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    Guo Meimei, the 23-year-old woman who landed the Red Cross in China in a credibility crisis, has been investigated for being deeply involved with illegal gambling and the sex trade, and for spreading rumors, Xinhua News Agency reported on Monday. 据周...

  • 缘分天注定 英夫妇未相识前就有合照

    As he posed for a holiday snap on the beach, six-year-old Nick Wheeler paid no attention to the little girl making sandcastles a few yards away. 当6岁的尼克惠勒在度假海滩上摆好姿势拍照时,他一点也没注意到自己身后不远处...

  • 数据之美 一张图观2000年文化迁移

    They may look like flight paths around North America and Europe. Or perhaps nighttime satellite photos, with cities lit up like starry constellations. 这些线条也许看上去很像北美和欧洲之间的航线,或是夜间卫星图,城市像星...

  • 美国医生感染埃博拉 回国隔离治疗

    The first Ebola victim to be brought to the United States from Africa was safely escorted into a specialized isolation unit Saturday at one of the nation's best hospitals, where doctors said they are confident the deadly virus won't escape. 周六,首...

  • 考古新发现 娘化推动人类进步?

    A drop in testosterone levels around 50,000 years ago led the the development of art and tools, researchers believe. 有研究人员认为,5万年前人体睾丸素水平的降低促进了人类艺术和工具领域的发展。 They say the drop, w...

  • 海水飙升21度 萌海豚跳水与人类耍宝

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  • 美国签证系统崩溃 全球赴美签证暂停

    A computer glitch at the U.S. State Department is causing a backlog for people trying to get passports and visas. 美国国务院电脑系统出现故障,导致大批申请护照和签证人员积压。 Its also creating a huge nightmare for some C...

  • 6岁女孩天使心 为癌症儿童捐出长发

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  • 菲律宾美人鱼学院:教你如何做美人鱼

    It's the stuff little girls whose walls are adorned with pictures of Disney Princesses dream of. Now when they grow up they can become a little mermaid like Ariel thanks to a school in the Philippines. 这是那些墙上挂着迪士尼公主画像的小...

  • 小黑猫躺枪:只因太黑不上镜被嫌弃

    They may be the symbol of good luck, but black cats have drawn the short straw in one respect: they don't look good in selfies. 虽然黑猫或许代表着幸运和迹象,但是有一点它却先天不足:自拍不上镜。 小编注:在有些国...

  • 英国4岁男孩念亡父 每日作画寄哀思

    A four-year-old boy is keeping the memory of his dead dad alive by drawing a picture of him every day. 为了纪念去世的父亲,一名四岁的小男孩每天都会画一幅关于父亲的画。 Little Dylan Mummery draws daily pictures and coll...

  • 国航飞行员秀英语 逼疯美国空管

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  • 超萌运输机 酷似大白鲸全球仅5架

    If you ever find yourself in the French city of Toulouse, you might just see one of the oddest-looking aircraft in the world. 如果你去过法国图卢兹,那你可能有缘一睹世界上长得最怪异的飞机之一。 图片1 Popularly known...

  • 美国加州遭罕见雷电袭击 1死13伤

    Angelica Roquemore made the long drive from Bakersfield to Venice Beach on Sunday, planning to frolic in the waves with relatives during her first visit to the famed beach town's white sand and eclectic shops. 安杰丽卡若克莫周日从贝克尔斯...

  • 魔力失效 哈利波特扮演者赴美被拒

    Daniel Radcliffe may have led a charmed life until now - but it seems not even he can work his magic on U.S. customs officers. 迄今为止,丹尼尔雷德克里夫的生活或许一直很幸运,但是看起来他的魔力对美国海关官员无效...
