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  • 美国语文第六册 第92期:教师和生病的学者(2) No boy attempted to violate the sanctity of seat or peg, 没有哪个孩子企图冒犯座位或顺序的神圣, but many a one looked from the empty spaces to the schoolmaster, and whispered to his idle neighbor, behind his hand. 不过其中有个孩
  • 美国语文第六册 第93期:教师和生病的学者(3) If the master did chance to rouse himself, and seem alive to what was going on, 要是老师猛然醒悟过来,觉察到他们在做什么的话, the noise subsided for a moment, and no eye met his but wore a studious and deeply humble look; 嘈杂
  • 美国语文第六册 第94期:教师和生病的学者(4) when even the bees were diving deep down into the cups of the flowers, and stopping there, 这么热的天,甚至连蜜蜂都要飞到花蕊里藏起来, as if they had made up their minds to retire from business, and be manufacturers of honey no
  • 美国语文第六册 第95期:教师和生病的学者(5) I think, boys, said the schoolmaster, when the clock struck twelve, that I shall give you an extra half holiday this afternoon. 我想,孩子们,教师说,这时钟敲了十二下,今天下午我要额外放半天假。 At this intelligence,
  • 美国语文第六册 第96期:教师和生病的学者(6) But there was the sun shining and there were birds singing, as the sun only shines and the birds only sing on holidays and half holidays; 这时,阳光还是那样明媚,小鸟还在唧唧喳喳地歌唱,仿佛阳光只是在假日才明媚,小
  • 美国语文第六册 第97期:教师和生病的学者(7) Without replying, she pointed to another room, which the schoolmaster immediately entered; 老妇人没有回答,指了指另一个房间,他连忙走了进去。 and there lay his little friend, half-dressed, stretched upon a bed. 他的那位小朋
  • 美国语文第六册 第98期:教师和生病的学者(8) In the silence that ensued, the hum of distant voices, borne upon the evening air, came floating through the open window. 一切随即趋于沉寂,远处的人声随着晚风飘进了敞开着的窗户。 What's that? said the sick child, opening h
  • 美国语文第六册 第99期:洁白的雪(1) Stand here by my side and turn, I pray, On the lake below thy gentle eyes; 我请你站在我身旁,转过身来,就在温柔的目光下的湖上; The clouds hang over it, heavy and gray, And dark and silent the water lies; 朵朵云彩高悬,
  • 美国语文第六册 第100期:洁白的雪(2) Are joined in their fall, and, side by side, Come clinging along their unsteady way; 在坠落中抱成一团,一个挨着一个,紧紧依附着摇晃的路; As friend with friend, or husband with wife, Makes hand in hand the passage of life; 就
  • 美国语文第六册 第101期:拿破仑·波拿巴的性格(1) He is fallen! 他倒下了! We may now pause before that splendid prodigy, which towered among us like some ancient ruin, whose power terrified the glance its magnificence attracted. 现在,我们在这位举世罕见的奇才面前驻足,他就像
  • 美国语文第六册 第102期:拿破仑·波拿巴的性格(2) Subsidiary to this, there was no creed that he did not profess, there was no opinion that he did not promulgate: 需要补充的是,他不会公开宣称任何一种信条,他也不会公开发表任何一种意见: in the hope of a dynasty, he
  • 美国语文第六册 第103期:拿破仑·波拿巴的性格(3) It mattered little whether in the field, or in the drawing-room; 这与是否在野外写生或者在画室里没什么关系; with the mob, or the levee; wearing the Jacobin bonnet, or the iron crown; banishing a Braganza, or espousing a Hapsburg;
  • 美国语文第六册 第104期:躺下的拿破仑 His falchion flashed along the Nile; His hosts he led through Alpine snows; 他沿尼罗河挥舞着大刀;他带领军队踏过阿尔卑斯山上的雪地; O'er Moscow's towers, that blazed the while, His eagle flag unrolled, and froze. 火焰在莫
  • 美国语文第六册 第105期:战争(1) I need not dwell now on the waste and cruelty of war. 现在,我无需详述战争的损耗和残忍。 These stare us wildly in the face, like lurid meteor lights, as we travel the page of history. 当我们在历史长河中驻足时,这些景象
  • 美国语文第六册 第106期:战争(2) The havoc rages. The ground is soaked with their commingling blood. 这场惨绝人寰的大破坏还将猛烈地肆虐下去。血流漂杵。 The air is rent by their commingling cries. 空气中弥漫着他们撕心裂肺的哀鸣。 Horse and rid