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时间:2018-12-13 02:33来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   We're back with Robert,Kristen and Taylor. 欢迎回来 今天的来宾是Robert Kristen和Taylor

  So that is,there's a lot happens in this movie.You finally,you get together,you get married and you have a...a baby? 电影里的情节发展的很快啊 你们终于在一起了 结婚了 还有了小孩
  Baby?Umm,hmm.Baby.Baby?It's a baby.It's a baby?yes.It's a baby. 小孩 是的 小孩 小孩 是有了小孩 有了小孩 没错 有了小孩
  And now how was that scene to shoot?Was that awkward1? 那个镜头是怎么拍的 会尴尬吗
  Was it like you just so used to be around the crew and everybody that's not that big of a deal? 还是你们跟剧组人员都很熟了 没觉得不方便
  Uhh,the baby delivery2 or the baby making?The making,making.The baby making.The baby making scene. 呃 你是说生小孩还是造小孩 造小孩 造小孩 造小孩那镜头
  Cause I heard that you had to be recut,because you went crazy or something. 我听说你们要重拍 因为你表现的太激动了
  Didn't you just kind of go until like it was too steamy for anybody?No,I lost it.you lost it? 你们是不是演到有人觉得不好意思才停下 不是的 我不知道怎么说 你不知道怎么说
  No,I didn't.what was happened?Why did they have to recut it? 嗯 不知道要怎么表达 发生了什么事 为什么你们要重新剪辑
  There was a bit too much butt3 crack I think.That was one thing I know they cut out.Butt crack?Too much butt crack? 额 我想是因为我露了太多的股沟 这是我知道的他们剪掉的一部分 露了太多的股沟
  Yeah,but they didn't cut out the actual,they didn't cut the shot or whatever,they just cut the crack out. 是的 实际上他们并没有剪掉整个镜头 或者相关的部分 他们只是把股沟从画面中剔除了
  They just paint.As I found it,yeah.How did they cut the crack out?They just painted it over. 他们绘制了一下 我发现了 他们是怎么将股沟从画面中剔除的呢 他们使用了重绘将他覆盖掉
  It's gonna really short.So,it makes look like you don't have a crack.They until there's no crack on you butt,you just look like one solid cheek. 整个镜头非常的短 所以他们弄得你没有任何股沟 他们使用了覆盖技术来让 看上去就像一整个的屁股
  Yeah,you're allowed to show cheek.You can't show crack.You can show cheek,no crack?wow. 是的 你可以露出屁股 但是不能露股沟 你能够露出屁股 但是不能露股沟 天呐
  Well,I know that they can alter4 things in a way.I was surprised how much the scene that they cut out that I was in with you all. 我知道利用某种技术 他们能够改变原来录制的东西 我很好奇他们到底剪掉了多少我和你们在一起的画面
  I was like,I wasn't in it so much more,and then I just ended up in one scene.I will show everybody what happened. 呃 我们有很多镜头 剪到最后只有一个场景里有我 让我们一起来看看


1 awkward eu6ze     
  • John is so shy and awkward that everyone notices him.约翰如此害羞狼狈,以至于大家都注意到了他。
  • I was the only man among the guests and felt rather awkward.作为客人中的唯一男性,我有些窘迫。
2 delivery QxhxY     
  • The strike caused a great delay in the delivery of the mail.这次罢工严重地延误了邮件的投递。
  • He was employed at the local grocery store as a delivery boy.他受雇于当地杂货店当送货员。
3 butt uSjyM     
  • The water butt catches the overflow from this pipe.大水桶盛接管子里流出的东西。
  • He was the butt of their jokes.他是他们的笑柄。
4 alter jLryj     
  • We have to alter the house into a barn.我们不得不把房子改建成谷仓。
  • She is trying to alter the coat.她正设法改那件衣服。
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