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  • 朝鲜两次发射舞水端中程导弹 均告失败

    North Korea fired two missiles last Wednesday morning from its eastern coast, according to South Korean and U.S. officials. 据韩国和美国官方消息称,朝鲜于上周三早晨在其东部海岸发射了两枚导弹。 Both are believed to be...

  • 靠实力才能赢得尊重 "中国制造"成欧洲杯最大赢家!

    The 2016 UEFA European Championship, commonly referred to as Euro 2016, is not only a visual feast for Chinese soccer fans but also an opportunity for Chinese businesses. 2016年欧锦赛,通常称为欧洲杯,不仅是中国足球迷的视觉盛宴...

  • 双脚残疾父亲一路爬行寻找儿子!

    In what can only be described as truly heartbreaking, Chen Shengkuan, a Chinese man with a mobility-related disability, has been moving from city to city on his hands and feet in search of his missing son, local news reports. 据当地媒体报道,中...

  • 双脚残疾父亲一路爬行寻找儿子!

    In what can only be described as truly heartbreaking, Chen Shengkuan, a Chinese man with a mobility-related disability, has been moving from city to city on his hands and feet in search of his missing son, local news reports. 据当地媒体报道,中...

  • 中国公务员总数首披露 '官多兵少'共716.7万人

    The number of China's State employees is growing and government posts remain appealing to job seekers, said experts. 有关专家近日表示,我国国家公职人员的数量在不断增长,政府职位对求职者仍有吸引力。 China had 7....

  • 香港位居全球生活成本最昂贵城市榜单第一名

    Hong Kong is the world's most expensive city for expats, leapfrogging Angolan capital Luanda in the annual chart compiled by consultancy firm Mercer. 根据咨询公司美世的年度图表显示,对外籍人士而言,香港超越了安哥拉首都...

  • 土耳其伊斯坦布尔机场发生自杀式爆炸袭击

    Gunshots, screams and explosions pierced the air Tuesday at Istanbul Ataturk Airport, as three terrorists armed with bombs and guns attacked passengers at one of the world's busiest travel spots. 枪声、尖叫声、爆炸声充斥在周二的伊斯坦...

  • 里约奥运首设实体售票亭 门票已售出约70%

    Tickets for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games have gone on sale at local shops for the first time, the organizers said. 里约奥运会主办方日前表示,2016里约奥运会的门票已在当地商店开售,这尚属首次。 Tickets, previously only...

  • 大众支付147亿美元 作弊门在美达成和解

    Volkswagen has agreed to pay nearly $15 billion to settle claims stemming from its diesel emissions cheating scandal in what would be one of the largest consumer class-action settlements ever in the United States. 大众汽车(Volkswagen)同意为其柴...

  • 为移民争权利 美国亚裔努力打破沉默

    As immigration activists gathered in Lower Manhattan on Friday afternoon, chanting in Spanish to denounce the Supreme Court deadlock that effectively shut down President Obamas program of deportation relief, a group of eight advocates stood quietly i...

  • 民主党静坐抗议 众议院一片混乱

    WASHINGTON Several dozen lawmakers led by Representatives Katherine Clark of Massachusetts and John Lewis a longtime civil rights leader disrupted the US House Wednesday by staging a sit-in on the floor of the chamber to demand that the Republican le...

  • 长期乏味工作及恶劣工作环境会影响员工的脑健康!

    A new study from the Florida State University suggests that inadequate amount of stimulation in the workplace and an unclean working environment can both affect the brain functions of employees on the long run. 佛罗里达州立大学的一项新研究...

  • 临阵换将!特朗普解雇其竞选经理!

    Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump dismissed his campaign manager last Monday as the New York billionaire developer was bogged down in controversies. 上周一,共和党总统假定提名人、身家数十亿的纽约地产开发...

  • 调查显示 中国消费能力依然坚挺

    Most Chinese consumers will continue to spend, this year despite slowing economic growth and market volatility, according to research by Boston Consulting Group. 根据波士顿咨询公司的一项调查显示,尽管今年的经济增长有所放缓...

  • 相关政策即将出台 洋外教入职门槛要提高

    The State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs is set to release a raft of guidelines designed to ensure that unqualified foreigners are not employed in schools and educational establishments. 国家外国专家局将发布一系列指导意见,...
