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  • 想成功就行动(下)

    If you want to be successful, 如果你想成功 You have to do the hard things. 想成功你就得去这些难事。 You have to deliver results when making excuses is an option. You have to search for your own explanations even when you're told to...

  • 精彩生活的障碍-害怕失败(1)

    精彩生活的障碍 Overcome the hurdles to get to your dream life Fear of Failure 害怕失败 The fear of failure is natural and something everyone struggles with. We don't want to look bad, and we have a hard time hearing NO. The thing to unders...

  • 精彩生活的障碍-信息过剩(2)

    精彩生活的障碍 Overcome the hurdles to get to your dream life Information Overload 信息过剩 When you want to make a big change, you start the journey with researching what you want to do. A problem can arise when all youdo is research. You...

  • 精彩生活的障碍-坏习惯(3)

    Overcome the hurdles to getto your dream life 精彩生活的障碍 Bad Habits 坏习惯 Forming good habits is the key to lasting change that leads to a life of truly living. Bad habits will keep you from having the mindset and taking the necessary...

  • 精彩生活的障碍-听信充满负能量的人(4)

    精彩生活的障碍 Overcome the hurdles to get to your dream life Listening to Negative People 听信充满负能量的人 Negative people will try to convince you that you'll fail and that you shouldn't even try. Their attitude and words are toxi...

  • 精彩生活的障碍-沉溺于自我限制的执念中(5)

    精彩生活的五个障碍 Overcome the hurdles to get to your dream life Lingering Self-Limiting Beliefs 沉溺于自我限制的执念中 Each of us struggles with doubt and fear. There are things we tell our self that keeps us from even thinking...

  • 改变生活方式(1)

    Change Lifestyle 改变生活的方式 Approach every single moment of the day as afresh start. It is never too late to shift your perspective. It is never too late to be the person you want to be. Share what you know with others. We can all learn fr...

  • 改变生活方式(2)

    Change Lifestyle 改变生活的方式 Dedicate each day to love and kindness. Ask yourself each morning: How can I serve the cause of love today? Make a list of things you are grateful for. The more you appreciate the blessings in your life, the mor...

  • 改变生活方式(3)

    Change Lifestyle 改变生活的方式 Let love and joy drive your life decisions, not fear and doubt. Discover your values and let them guide your life.Values are deep underlying motivators like connection, creativity, freedom,learning, adventure an...

  • 改变生活方式(4)

    Change Lifestyle 改变生活的方式 Cultivate an abundance mindset by appreciating what you already have. We are literally surrounded by all forms of abundance on this earth -- just think of an apple tree in blossom, blades of grass in a park, or...

  • 自信的人-他们效率更高(1)

    They're more productive. 他们效率更高。 Confidence = hustle. Research suggests that confident people may be more productive because their can-do thoughts in spire real action. It's no wonder confident people seem to own the office. Their body...

  • 自信的人-他们真的在追求成功(3)

    自信的人 They actively pursue success. 他们真的在追求成功。 No is simply not in a confident person's vocabulary, at least when it comes to success. Confidence is crucial when pursing a career,according to a study published in the journa...

  • 自信的人-他们引导自己向内心的名人看齐(4)

    They channel their inner celebrity. 他们引导自己向内心的名人看齐。 A confident person's mantra is I am Beyonce. OK, maybe that's just this author's, but regardless,there's power in celebrity. Research published in the journal Personal...

  • 自信的人-他们坚持自己的信念(5)

    They stick to their convictions. 他们坚持自己的信念。 Confident people place trust in their own opinions-- but not without listening to others, of course. As confidence coach Susie Moore explained in a Huff Post blog, confident people hear...

  • 自信的人-他们不害怕失败(6)

    自信的人 They don't fear failure. All people have their setbacks. Confidence isn't doing everything right, it's pushing on even after being wrong. Researchsuggests that people who appear more self-assured are also seem more intelligent. They're n...
