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  • 追求更好生活-笑得越开心越好、越频繁越好(3)

    Seek out happiness in your every day lives 追求更好生活 Disconnect every once in a while. Turn your phone off for a week and tell me you don't feel more alive. If you can't go as far as to cut all ties with technology, at least take a brief hia...

  • 追求更好生活-勇于犯错,汲取教训(4)

    Seek out happiness in your every day lives 追求更好生活 Stop worrying. 不要担忧 Most of the time all those horrible, traumatic scenarios that we concoct in our heads never end up happening. Save yourself the trouble and stop worrying, espec...

  • 追求更好生活-多和积极向上的人打交道(5)

    Seek out happiness in your every day lives 追求更好生活 Surround yourself with positive people. Your vibe attracts your tribe. If you make a point to surround yourself with kind, caring, and goal-oriented people, these qualities are bound to ru...

  • 追求更好生活-做志愿者(6)

    Seek out happiness in your every day lives 追求更好生活 Volunteer. Kindness never goes out of style,and that is a fact. Making others smile can go a long way for your own sense of happiness and fulfillment. Wake up early Use your time wisely an...

  • 追求更好生活-发掘你的激情(7)

    Seek out happiness in your every day lives 追求更好生活 Find your passion. Whether it's writing, drawing,playing sports, or learning to play an instrument, find something that makes you feel alive. Stop eating junk food. Do you have any idea wh...

  • 追求更好生活-练习瑜伽(8)

    Seek out happiness in your every day lives 追求更好生活 Take up yoga. Not only is this a great workout,but it is a great method of relaxation. Learning to take slow, deep breaths is not just good for your physical health, but mental, as well. R...

  • 追求更好生活-出去看看(9)

    Seek out happiness in your every day lives 追求更好生活 Get outside. 出去看看 It has been scientifically proven that being outdoors helps alleviate feelings of sadness and depression. Sit fora while and pay close attention to your surroundi...

  • 睡眠技巧-在合理的时间睡觉(1)

    Bedtime tricks 睡眠技巧 Crawl in at a reasonable hour. 在合理的时间睡觉 The National Sleep Foundation recommends getting seven to nine hours of sleep per night, so what time you hit the hay certainly matters. If you want to get a good nig...

  • 睡眠技巧-饮食合理(2)

    Bedtime tricks 睡眠技巧 Eat smart Old tales have you believe that eating before bed is bad for you, but it's all about how you snack. In fact,some foods before bed may even help regulate your blood sugar and prep you to catch those Zs. Got the la...

  • 睡眠技巧-放弃一些设备(3)

    Bedtime tricks 睡眠技巧 Ditch the devices 放弃一些设备 Screens are a bedroom nono. What seems like a harmless bedtime habit is actually wreaking havoc on your rest. Studies show the blue light emitted from our phones, laptops and TVs can di...

  • 睡眠技巧-锻炼(4)

    Bedtime tricks 睡眠技巧 Brush those teeth 刷牙 The American Dental Association recommends that you brush your teeth twice a day. If you don't, plaque and bacteria can build up pretty fast, making your breath foul and putting your mouth health i...

  • 睡眠技巧-喝水(5)

    Bedtime tricks 睡眠技巧 Drink water 喝水 Alcohol isn't conducive to a goodnight's rest. While a night cap may make you drift off faster at first, research shows it actually disrupts your sleep throughout the course of the night. Try swapping th...

  • 睡眠技巧-写日志(6)

    Bedtime tricks 睡眠技巧 Meditate 冥想 Calm your mind with a few moments of meditation. The practice has numerous health benefits, including better sleep. Try reciting a few mantras before drifting off to sleep tonight and you'll reap the benefi...

  • 睡眠技巧-沐浴(7)

    Bedtime tricks 睡眠技巧 Shower 沐浴 Body temperature is crucial in regulating sleep, according to sleep scientists. Showering at night could help aid in that process. The warm water has a powering-down effect so-to-speak, helping you feel relax...

  • 想成功就行动(上)

    If you want to be successful, 如果你想成功 You have to do the hard things. You have to make the call you're afraid to make. You have to get up earlier than you want to get up. You have to give more than you get in return right away. You have to...
