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  • 成功者的忠告-愿意努力工作(2)

    success tips 成功者的忠告 Be willing to work hard. 愿意努力工作。 From JC Penny, Founder of JC Penney Inc.:Unless you are willing to drench yourself in your work beyond the capacity of the average man, you are just not cut out for positi...

  • 成功者的忠告-勇于跟随自己内心的直觉(1)

    success tips 成功者的忠告 Be brave enough to follow your intuition. 勇于跟随自己内心的直觉。 From Steve Jobs, Co-founder of Apple Inc.:Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly wan...

  • 自我提高法-质疑周遭的一切(9)

    自我提高法 Question everything. 质疑周遭的一切。 The most uncomfortable thing one can do is to question everything that is taken for granted and seek answers. Try to see the other side of the norm....

  • 自我提高法-保持诚实(8)

    自我提高法 Be honest. 保持诚实。 Being the most honest you've ever been with some one in your life will be one of the most uncomfortable things you can do, but it could also be the most valuable. To do this, he suggests writing a list of al...

  • 自我提高法-起床超级超级早(7)

    自我提高法 Wake up extremely early. 起床超级超级早。 Ekin calan loves to wake up before sunrise because it provides the perfect study-and-work environment. While everyone else sleeps, waking at 5 a.m. is the perfect, way to begin the day...

  • 自我提高法-看住自己的钢镚儿(6)

    自我提高法 Watch your pennies. 看住自己的钢镚儿 From auto repairs and life insurance to coffee and french fries, keep track of every penny you spend for several months. And try paying for everything you can with cash. Ifyou have to reach...

  • 自我提高法-记下你吃过的食物(5)

    自我提高法 Track what you eat. 记下你吃过的食物 Keeping track of all the food you eat and all the exercise you do in a day can be challenging, but this helped one web user see the harm she was doing to her body. I didn't realize how litt...

  • 自我提高法-只吃有营养的食物(4)

    自我提高法 Eat only nutritious food. 只吃有营养的食物 After you track your food, start eating only what is truly nutritious This will change your life forever. This will be uncomfortable for a number of reasons:It's hard; it's socially l...

  • 自我提高法-练习在公众面前演讲(3)

    自我提高法 Practice public speaking. 练习在公众面前演讲 It may be scary to think about, but you never know when you may be called upon to speak in public. Practice, while daunting, is the key to improving your communication skills. It's...

  • 自我提高法-完成一个几乎不可能达到的目标(2)

    自我提高法 Accomplish an almost impossible goal. 完成一个几乎不可能达到的目标 The most uncomfortable thing you can do is to set and achieve a goal that's harder than something you've ever done before. To do that, think about a thin...

  • 自我提高法-乐观积极(1)

    自我提高法 Pick just one thing to master at a time. 每次只选择一件事情并完成它 Your approach to self-betterment might be trying as many things as possible and seeing what works. But using the opposite tactic,though uncomfortable, is...

  • 细节改变生活-乐观积极(8)

    细节改变生活 Optimism Never mind if you don't have hours a dayeven a few minutes spent in quiet contemplation once in a while yields noticeable benefits. A group of adults who meditated an average of six hours and13 minutes over the course of f...

  • 细节改变生活-平静(7)

    细节改变生活 Serenity 平静 When mice were fed a strain of probiotics found insome yogurt, they became calmer understress, Irish and Canadian scientists observed. The were less likely to panic like their broth-fed brethren, and they produced f...

  • 细节改变生活-创造性思维(6)

    细节改变生活 Creative Thinking 创造性思维 Volunteers who worked in rooms lit by a lamp with an incandescent lightbulb instead of overhead fluorescents solved problems requiring novel thinking more successfully. Scientists say the symbolism...

  • 细节改变生活-归属感(5)

    细节改变生活 Belonging 归属感 Undergraduates who considered chicken soup a comfort food and then were fed somes cored higher on a psychological test of social connectedness than those who weren't given any soup. When given a word fragment li...
