,再一...
[00:53.48]Together. Everybody together. Together 一起,大家一起 一起
[00:57.44]-Where’s the... -lt’s the silver button on top - 在哪... - 上面有个银色的按键
[01:00.84]-Oh, my God. This is film. This is great. -Smile - 天啊,底片相机,真棒 - 笑一个
[01:03.44]Yep. Okay! Give me a beautiful... All right 好的!漂亮的一笑... 好的
[01:03.60]Watch your finger. Your finger’s on the edge 小心你的手指 压到镜头边了
[01:13.56]-but he says he’s not doing that well. -Well, he was at the top of his class - 但是他却说他功课不好 - 他原本是成绩优异
[01:17.84]He’s struggling at the moment, that’s all 现在有点不顺罢了
[01:21.72]l tell you the good news and spare you the bad 我只是选择告诉你好消息
[01:23.20]lsn’t that what Mom used to do for you when we were kids? 我们小时候时 妈妈不也这样对你?
[01:25.20]lt doesn’t matter what your mother did 你妈做了什么不重要
[01:27.88]Tell me the bad news as well as the good news from now on 从现在开始,不管好消息 或坏消息都要让我知道
[01:31.36]-Do you understand? -Fine - 明白吗? - 好啦
[01:34.12]You doing okay at home? 你在家还好吗?
[01:36.40]-You doing okay at home? -Fine - 你在家还好吗? - 很好
[01:38.60]-You sure? -Yeah - 你确定? - 嗯
[01:39.88]Are you sure? 你确定吗?
[01:44.40]l didn’t realize there was so much to do around the house 我从未发觉 家里有这么多事要做
[01:45.24]Mom would have loved to hear you say that 妈要听到你这话 一定很开心
[01:48.76]Yeah 是啊
[01:55.72]Jeff just doesn’t let Jack get his own way all the time, that’s all 杰夫不是事事都依杰克 就这样而已
[01:59.80]They always fight 他们俩总是在吵
[02:02.68]l checked the train times. There’s one in a few hours 我查过火车时间表 过几小时就有一班车
[02:05.76]l just gotta drop by the office first 我必须先绕到公司一下
[02:08.24]-Advertising? -Advertising agency, yeah - 广告公司? - 广告公司,对
[02:11.20]-Your agency? -Part mine - 你的公司? - 我是股东之一
[02:29.20]Amy. Wait, wait, wait 艾美,等等,等等
[02:31.20]To your left a little. To your left, to your left 左边一点,过去点,左边
[02:35.28]-Okay. -One more. lt’s okay - 好 - 再一张,不要紧
[02:36.28]Just hold on 等一下
[02:38.52]-A little to your left. Left, left, left. -l’m so sorry - 左边一点,左、左、左 - 真抱歉
[02:40.32]That’s it 这就对了
[02:45.52]-l got it. Yeah. -You got it? - 照到了,嗯 - 拍到了吗?
[02:47.88]-Yeah, no, that’s a fish. lt looks great. -lt looks good - 嗯,不,那是条鱼,看来不错 - 不错啊
[02:51.76]Yep. lt’s home owners, blue collar to middle class 好,蓝领到中产阶级 拥有房子的人
[02:56.12]-Like my dad. -l guess, yeah. Sure - 像我爸这样 - 我想是吧
[03:00.04]-l guess. -Just like your dad. Sure - 应该吧 - 就像你爸爸,没错
[03:02.52]So, pitch it to him. Let’s see what he thinks 那就向他推销 看看他的反应
[03:04.12]Hey, Dad. Come over here 嘿,爸,过来一下
[03:05.60]-Right now? Sure. -Yeah - 现在?好啊 - 嗯
[03:08.16]-Hey. Tom. -Tom? Hi, Tom. Frank - 嘿,汤姆 - 汤姆?你好,我是法兰克
[03:09.16]-Frank, l’m Steph. -Steph? - 法兰克,我是史提夫 - 史提夫?
[03:12.36]-Hi, Dad. "Dad" ’cause of... -Hi. Frank - 嗨,爸爸,叫“爸爸”是因... - 嗨,法兰克
[03:14.44]We got a TV commercial. They’re gonna pitch it to you. Okay? 我们有个电视广告 他们要用来向你推销,好吗?
[03:19.60]-To... -Sit down - 为了... - 请坐
[03:20.92]-Sit here? -Yeah - 坐这吗? - 嗯
[03:22.68]-ln your chair? -Yeah - 你的位子吗? - 嗯
[03:25.36]-Now you’re in charge. -Nice chair - 现在换你当老板 - 很舒服
[03:27.68]Okay, so it’s an ad for TV, for a financial organization... 好的,这是电视广告 金融集团的...
[03:30.76]-Yeah, don’t tell him. Just pitch it. -l’m so sorry - 别告诉他细节,推销就是了 - 抱歉
[03:33.40]Okay. So there’s a guy by the lake, and he is fishing just like this 好的,有个人在湖边 这样子在钓鱼
[03:39.88]Pine forests. Snow-covered mountains 四周是松树林与白雪覆盖的群山
[03:42.08]And he’s wearing a quilted jacket ’cause, you know... lt’s, like, really cold 他穿了一件铺棉夹克 因为...很冷
[03:44.76]What do you do when it gets cold? Put a quilted jacket on 天气冷时该怎么办? 穿件铺棉夹克
[03:46.12]-He’s a little nippy. -A couple layers - 他有点冷 - 穿了好几层
[03:50.64]Okay, here we go. Big fish jumps out of the water 好的,水里跳出尾大鱼
[03:52.44]l’m talking a big mother with big beady eyes 很大很大的鱼 眼睛瞪的大大的
[03:58.88]"Hey, brother, you looking for me?" Voice over “老兄,你在找我吗?” 然后进旁白
[03:58.96]Looks at the guy, right in the eyes, and he says 它直视着这个人并对他说
[04:03.92]"Ever wonder why life wasn’t this easy? 您是否曾想过人生为何 没有这么容易的事?
[04:12.00]We cut to a shot right here of this guy by a campfire 然后切入这个人坐在营火旁
[04:12.08]-"can be this easy." -Okay - “就这么简单” - 好
[04:15.08]We see that big fish right above some coals, right? Close-up of the fish 然后木碳上有这尾大鱼,对吧? 鱼的特写
[04:19.04]Boom, right there! As he says 镜头拉进,到这!然后它说
[04:26.88]-You like it? -Yeah, it’s funny - 你喜欢吗? - 嗯,很好笑
[04:27.28]That’s... 那真是...
[04:30.08]lt’s funny. The fish talking, it makes me laugh 很有趣 会讲话的鱼惹我发笑
[04:30.88]Yeah, it’s funny. lt’s very funny 嗯,很好玩,很好笑
[04:32.68]Fish usually don’t talk. That’s why it’s... 鱼通常不讲话,所以才...
[04:35.36]The fish with the face and the voice. lt looks like a fish. You look like a fish 有表情与声音的鱼 很像鱼啊,你也像条鱼似的
[04:38.40]Oh, my God, l just said that to him yesterday. That he looked like... 天啊,我昨天才这样跟他说 说他像条...
[04:41.28]His mom looks like a flounder 他妈妈长得像比目鱼
[04:45.88]-What was it for? -What, the fish? - 这是在说什么? - 指鱼吗?
[04:48.56]-No, the spot. What was it selling? -Yeah, the loans - 不,那个广告,在卖什么? - 喔,贷款
[04:52.48]That... 那...
[04:53.52]lt’s... Transferring the loans to another company 就是...将贷款转到另一家公司
[04:55.84]it’s as easy as getting the fish out of the water 就跟水里抓鱼一样容易
[04:57.20]Good. So, does the client like it? 很好,客户喜欢吗?
[05:02.28]-Likes it, but doesn’t wanna go with it. -Why not? - 喜欢,但不愿意选这支 - 为什么?
[05:03.68]They feel uncomfortable about saying that it’s easy to transfer your debt 他们觉得转贷很轻松 这种说法有点不妥
[05:09.12]-Because... -Because it’s not - 因为... - 因为并不容易
[05:11.24]-lt’s actually a nightmare. -lt’s, like, really hard - 实际上像是场噩梦 - 真的很困难
[05:13.40]-lt’s like an impossible dream. -lt’s like sudoku - 简直是不可能 - 像玩数独
[05:14.84]Okay, but he’s not paying us to advertise the fact 好的,但是他雇用我们 目的并不是要推销
[05:16.80]that he has a perfectly average product 一个平淡无奇的产品
[05:19.56]He’s paying us to be economical with the truth 他付我们钱是要 简短有力的广告
[05:21.16]So tell him from me he’s gotta go with the talking fish 去跟他说 我说要他采用说话的鱼
[05:26.44]By the way, your daughter is really good at her job 对了,您女儿工作能力很强
[05:28.84]-l know. That’s the way she is. -And she has great hair! - 我知道,她一直都这样 - 而且她头发好漂亮!
[05:45.84]l know. Yeah, but you know what? lt was fine 我知道,嗯,但你知道吗? 很好
[05:51.68]There was a line. Sorry 要排队,抱歉
[05:53.00]My watch is off by an hour. Should l change it? 我的表差了一个小时 要不要调啊?
[05:58.28]You came from New York, so, yeah, you need to go back an hour 你从纽约来的 所以要调慢一小时
[06:01.04]Use Central Time 中部时间
[06:04.64]You were laughing on the phone. That was nice to see 你刚才讲电话时笑了 很漂亮
[06:07.60]-l was? -Yeah - 我有吗? - 嗯
[06:09.40]-lt was just work. -lt was nice - 谈公事而已 - 很漂亮
[06:13.96]-Was it the fish? -The what? - 是鱼的事吗? - 什么事?
[06:14.96]-The fish? -Yeah, the client went with the fish - 鱼啊? - 嗯,客户决定采用鱼了
[06:17.76]They said they should give it a name. l said we should call it Frank 他们说应该帮它取个名字 我说我们应该叫它法兰克
[06:21.00]-Because of me? -Of course ’cause of you! - 因为我吗? - 当然是因为你啊!
[06:25.72]-No, not because of me. Really? -Yeah. For real - 才怪,才不是因为我,真的? - 真的啊
[06:27.28]-Frank the fish? -Frank the fish - 大鱼法兰克? - 大鱼法兰克
[06:29.56]-No? -What? - 不可能? - 怎么啦?
[06:29.68]-Hi. -Hey - 嗨 - 嘿
[06:33.64]Hey, you should be at your desk, shouldn’t you? 嘿,你不是应该在办公桌上?
[06:35.32]Dad, this is Tom, one of our creative directors 爸,这是我们的 创意总监之一,汤姆
[06:38.80]-Tom, this is my dad, Frank. -Hi, sir. Nice to meet you - 汤姆,这是我爸,法兰克 - 先生你好,幸会
[06:40.92]-Tom. -So, what are you up to? - 汤姆 - 你在忙些什么?
[06:45.80]l was supposed to be heading out of town to meet a client 我本来要出城去见客户
[06:46.64]but the train got delayed 但是火车误点了
[06:47.36]-Hey, why don’t you sit down? -No, no, no, l’d be interrupting you - 不如坐坐吧? - 不,不,我不想打扰你们
[06:50.56]-No, it’s fine. lt’s fine. -Really? - 不,不要紧 - 真的吗?
[06:51.92]-Yeah. Sit down. -Well, thank you - 是啊,坐嘛 - 谢谢
[06:55.68]So, do you live here or are you just visiting? 你住在这还是来玩?
[07:00.36]No, no, l’m just staying the one night 不,不,我只住了一晚上
[07:07.44]-Here, this is for you. -What is it? - 这是给你的 - 是什么?
[07:09.32]-You’ll see. -Well, tell me - 你看了就知道了 - 跟我说嘛
[07:13.00]No, you’ll see. You’ll see. l didn’t wanna send it in the mail 不,你看了就知道了 我不想用邮寄的
[07:16.40]-You’ll see. -Okay - 看了就知道 - 好
[07:17.16]You know what l’m trying to do? 你知道我想要做什么吗?
[07:18.80]l’m trying to get us all around the same table 我想让大家共聚一餐
[07:21.84]The same table. Yeah, like we used to at Christmas 共聚一餐,是呀 就像以前过圣诞一样
[07:26.96]Are you happy? 你快乐吗?
[07:28.72]-What do you mean? -Are you happy? - 什么意思? - 你快乐吗?
[07:31.40]Yeah, of course l am. l’m... 我当然快乐,我...
[07:34.08]Good. Good. Good girl 很好,很好,好女孩
[07:38.44]A happy one. First one on my list 快乐的孩子,我名单中第一个
[08:03.88]lsn’t it terrible about Alice? 爱丽丝台风真可怕,对吗?
[08:12.96]My name is Alice, so l took an interest 我也叫爱丽丝 所以我对它特别留意
[08:17.44]-lt’s Greek, l think, Alice. -ls it Greek? - 爱丽丝好像源于希腊 - 是希腊吗?
[08:21.08]-lt means truth. -Truth - 意思是真相 - 真相
[08:26.88]Yeah, well, l heard about it. l... 嗯,我有听说,我...
[08:31.72]l was there a few days ago. l must have just missed it 我前几天才在那 可能刚好错过了
[08:34.84]-You’re lucky, then. -Yeah, well, l’m always lucky - 你真是个幸运的男人 - 我一向都很幸运
[08:37.28]l’m always lucky 一向都很幸运
[08:50.40]Amy, have you seen David? 艾美,你见到大卫了吗?
[08:51.64]-No, not yet. -Why not? - 还没有 - 为什么?
[08:54.28]Well, I had an appointment with a guy at the prison, but he didn’t turn up 我跟监狱的人约好了时间会面 但他没有来
[08:57.20]And I went to the embassy and found a lawyer 我到大使馆去找了个律师
[09:00.96]but he can’t meet till the morning. I’ve just been running around 但他要到明天早上才能与我碰面 我跑了一天了
[09:03.52]Hopefully tomorrow I’ll start to get somewhere 希望明天能有些进展
[09:05.40]-and we can tell Dad. -Okay - 就可以跟爸说了 - 好
[09:08.68]Look, I’ll call you as soon as I know what’s going on 听着,我一有消息 马上会通知你
[09:11.08]But, listen, don’t worry. Okay? 但是,听着,别担心 好吗?
[09:51.48]Could you take a picture of me in front of this? 能不能帮我在这前面照张相?
[09:52.84]Yeah 好啊
[09:58.24]And one more just to... 再来一张...
[10:00.12]Like... Could you... Yeah 可不...请你...嗯

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n.插座,千斤顶,男人;v.抬起,提醒,扛举;n.(Jake)杰克 | |
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n.辣椒 | |
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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n.顶点;饰章;羽冠;vt.达到顶点;vi.形成浪尖 | |
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n.(美口)密友,伙伴 | |
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adj.令人惊叹的,难得吓人的,很好的 | |
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adj.范围广大的,一扫无遗的 | |
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