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  • 美国语文第五册 第316期:论烤猪(6) In a few days his lordship's townhouse was observed to be on fire. 不几天,法官大人官邸火光眼见红了半边天。 The thing took wing, and now there was nothing to be seen but fire in every direction. 这样稀罕之事简直像长了翅膀
  • 美国语文第五册 第317期:北极光(1) Lavender had already transformed Sheila into a heroine during the half hour of their stroll from the beach and around the house; 在海滩以及住处周边半小时的散步途中,莱维德紧随希拉左右,对她百般依顺。 and as they sat
  • 美国语文第五册 第318期:北极光(2) The girl put her hand on her fathers head, and reminded him that she had had her big greyhound, Bras, imprisoned all the afternoon, 姑娘将手搭放在父亲额头,父亲想起女儿养的那条格雷伊猎犬布莱丝,那天布莱丝被关了整
  • 美国语文第五册 第319期:北极光(3) Overhead the sky was of a clear, thin gold, with heavy masses of violet cloud stretched across from north to south, 头顶天空清澈无比,夹杂稀疏细薄的金黄,紫罗兰色的厚实云团从北往南横铺天穹, and thickening as they
  • 美国语文第五册 第320期:北极光(4) That bay down there, with its white sands and massive rocks, its still expanse of water, 脚下那片海湾沙滩洁白,岸边巨石嶙峋,水面更见宽阔无边,海湾上空, and its background of mountain peaks palely covered by the yello
  • 美国语文第五册 第321期:伟大的声音 A voice from the sea to the mountains, 一个声音,从海洋滚过山脉, From the mountains again to the sea; 接着,又从山脉荡回海洋, A call from the deep to the fountains, 一声呼唤,发自喷泉深处, O spirit! be glad and
  • 美国语文第五册 第322期:人生如画(1) Obidah, the son of Abnesina, left the caravansary early in the morning, and pursued his journey through the plains of Hindostan. 艾比内斯纳的儿子奥巴代亚清早离开了商队旅馆,继续他横贯印度斯坦大平原的漫长旅程。
  • 美国语文第五册 第323期:人生如画(2) He, therefore, still continued to walk for a time, without the least remission of his ardor, 他兴致盎然地迈步前行, except that he was sometimes tempted to stop by the music of the birds, which the heat had assembled in the shade, 有时停下
  • 美国语文第五册 第324期:人生如画(3) In these amusements, the hours passed away uncounted; his deviations had perplexed his memory, and he knew not toward what point to travel. 七兜八转的东奔西突,时间过得飞快,难以确定的方向干扰了他的记忆,后来,他简直
  • 美国语文第五册 第325期:人生如画(4) for the beasts of the desert were in motion, and on every hand were heard the mingled howls of rage, and fear, and ravage, and expiration; 由于唯恐森林里野兽四处出没,他拔出军刀以作防身。此刻,四面八方的野兽嚎叫接连
  • 美国语文第五册 第326期:人生如画(5) Son, said the hermit, let the errors and follies, the dangers and escapes, of this day, sink deep into your heart. 我的孩子,那位老人说,不妨让今天这些错误与愚蠢,危险与临阵逃脱深深藏于你的心底。 Remember, my s
  • 美国语文第五册 第327期:人生如画(6) But temptation succeeds temptation, and one compliance prepares us for another; 毕竟,诱惑成功诱惑了诱惑,屈从后面仍是屈从, we, in time, lose the happiness of innocence, and solace our disquiet with sensual gratifications. 最终
  • 美国语文第五册 第328期:夏天的渴望 I must away to the wooded hills and vales, 我要离开,去幽深的沟壑溪谷, Where broad, slow streams flow cool and silently 河水宽阔,静穆流淌着沁凉, And idle barges flap their listless sails. 停泊的船,风儿扑打倦怠长
  • 美国语文第五册 第329期:命运 The sky is clouded, the rocks are bare; 浓云密布,岩石嶙峋赤裸, The spray of the tempest is white in air; 暴雨骤雨,搅起周天浪花, The winds are out with the waves at play, 风卷浪涌,尽情飞溅追逐, And I shall not
  • 美国语文第五册 第330期:《圣经》 最好的经典(1) There is a classic the best the world has ever seen, the noblest that has ever honored and dignified the language of mortals. 这是世界文明迄今为止的古典精粹,这是有史以来人类语言的庄严高贵。 If we look into its antiqui