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  • 乔布斯传 第434期:乔尼·艾弗(6) In Ive, Jobs met his soul mate in the quest for true rather than surface simplicity. 在艾弗这里,乔布斯终于找到了灵魂伴侣。他要的是真正意义上的简洁,而不是表面功夫。 Sitting in his design studio, Ive described
  • 乔布斯传 第435期:乔尼·艾弗(7) That was the fundamental principle Jobs and Ive shared. 这就是乔布斯和艾弗所一致认同的基本原则。 Design was not just about what a product looked like on the surface. 设计不仅是关于产品的外观。 It had to reflect the pr
  • 乔布斯传 第436期:乔尼·艾弗(8) The connection between the design of a product, its essence, and its manufacturing 产品设计、产品本质和产品制造这三者之间的联系, was illustrated for Jobs and Ive when they were traveling in France and went into a kitchen suppl
  • 乔布斯传 第437期:乔尼·艾弗(9) After he was forced out, the process at Apple reverted to being engineer-driven. 在乔布斯被迫退出之后,这一过程又变成了以工程师为主导。 Before Steve came back, engineers would say 'Here are the guts' -- processor, hard driv
  • 乔布斯传 第438期:工作室探奇(1) Inside the Studio 工作室探奇 The design studio where Jony Ive reigns, on the ground floor of Two Infinite Loop on the Apple campus, 乔尼艾弗所在的设计工作室位于苹果公司园区无限循环路2号楼的一层, is shielded by tin
  • 乔布斯传 第439期:工作室探奇(2) Almost every day when Jobs was healthy and in the office, 当乔布斯身体状况尚佳而且不外出时,几乎每天, he would have lunch with Ive and then wander by the studio in the afternoon. 他都会和艾弗一起吃午餐,然后去工作
  • 乔布斯传 第440期:工作室探奇(3) He can get a sense of the sweep of the whole company, the iPhone and iPad, the iMac and laptop and everything we're considering. 他能够把握公司的全局,包括iPhone、iPad、iMac和笔记本电脑,以及其他我们正在考虑的产品。
  • 乔布斯传 第441期:工作室探奇(4) On this day Ive was overseeing the creation of a new European power plug and connector for the Macintosh. 我前去拜访的那天,艾弗正在监督两款模型的制作,其中一个是为欧洲市场设计的新插头,另一个是为Mac电脑设
  • 乔布斯传 第442期:工作室探奇(5) Early on, Mike Markkula had taught Jobs to impute -- to understand that people do judge a book by its cover 早些时候,迈克马克库拉就教过乔布斯灌输这一招。要知道,人们会根据封面来评判一本书的好坏, and there
  • 乔布斯传 第443期:回到未来(1) Back to the Future 回到未来 The first great design triumph to come from the Jobs-Ive collaboration was the iMac, 乔布斯和艾弗搭档之后的第一个成功之作就是iMac, a desktop computer aimed at the home consumer market that was int
  • 乔布斯传 第444期:回到未来(2) Jon Rubinstein, who was in charge of hardware, adapted the microprocessor and guts of the PowerMac G3, 负责硬件的部门主管乔恩鲁宾斯坦,决定采用PowerMac G3的微处理器和内核, Apple's high-end professional computer, for use
  • 乔布斯传 第445期:回到未来(3) By the next showing Ive had refined the playful model. 在下一次展示之前,艾弗又完善了这个模型。 This time Jobs, with his binary view of the world, raved that he loved it. 这一次,乔布斯带着他那不是杰作就是狗屎的评
  • 乔布斯传 第446期:回到未来(4) Both metaphorically and in reality, the translucency connected the inner engineering of the computer to the outer design. 无论是比喻还是现实,这种半透明都把内部的工程学构造和外壳设计联系在了一起。 Jobs had always
  • 乔布斯传 第447期:回到未来(5) Jobs asked for no such analysis. Topping off the design was the handle nestled into the iMac. 但乔布斯对这种论证不予考虑。他们还在iMac外壳的顶部设计了一个内嵌的提手。 It was more playful and semiotic than it was func
  • 乔布斯传 第448期:回到未来(6) Jobs had to fend off the objections of the manufacturing engineers, supported by Rubinstein, 乔布斯还要面对制造工程部门的反对,这些反对者得到了鲁宾斯坦的支持。 who tended to raise practical cost considerations when fa