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  • 细节改变生活-活力(4)

    细节改变生活 Vitality 活力 Tired? Draggy? Stuck in your office? Picture yourself outside beneath an arching sky and canopied branches. Daydreaming about nature is energizing, according to a new study. And if you can go outdoors, even better:...

  • 细节改变生活-长寿(3)

    细节改变生活 Longevity 长寿 Using data from about 10,000 adults tracked over 50 years, scientists discovered that volunteering, especially for altruistic motives, can be a life saver. People who reported giving their time because they wanted...

  • 细节改变生活-狂喜(2)

    细节改变生活 Bliss 狂喜 Researchers asked volunteers to rate their level of happiness the last time they spent money on themselves or on someone else. Not only were the givers happier, but when presented with extra cash to use as they wished,...

  • 细节改变生活-健康饮食(1)

    细节改变生活 A Healthier Diet 健康饮食 To make better choices at the grocery store, bring dollarbills, a revelatory study shows. Analyzing 1,000 households, researchers found that shoppers who paid by credit card tended to select chips, coo...

  • 每日一小事-给他人带来微笑(10)

    每日一小事 Make someone else smile. 给他人带来微笑 Ordinary people worry today and postpone their happiness for tomorrow. Intelligent people are happy today and postpone their worries for tomorrow. Wise people only wish happiness for all,...

  • 每日一小事-不求完美(9)

    每日一小事 Be imperfect. 不求完美 Something that is really difficult, but totally worth it, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the journey of becoming your true self. The most beautiful part of this journey is simply returning to th...

  • 每日一小事-对你在做的事热情满满(8)

    每日一小事 Be enthusiastic about what you're doing. 对你在做的事热情满满 You're not given a good life or a bad life. You're given life, and it's up to you to make it good or bad. So wake up and get motivated; not everybody made it to t...

  • 每日一小事-原谅过去的自己(6)

    每日一小事 Forgive your past self. 原谅过去的自己 Sometimes, good people like you make bad choices. It doesn't mean you're bad; it means you're human. So get bored with your past; it's over. Forgive yourself for what you think you did or...

  • 每日一小事-花些时间关注自己,深呼吸(5)

    每日一小事 Spend some time simply being and breathing. 花些时间关注自己,深呼吸 The only way to live happily ever after is one day at a time. Just be, breathe, and think not about what you're missing, but what you've been given. Happ...

  • 每日一小事-学习一些新东西(4)

    每日一小事 Learn something new. 学习一些新东西 It's important to remember that you cannot become who you are capable of being by remaining exactly where you are. If you are not willing to learn and grow, no one can help you. But if you ar...

  • 每日一小事-看着镜子告诉自己你爱自己什么(3)

    每日一小事 Look in the mirror, and tell yourself what you loveabout yourself. 看着镜子,告诉自己你爱自己什么 What we see in the mirror is what we see in the world. Our disappointment in others perfectly reflects our disappointment...

  • 每日一小事-关注周围人中你喜欢的特质(2)

    每日一小事 Focus on the qualities you like about those around you. 关注周围人中你喜欢的特质 Whenever we focus on a person's wonderful qualities,we have a wonderful relationship with them. Whenever we focus on a person's not so wonder...

  • 每日一小事-抓住可遇而不可求的机会(1)

    每日一小事 Say yes to a spontaneous opportunity. 抓住可遇而不可求的机会。 Everything in life can't be planned. Some of the greatest opportunities will knock on your door when you least expect them to. Be flexible, be spontaneous, and...

  • =人生哲学-时间和经历会抚平一切伤痛(10)

    人生哲学 Time and experience heals pain. 时间和经历会抚平一切伤痛。 Your negative event seems much larger to you because it is a greater percentage of your total life experiences. I am not diminishing the importance of this event; I...

  • 人生哲学-破茧成蝶的美好生活都有伤痛(9)

    人生哲学 Behind every beautiful life, there has been some kind of pain. 破茧成蝶的美好生活都有伤痛。 You fall, you rise, you make mistakes, you live, you learn. You're human, not perfect You've been hurt, but you're alive. Think of...
