侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第61期:我能把你脑袋咬下来
One Allosaurus moved off to flank the unsuspecting Ceratosaurus. 一头异特龙离开绕向毫无防备的角鼻龙侧面。 The rest headed to center stage. 其余的前往主战场。 The Ceratosaurus is out numbered and scientists now know it was
侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第62期:旁边是孩子毫无生机的尸体
Allosaurus are cooperative hunters. 异特龙是合作猎手。 So as two of them move down to take on their adversary head-on, the third moves off in a different direction in an effort to outflankthe Ceratosaurus. 两头异特龙从正面向对手靠近
侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第63期:以不变应万变
Allosaurus was built to move at good pace compared to other dinosaurs. 异特龙跟其它恐龙相比移动速度出色。 Some experts estimate they could run as fast as twenty miles an hour. 有些专家估计它们能跑到时速三十多公里。
侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第64期:不慎陷入泥潭
With Camarasaurus, it's operating purely by instinct. 对于圆顶龙它完全靠本能行动。 They also discovered that the Camarasaurus would have sent out a distress call which Allosaurus would pick up and recognize. 人们还发现圆顶龙会发
侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第65期:首领留下独自面对威胁
The Allosaurus make a very wise decision to abandon the Stegosaurus and go for the Camarasaurus. 它们做出了非常明智的决定放弃了剑龙,开始攻击圆顶龙。 That Stegosaurus just freed his tail and killed one of them. 剑龙刚刚解
侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第66期:体温出现红色警报
Under the intense heat of the Jurassic sun, scientists believe an unseen force would begin to take its toll. 在侏罗纪烈日的曝晒之下,科学家们相信一种不可见的力量会发挥其威力。 The massive size of these Allosaurus make
侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第67期:在湖床上来去自如
Three Allosaurus have killed a Ceratosaurus. 三头异特龙杀死了一头角鼻龙。 A Stegosaurus, wielding his lethal tail spikes, has killed one of the unsuspecting Allosaurus. 一头剑龙抡起致命的尾刺干掉了一头没有防备的异特
侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第68期:全球气候变化是催化剂
The Allosaurus was so focused on the fact that Camarasaurus was stuck, it wasn't in top predator mode. 异特龙过于关注圆顶龙被困泥中,这一点它们没有使用顶级掠食者模式。 That meant it got in too close. 就是说它们靠得
侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第69期:深海里游荡着一种巨兽
egalodon, 50 tons of pure menace in the body of a monster shark, dwarfing today's Great White. 巨齿鲨,体重达五十吨,这怪兽般的鲨鱼无比凶残,让现在的大白鲨相形见绌。 Step by step, science expands the evidence to sho
侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第70期:巨大的鲸之杀手
Over the last several hundred years, thousands of prehistoric whale bones have been found with deep gashes sliced into them. 在过去数百年间,人们发现了数千块史前鲸骨上面划有深深的沟痕。 They're found on ribs, vertebra, t
侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第71期:恐龙巨大的咬合力
As investigators studied the large serrated teeth of the giant shark, they discovered the massive power of its bite - a force of 20 tons. 在调查者研究这些巨鲨的大型锯齿状牙齿时,他们发现了它巨大的咬合力可达二十吨。
侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第72期:巨齿鲨竟无法转弯
Megalodon, fossils are found in the kind of geologic deposits that form pretty close to shore. 能在离海岸非常近的地质沉淀物中,发现巨齿鲨的化石。 So, as far as we know, it was not a deep water kind of species or an open ocean
侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第73期:日本发现深海怪物
Along with its massive size, powerful jaws and dagger-like teeth, investigators discovered something else. 除了其巨大体型,有力的双颌以及匕首般的牙齿之外,调查者发现了其他的事情。 Megalodon stalked its prey with an
侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第74期:神秘的四贺村小镇
Megalodon. The largest carnivorous fish ever to prowl the oceans. 巨齿鲨。海洋中出现过的最大的掠食性鱼类。 Megalodon as a species, it receives a lot of interest. 巨齿鲨这个物种,引发了很多人的兴趣。 It is the clo
侏罗纪搏击俱乐部 第75期:鲸其实是有腿的
Incredibly, whales are closely related to hoofed animals, in particular, the pig and the hippo. 很难相信,鲸类跟有蹄类动物的关系非常接近,特别是,猪和河马。 55 million years, the actual evolutionary origins of whales and