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  • 英语新闻听写 XboxOne二代机曝光 Video game companies have announced future releases of popular consoles. 游戏公司宣布未来主机发布计划。 Sony will be offering a 4k update to the Playstation 4, while Nintendo will be releasing the NX in 2017. 索尼将推出4k升级版
  • 英语新闻听写 美国将花数千亿美元修复交通基础设施 In a survey that will be published on Thursday, almost two-thirds of Americans would support roadway user fees to help fix the country's deteriorating transportation infrastructure. 在周四将公布的一项调查中,近三分之二的美国人支持
  • 英语新闻听写 斯坦福推OceanOne人形潜水机器人 Ocean One was created by a team of scientists at Stanford University and displayed in the French city of Marseille. 斯坦福大学研制Ocean One目前在法国马赛市展出。 It's a humanoid diving robot that is coming for your nightmares. Ocean
  • 英语新闻听写 麦当劳走营养路线 In a competitive world of nutrition, fast food icon McDonald's has announced they will be changing their recipe to provide a healthier chicken nugget. 营养产业竞争激烈,麦当劳快餐宣布改变食谱,提供更健康鸡块。 Nugget McLo
  • 英语新闻听写 火爆美食圈中的新宠 你吃过吗? Korean Eatery Creates Rainbow Grilled Cheese Sandwich 大热的彩虹牵丝吐司 美食圈中的新宠! So long, rainbow bagel, make room for rainbow grilled cheese! 彩虹甜甜圈要为彩虹奶酪三明治让位啦! Otherwise known as a rainb
  • 英语新闻听写 咖啡因,你到底对我们的神经和身体做了什么? The Problem of Artificial Willpower 所谓人工意志力的隐患 Drugs like caffeine can positively alter how we experience what we are doing. 含有咖啡因一类的药物能够改变我们对事物的认知。 Taken consistently, they might help
  • 英语新闻听写 奥巴马大女儿放空一年再上哈佛 The White House announced on Sunday, Malia Obama will attend Harvard University. 周日白宫宣布,玛利亚奥巴马将就读哈佛大学。 The eldest Obama daughter will take a year off after she graduates high school before heading to the Ivy
  • 英语新闻听写 特斯拉预计今年交付8万至9万辆车 Tesla Motors Inc said on Wednesday it was on track to deliver 80,000 to 90,000 electric vehicles this year 周三,特斯拉称预计今年交付8-9万辆电车, and that it would be produce 500,000 vehicles in 2018, two years faster than expected
  • 英语新闻听写 强生再次落败爽身粉致癌案 A St. Louis jury has ordered Johnson amp; Johnson to pay $55 million over claims that its talcum powder causes cancer. 因强生爽身粉致癌案,圣路易斯法院判处强生索赔5500万美金。 The jury deliberated eight hours Monday on a Sou
  • 英语新闻听写 超级英雄也纳税 Wait Superheroes Pay Taxes? 慢着!超级英雄也纳税? This Monday was the last day to file your taxes in 2016, and some of Americas favorite fictional comic book heroes are dreading the task. 本周一是美国2016年纳税申报的最后一天
  • 英语新闻听写 只要自信,胖又有什么关系? Plus-Size Woman Proves Size Doesn't Matter At Old Navy 美女子力证胖人也能活出自信 Rachel Taylor is taking a personal stand against fat-shaming. 近日,雷切尔泰勒在社交网络上立场坚定地反对肥胖歧视。 The brunette w
  • 英语新闻听写 中国明星子女真人秀或将被禁 China Issues A Ban On Child Stars 中国明星子女真人秀或将被禁 China continues the attempts to prevent the making of child stars. 中国反对各大影视包装炒作未成年人。 This time, the country has placed a ban on the children o
  • 英语新闻听写 无人机送餐时代到来 Starbucks lets you to get your coffee pretty quickly by allowing you to order ahead. 只要提前预定,星巴克就将以最快速度将咖啡送到您手中。 But Uvionix is trying to go one better by removing the need to go collect your coffee
  • 英语新闻听写 肯德基推出炸鸡味指甲油 KFC Hong Kong is taking the brand's finger lickin' good slogan literally. 香港肯德基将吮指原味鸡变成现实。 They've created a line of edible nail polish that tastes like fried chicken. 推出一系列炸鸡味指甲油。 Ogilvy amp; M
  • 英语新闻听写 海洛因成本大降 美国毒瘾人数狂增 U.S. Heroin Use Jumps as Costs Drop 海洛因成本大降 美国毒瘾人数狂增 U.S. health officials said on Tuesday that heroin overdose deaths in the United States nearly quadrupled between 2002 and 2013, 周二美国卫生部官员表示,200