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  • 飞机又失事了!德黑兰坠机

    A small Iranian passenger plane crashed Sunday while taking off from an airport near the capital, Tehran, state media reported. The country's state-run news agency said 40 people were feared killed in the crash. 伊朗国家电视台10日报道,已有...

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    Snorkelling and scuba diving were once the only way to see wild reefs and tropical fish up close, and then came a handful of sea-adjacent aquariums. But at the Conrad Maldives Rangali Island, travellers can see the wonders of the water world without...

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    This summer, the new Studio Ghibli movie When Marnie Was There directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi could be Ghibli's last. 由米林宏昌执导的电影《回忆中的玛妮》是吉卜力工作室今年夏天推出的最新力作,而这部作品或将...

  • 围城三十天 以色列从加沙撤军

    Israel has announced the withdrawal of all of its troops to defensive positions outside the Gaza Strip. 以色列宣布将从加沙地带撤出全部军队,并保持防御状态。 Israel claims the main aim of the conflict - to destroy militants'...

  • 云南地震 2500余名官兵赶赴救援

    China has deployed 2,500 soldiers to the south-western province of Yunnan to help search for survivors after an earthquake killed at least 398 people. 中国西南省份云南日前发生地震,目前已造成至少398人死亡,政府已出动250...
