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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>《福尔摩斯探案全集》中英双语有声读物>


  • 海军协定(8) Nearly ten weeks agoto be more accurate, on the twenty-third of Mayhe called me into his private room, and, after complimenting me on the good work which I had done, he informed me that he had a new commission of trust for me to execute. This, said h
  • 海军协定(9) I did exactly what he indicated, and waited until the other clerks had departed. One of them in my room, Charles Gorot, had some arrears of work to make up, so I left him there and went out to dine. When I returned he was gone. I was anxious to hurry
  • 海军协定(10) To my surprise, it was a woman who answered the summons, a large, coarse-faced, elderly woman, in an apron. She explained that she was the commissionaire's wife, who did the charing, and I gave her the order for the coffee. I wrote two more articles
  • 海军协定(11) It is of the utmost importance that you should notice this point. I went down the stairs and into the hall, where I found the commissionaire fast asleep in his box, with the kettle boiling furiously upon the spirit-lamp. I took off the kettle and ble
  • 海军协定(12) I recognized in an instant that the thief must have come up the stairs from the side door. Of course I must have met him if he had come the other way. You were satisfied that he could not have been concealed in the room all the time, or in the corrid
  • 海军协定(13) A robbery has been committed, I gasped. A document of immense value has been stolen from the Foreign Office. Has any one passed this way? I have been standing here for a quarter of an hour, sir, said he; only one person has passed during that timea w
  • 海军协定(14) Nothing was to be lost by following his advice. With the policeman we both hurried down, but only to find the street full of traffic, many people coming and going, but all only too eager to get to a place of safety upon so wet a night. There was no l
  • 海军协定(15) How about the fireplace? They use none. There is a stove. The bell-rope hangs from the wire just to the right of my desk. Whoever rang it must have come right up to the desk to do it. But why should any criminal wish to ring the bell? It is a most in
  • 海军协定(16) The alarm had reached Scotland Yard by this time, and Mr. Forbes, the detective, came round at once and took up the case with a great deal of energy. We hired a hansom, and in half an hour we were at the address which had been given to us. A young wo
  • 海军协定(17) Then for the first time the horror of my situation came in its full force. Hitherto I had been acting, and action had numbed thought. I had been so confident of regaining the treaty at once that I had not dared to think of what would be the consequen
  • 海军协定(18) You can imagine the state of things here when they were roused from their beds by the doctor's ringing and found me in this condition. Poor Annie here and my mother were broken-hearted. Dr. Ferrier had just heard enough from the detective at the stat
  • 海军协定(19) The invalid sank back upon his cushions, tired out by this long recital, while his nurse poured him out a glass of some stimulating medicine. Holmes sat silently, with his head thrown back and his eyes closed, in an attitude which might seem listless
  • 海军协定(20) He walked past the couch to the open window, and held up the drooping stalk of a moss-rose, looking down at the dainty blend of crimson and green. It was a new phase of his character to me, for I had never before seen him show any keen interest in na
  • 海军协定(21) Do you see any clue? You have furnished me with seven, but, of course, I must test them before I can pronounce upon their value. You suspect some one? I suspect myself. What! Of coming to conclusions too rapidly. Then go to London and test your concl
  • 海军协定(22) Mr. Joseph Harrison drove us down to the station, and we were soon whirling up in a Portsmouth train. Holmes was sunk in profound thought, and hardly opened his mouth until we had passed Clapham Junction. It's a very cheery thing to come into London