英语新闻听写 如何忘记前男友?
Over the past few years Khloe Kardashian has had high-profile relationships with Lamar Odom, French Montana and James Harden. 过去几年间,科勒卡戴珊与拉玛尔奥多姆、 French Montana以及詹姆斯哈登的恋情一直备受瞩目。
英语新闻听写 你吃的无谷蛋白食品真的健康吗?
Some major supermarkets have recalled products advertised as gluten-free because they may actually contain gluten. 一些大型超市收回了部分含谷蛋白的无谷蛋白类食品。 An alert for Asda, Sainsbury's, Waitrose, Tesco and Morrisons
英语新闻听写 世卫组织否定咖啡致癌 称“高温饮料”才是罪魁祸首
The World Health Organization's cancer agency released a statement on Wednesday claiming that there is no conclusive evidence that drinking coffee causes cancer. 周三,世界卫生组织癌症机构发布一份声明,称没有确凿的证据表明
英语新闻听写 脸书即时通讯又推足球游戏
At first, no one was too psyched about the Facebook Messenger app 起初,人们对脸书即时通讯应用(Messenger)并不在意, but Facebook has certainly changed the game so to speak 但脸书却拿它大做文章, by adding fun new sec
英语新闻听写 大众将投资100亿欧元发展电动汽车
Volkswagen will invest more than 10 billion euros by 2025 in areas such as electric cars and ride-hailing in the wake of its emissions-test cheating scandal. 因陷排放作弊丑闻,大众拟到2025年前投资100亿欧元,为电动汽车及叫车
英语新闻听写 想要美翻炎炎夏日?你需要这个!
Would You Pay Over A Grand For Sunnies? Karlie Kloss Did 炎炎夏日也能时尚又拉风! Suddenly with summer upon us, stars like Karlie Kloss , Olivia Wilde and even a few Real Housewives have been spotted out sporting one of the world's most p
英语新闻听写 女子腹中肿瘤竟然是未出世的妹妹
Just when you thought the plastic surgery reality series Botched couldn't get any more interesting... 当你觉得美国整形真人秀节目《Botched》毫无乐趣时, Patient Tanya admits that when she was younger she suffered extreme stomach p
英语新闻听写 奥巴马纪念奥兰多遇难者 呼吁严格控枪
On Thursday President Barack Obama declared that a military campaign against terrorism abroad will not be enough to prevent lone wolf attacks like the shooting on Sunday in an Orlando nightclub. 周四,奥巴马宣布海外军事打击恐怖主义不
英语新闻听写 日益加剧的大火迫使加利福尼亚居民逃离
On Friday, fire officials said that a wildfire has continued to advance near the coast of Santa Barbara, California, ripping through over 1,400 acres and forcing homeowners to flee. 周五,消防官员称大火已经持续推进,靠近加利福尼亚
英语新闻听写 奥巴马总统参观约塞米蒂国家公园
resident Obama praised national parks while visiting Yosemite on Saturday, and said that climate change is no longer a threat, its a reality. 周六,奥巴马总统访问约塞米蒂时称赞国家公园,称气候变化不再是一个威胁,而是
英语新闻听写 黑客可轻松侵入你的手机
Your smartphone can be hacked very easily without your knowledge. 想要轻松侵入手机且不让机主知晓,这其实再容易不过了。 Adi Sharabani, the co-founder of mobile security company Skycure, 互联网安全公司Skycure联合创始人
英语新闻听写 法代表团将身着鳄鱼牌战袍亮相
French athletes will wear Lacoste for the upcoming Olympics. 法国运动员将身着Lacoste(鳄鱼)品牌亮相里约。 Lacoste is to renew its collaboration with the French National Olympic and Sports Committee for the 2017-2020 Olympiad. 鳄鱼
英语新闻听写 邻家有儿初长成!
Beckham Boys Featured On Vogue China Cover 贝家有儿初长成 David and Victoria Beckham's sons, Romeo and Brooklyn, seem to be following in their parents fashion footsteps. 贝克汉姆和维多利亚的爱子罗密欧和布鲁克林似乎是要紧
英语新闻听写 母血筛检唐氏综合症更安全?
A safer test for Down's syndrome that reduces the risk of miscarriage could soon be available on the NHS. 一种更安全的、可降低流产风险的唐氏综合症筛查疗法将被纳入英国国民健康保险制度。 One in every 200 women los
英语新闻听写 数千名冲绳民众抗议美军驻扎
The United States has most of the Japanese military bases on the island of Okinawa. 美国在冲绳岛上有大部分的日本军事基地。 But the bases have recently come under fire after a string of incidents between the military personnel on th