But in order for us to actually realize the benefits of technology that can prevent concussion1, it needs to meet regulations. 但为了真正利用这一可以预防脑震荡的技术,它必须得符合监管的要求。
That's a reality. And this device is for sale in Europe but is not for sale in the US, and probably won't be any time soon. 这是个现实问题。这一设备目前在欧洲出售,但目前却没有、很可能近期都不会在美国出售。
So I wanted to tell you why. There are some good reasons and then there are some not so good reasons. 我会告诉各位这是为什么,有些原因很合理,而有些却不是。
Bike helmets are federally regulated. 自行车头盔由联邦政府监管。
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has been given jurisdiction2 to approve any bike helmet for sale, and this is the test they use. 美国消费品安全委员会有权批准自行车头盔产品上市,他们使用的是这样的测试方法。
This is back to what I was telling you at the beginning about skull3 fracture. 这又回到了我们开始时候谈到的颅骨骨折问题。
That's what this test is for. And that's an important thing to do. 而这正是这一测试的目的,这一测试很重要。
It can save your life, but it's not sufficient, I would say. 它能挽救生命,但我得说,它不够全面。
So for example, one thing this test doesn't evaluate is it doesn't tell you is that airbag going to trigger at the right time and place, 比如说,这一测试没有评估安全气囊能否在正确地时间地点弹出,
and not trigger when it doesn't need to? 也没有评估它在不需要弹出的情况是否会弹出。
Similarly, it's not going to tell you is this helmet likely to prevent concussion or not? 同样,这一测试也不能判断这一头盔是否能够预防脑震荡。
And if you look at football helmets, which aren't regulated, they still have a very similar test. 其实橄榄球头盔虽然未被联邦政府监管,但他们的测试基本相同。
They're not regulated by the government, anyway. They have an industry body, which is the way most industries work. 虽然它们并未被政府监管,但如同绝大多数行业一样,有一个行业机构负责此事。
But this industry body, I can tell you, has been quite resistant4 to updating their standards. 但我得说,这一机构极力反对更新它们的标准。
So in my lab, we are working on not only the mechanism5 of concussion, but we want to understand how can we have better test standards? 所以我们实验室不仅研究脑震荡机制,还想研究如何才能采用更好的测试标准。
And we hope that the government can use this type of information to encourage innovation 我们希望政府可以利用这类信息鼓励创新,
by letting consumers know how protected are you with a given helmet. 让消费者了解某一特定头盔的保护能力。

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n.脑震荡;震动 | |
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n.司法权,审判权,管辖权,控制权 | |
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n.头骨;颅骨 | |
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adj.(to)抵抗的,有抵抗力的 | |
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n.机械装置;机构,结构 | |
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