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  • 经济学人376:俄罗斯商业 每况愈下 Business in Russia 俄罗斯商业 From bad to worse 每况愈下 Domestic and foreign firms wonder how serious things might get 国内外的企业都想知道境况将会变得多严峻 BEFORE the current standoff between the Kremlin and the West ov
  • 经济学人377:阿联酋商业 提升沙漠气候 Business in the UAE 阿联酋商业 Improving the desert climate 提升沙漠气候 A draft companies law in the emirates is a bit disappointing 阿联酋的公司法草案不孚众望 FOREIGN investment is flooding back, the malls are filling with s
  • 经济学人378:邮政银行 邮件在哪儿钱就在哪儿 Post-office banking 邮政银行 Put your money where your mail is 邮件在哪儿,钱就在哪儿 America's postal service ponders a foray into financial services 美邮政业或将涉足金融业 WITH a workforce of just over 491,000 in 2013, the
  • 经济学人379:南欧的结构性改革 小有成效仍需努力 Structural reform in southern Europe 南欧的结构性改革 Patchy progress 进展参差不齐 Some signs of improvement. Must try harder 改革小有成效,同志仍需努力 CYPRUS is suffering a vicious recession as it struggles to adjust afte
  • 经济学人380:西班牙制造 迫在眉睫 Made in Spain 西班牙制造 A pressing issue 迫在眉睫 The government frets about foreign hands on the nation's olive-presses 外国人插手本国橄榄油产业让政府很不安 These are Spanish, not Italian 这些是产自西班牙的橄榄,
  • 经济学人381:科技公司 地位逆转 Technology firms 科技公司 Status shift 地位逆转 Investors have unfriended some high-tech stars 投资者对一些高科技明星公司的态度已不再友好 GOOGLE splashed out an undisclosed sum of money on April 14th to buy Titan Aerospac
  • 经济学人382:租房网VS旅馆 人人有房 Airbnb versus hotels 租房网VS旅馆 Room for all, for now 人人有房,就是现在 But there are signs that the sharing site is starting to threaten budget hotels 有信号显示住房分享网站开始威胁快捷酒店 EVEN as they lobby regu
  • 经济学人383:美国电视产业 广播电视业界的强盗 Television in America 美国电视产业 The bandit of broadcast 广播电视业界的强盗 The Supreme Court's decision on Aereo may affect more than the TV business 最高法院将对Aereo案件进行裁决,而其影响范围或许会超出电视产
  • 经济学人384:拖欠期款与丧失抵押品赎回权 Arrears and foreclosures 拖欠期款与丧失抵押品赎回权 Staving off the repo man 阻止回购者 丧失抵押品赎回权.jpg When the global housing boom turned to bust, mortgage arrears spiked. In America, the proportion of troubled loans
  • 经济学人385:巴基斯坦的移动通信业 Mobile telecoms in Pakistan 巴基斯坦的移动通信业 At last, 3G 终于等到你,3G The government raises a bit of money and gets a long-awaited industry started 政府筹集到了一定资金,启动了长期停滞的产业 Now we can reall
  • 经济学人386:能源效率融资 钱不是万能的 Financing energy efficiency 能源效率融资 Money for nothing 钱不是万能的 Green loans are proving less popular among homeowners than expected 事实证明绿色贷款在房主中并不如预期受欢迎 RETROFITTING houses to use less energ
  • 经济学人387:鸣金收兵 美国公司的利润可能已达到本周期内的最高值 Buttonwood 梧桐树专栏 Sound the retreat 鸣金收兵 Profits in America may have peaked for this cycle 美国公司的利润可能已达到本周期内的最高值 ARE corporate profits at last running out of steam? The lead-up to the first-quar
  • 经济学人388:手机 廉价智能手机的崛起 Mobile phones 手机 The rise of the cheap smartphone 廉价智能手机的崛起 As smartphones reach the masses, a host of vendors are eager to serve them 智能手机普及化,大小手机厂商开始在低端市场兵戎相向 NEXT month Briton
  • 经济学人389:欧洲移民 胜利大逃亡 European migration 欧洲移民 The great escape 胜利大逃亡 Emigration may not relieve pressure on wages in weak economies 在经济疲软的背景下,欧洲人移民国外也许不能在工资方面缓解压力 Purchasing power on the move 购买
  • 经济学人390:亚洲私立医院 随时候命 Private hospitals in Asia 亚洲私立医院 On call 随时候命 Hospital companies prepare to meet surging demand for health care in Asia 亚洲私立医院正准备迎接医疗需求的激增 A HUMID breeze wafts through the wards of Siloam Genera