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  • 乔布斯传 第389期:阿梅里奥出局(10) On his first Thursday back at Apple, Jobs called for a telephonic board meeting and outlined the problem. 在回到苹果的第一个周四,乔布斯召集了董事会电话会议,提出了这个问题。 The directors balked. They asked for time
  • 乔布斯传 第390期:阿梅里奥出局(11) The next day, after consulting with the board, Woolard called Jobs back. 第二天,经过与董事会磋商,伍拉德给乔布斯打电话。 We're going to approve this, he said. But some of the board members don't like it. 我们准备批准这项
  • 乔布斯传 第391期:阿梅里奥出局(12) Among those being asked to resign was Mike Markkula, who in 1976, as a young venture capitalist, 在被要求辞职的人中,还有迈克马库拉。1976年,作为一个年轻的风险投资家, had visited the Jobs garage, fallen in love with
  • 乔布斯传 第392期:阿梅里奥出局(13) As usual, he asked to take a walk, and they strolled the grounds to a redwood grove with a picnic table. 如往常一样,他建议出去散步。他们带着野餐桌踱步到一片红杉林。 He told me he wanted a new board because he wanted to
  • 乔布斯传 第393期:阿梅里奥出局(14) The old board met in late July to ratify the transition. 原董事会在7月底开会,批准换届。 Woolard, who was as genteel as Jobs was prickly, was mildly taken aback when Jobs appeared dressed in jeans and sneakers, 绅士风范的伍拉德看
  • 乔布斯传 第394期:阿梅里奥出局(15) Jobs also brought in Bill Campbell, 乔布斯还找来了比尔坎贝尔。 who had run marketing at Apple in the early 1980s and been caught in the middle of the Sculley-Jobs clash. 他曾经在20世纪80年代初负责苹果的市场部,然后卷入
  • 乔布斯传 第395期:阿梅里奥出局(16) Over the years Jobs would bring in some strong leaders to serve on the Apple board, 这些年来,乔布斯请到很多优秀的领导者加入苹果董事会, including Al Gore, Eric Schmidt of Google, Art Levinson of Genentech, 包括美国前副总
  • 乔布斯传 第396期:波士顿Macworld大会(1) Macworld Boston, August 1997 波士顿Macworld大会 The staff memo announcing the repricing of Apple's stock options was signed Steve and the executive team, 1997年8月员工收到了宣布苹果股票期权重新定价的备忘录,上面是这样签
  • 乔布斯传 第397期:波士顿Macworld大会(2) He delivered a carefully crafted presentation, using no notes, on why Apple's sales had fallen by 30% over the previous two years. 他的演讲精雕细琢,不用笔记,解释了为什么苹果的销售额在两年间下滑了30%。 There are a l
  • 乔布斯传 第398期:微软契约(1) The Microsoft Pact 微软契约 The climax of Jobs's August 1997 Macworld appearance was a bombshell announcement, 1997年8月,乔布斯在Macworld大会上演讲的高潮部分,是一个出人意料的公告, one that made the cover of both Ti
  • 乔布斯传 第399期:微软契约(2) Under Amelio, the showdown had become explosive. 在阿梅里奥时期,微软跟苹果已经全面摊牌。 Microsoft refused to commit to developing Word and Excel for future Macintosh operating systems, which could have destroyed Apple. 微软拒绝
  • 乔布斯传 第400期:微软契约(3) When the leadership issue was partly resolved by Amelio's ouster, one of Jobs's first phone calls was to Gates. 当阿梅里奥的驱逐者部分地解决了领导权的问题后,乔布斯首先打电话的对象之一就是盖茨。 Jobs recalled:
  • 乔布斯传 第401期:微软契约(4) Gates and his chief financial officer, Greg Maffei, made the trip to Palo Alto to work out the framework for a deal, 盖茨和他的首席财务官格雷格马菲一起到帕洛奥图去设计合作框架, and then Maffei returned alone the followi
  • 乔布斯传 第402期:微软契约(5) During his Macworld keynote address, Jobs walked through the details of the Microsoft deal. 在Macworld大会的主题演讲中,乔布斯介绍了跟微软合作的细节。 At first there were groans and hisses from the faithful. 一开始,那些忠
  • 乔布斯传 第403期:微软契约(6) I happen to have a special guest with me today via satellite downlink, he said, 今天我恰巧有位卫星连线的特殊客人...他说, and suddenly Bill Gates's face appeared on the huge screen looming over Jobs and the auditorium. 然后突然间