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  • 每天一提醒-我肯定能实现自己的梦想(4)

    每天一提醒 I can achieve all my dreams 我肯定能实现自己的梦想 Age is merely a number and the months merely are striction. I can achieve',even achieve all my dreams, no matterhow bizarre or unrealistic they seem to others....

  • 每天一提醒-人人都有秘密(3)

    每天一提醒 We all have secrets 人人都有秘密 We all have secrets, some good, some not so good. My secrets are mine alone and having secrets isn't bad and the same goes for everyone I know....

  • 每天一提醒-今天的我就是最好的我(2)

    每天一提醒 I am the best version of me 今天的我就是最好的我 We're all flawed; either we think so, or someone else thinks so. Bottom line is, no one is ever perfect. But I must bear in mind that among all these imperfections, I am the b...

  • 每天一提醒-今天又是全新的一天(1)

    每天一提醒 Today is a new day. 今天又是全新的一天。 So yesterday was a bad day and maybe so was the previous',event previous week however today is a new day. It's yet another day to make progress and change whatever I want to change an...

  • 培养好习惯-享受这一过程(5)

    改掉坏习惯,培养好习惯 Enjoy the process 享受这一过程 Enjoying the process of changing your habits helps alot. Be positive and be confident in your abilities. Willpower and motivation go together with feeling contented and enjoying t...

  • 培养好习惯-要有一个触动性事件(4)

    改掉坏习惯,培养好习惯 Have a trigger 要有一个触动性事件 Do what you want to develop a habit which relates to something else that you're already doing daily? Go to the gym after you finish work, meditate right after you wake up, r...

  • 培养好习惯-坚持(3)

    改掉坏习惯,培养好习惯 Be consistent 坚持 Consistency is the key to success. If you want to start running, just run for a few minutes, but do it each day. If you want to get up earlier, get up 10 minutes before your usual time, do it eve...

  • 培养好习惯-开始(2)

    改掉坏习惯,培养好习惯 Begin 开始 Beginning is the hardest and most important part of the process. Just start. Then everything will fall into place. Don't think about it too much, don't plan it in detail, don't wait for Monday or the beg...

  • 培养好习惯-一次只一个习惯(1)

    改掉坏习惯,培养好习惯 One habit at a time 一次只一个习惯 People usually want to have it all. And whenever it comes to developing habits, they want to replace all their bad ones with goodones. And of course, they fail. Then, they us...

  • 如何控制坏脾气-微笑(7)

    控制你的坏脾气 Smile. 微笑 When your temper has flared, the last thing most people won't to do is smile. However, smiling lowers your body's stress response....

  • 如何控制坏脾气-回想一些有趣的记忆(6)

    控制你的坏脾气 Think of a funny memory. 回想一些有趣的记忆 When you feel your temper rising over something small, think of a funny memory you have with your family or friends. Remind yourself that this is temporary, and it won't matte...

  • 如何控制坏脾气-参加你喜欢的课程(5)

    控制你的坏脾气 Take a class you enjoy. 参加你喜欢的课程 Try joining a class where you will have the opportunity to vent and express your anger through a different method. Dance, running classes are all great ways to let goof tension in...

  • 如何控制坏脾气-散散步(4)

    控制你的坏脾气 Take a walk. 散散步 Exercise in itself can be a great stress reliever,as your body releases endorphins as you walk. Remove yourself from the situation that has aggravated you, take a walk and get the chance to clear your mind...

  • 如何控制坏脾气-联系一些放松技巧(3)

    控制你的坏脾气 Practice relaxation techniques. 联系一些放松技巧 When you become angry, try visualizing a place where you feel happy and calm. Take deep breaths, and repeat a word or phrase in your mind as you envision the place. Contin...

  • 如何控制坏脾气-不要让脾气爆发(2)

    控制你的坏脾气 Don't carry your temper. 不要让脾气爆发 If you dislike your job, go to the gym or to the library before you go home from work. Take a little bit of time to let the anger pass so that the rest of your day isn't clouded by...
