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  • 睡眠不足-变得爱哭(3)

    睡眠不足 You're Weepy 变得爱哭 Ever find yourself tearing up over an embarrassing TV commercial?While women might be quick to blame PMS, it could be a lack of sleep sending your emotions into overdrive. A 2007 study found that sleep-deprive...

  • 睡眠不足-健忘或注意力差(2)

    睡眠不足 You're Forgetful Or Unfocused 健忘或注意力差 You might be tempted to blame your trouble focusing on your age or stress or your overflowing email in box, but a lack of sleep could be the true culprit. Too few hours in dreamland has...

  • 睡眠不足-反应迟钝(1)

    睡眠不足 You're Clumsier Than Usual 反应迟钝 First you knock the alarm clock off the dresser,then you spill the milk as you're pouring your cereal, then you stub your toe on the way out the door -- you've become a klutz overnight. Researchers...

  • 浪费生命-在不应该做的事情上浪费了太多的时间(12)

    Waste your life 浪费生命 You spend too much time doing things you shouldn't be doing 你在不应该做的事情上浪费了太多的时间 Video games. Reality TV. Surfing the net. Stuffing your face with too much food. Drinking too much. And th...

  • 浪费生命-你发现自己太爱抱怨了(11)

    Waste your life 浪费生命 You find yourself complaining a lot 你发现自己太爱抱怨了 I know people who are constantly overwhelmed with life, and they never cease to tell me. Are you one of those people? Do you complain about your job, your...

  • 浪费生命-你的睡眠时间不足(10)

    Waste your life 浪费生命 You don't feed your mind 你的思想 If you're not continually growing and learning as a person, then you are stagnant. That's what your mind does if you don't keep it active and learn new things. Positive challenges in...

  • 浪费生命-经常进行消极的自我暗示(9)

    Waste your life 浪费生命 You have a lot of negative self-talk 你经常进行消极的自我暗示 Self-talk can make or break your life. As Henry Fordsaid, Whether you think you can, or think you can't either way, you're right. If you tell yours...

  • 浪费生命-你感觉自己缺乏动力(8)

    Waste your life 浪费生命 You feel uninspired 你感觉自己缺乏动力 Do you have a passion for anything? I know a lot of people who think they don't have a passion. But that's never the case. There has to be something that you enjoy doing. So...

  • 浪费生命-你不会计划未来(7)

    Waste your life 浪费生命 You don't plan for your future 你不会计划未来 If you don't have a goal or a plan, then you are like a boat that is wandering aimlessly in the ocean hoping to end up somewhere good. But you can't do that. You have t...

  • 浪费生命-在那些对你的成长没有帮助的人身上花了太多时间(6)

    Waste your life 浪费生命 You spend too much time with people who don't contribute to your growth 你在那些对你的成长没有帮助的人身上花了太多时间 It's easy to get stuck hanging out with people who are not making you feel like...

  • 浪费生命-你沉迷在手机的世界里(5)

    Waste your life 浪费生命 You're addicted to your phone 你沉迷在手机的世界里 Sure, cell phones are super cool gadgets that can leave us entranced when we use them. While that's fun, think about all the time you are wasting with your phon...

  • 浪费生命-你在无关紧要的事情上浪费了太多钱(4)

    Waste your life 浪费生命 You spend money on things that don't matter 你在无关紧要的事情上浪费了太多钱 In fact, I know people who can't pay their mortgage,but still have the fanciest gadgets on the planet. If you stop to think abou...

  • 浪费生命-你没有照顾好你自己的身体(3)

    Waste your life 浪费生命 You're not taking care of your body 你没有照顾好你自己的身体 Not only is sleep essential to your health, so is food and exercise. I know I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. But eating a balanc...

  • 浪费生命-你走不出自己习惯了的舒适区(2)

    Waste your life 浪费生命 You don't leave your comfort zone 你走不出自己习惯了的舒适区 I know how easy it is to live in a comfort zone. In fact, when I go to a familiar restaurant, I always order the same thing. Not because I'm afraid...

  • 浪费生命-你在过着自己不喜欢的生活(1)

    Waste your life 浪费生命 You're living a life you don't like 你在过着自己不喜欢的生活 The way I measure success is by someone's level of happiness. Are you happy? If not, then you should change something! Even a feeling of contentment...
