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  • 乔布斯传 第449期:回到未来(7) As the deadline for completing the iMac drew near, Jobs's legendary temper reappeared in force, 离iMac完工的日子越来越近了,乔布斯那传说中的坏脾气又冒了出来, especially when he was confronting manufacturing issues. 尤其是
  • 乔布斯传 第450期:回到未来(8) They suspended the rehearsal, and for a while it seemed as if Jobs might cancel the entire product launch. 他们停止了预演,接下来的那一刻,大家认为乔布斯似乎要取消整个产品发布会。 Ruby looked at me as if to say, 'A
  • 乔布斯传 第451期:回到未来(9) Lee Clow was preparing a series of colorful magazine ads, 李克旁正在准备一系列彩色的杂志广告, and when he sent Jobs the page proofs he got an outraged phone call in response. 他给乔布斯发了一些排版后的打样,很快便接
  • 乔布斯传 第452期:回到未来(10) As always, Jobs was compulsive in preparing for the dramatic unveiling. 一直以来,乔布斯都会绞尽脑汁准备掲幕时那戏剧性的一刻。 Having stopped one rehearsal because he was angry about the CD drive tray, 就在上次的预演因
  • 乔布斯传 第453期:回到未来(11) They made another attempt. No, no, Jobs complained. This isn't working at all. 工作人员又尝试了一次。不对,不对。乔布斯抱怨道,这根本不行。 The next time, the lights were bright enough, but they came on too late. 又试了
  • 乔布斯传 第454期:iMac发布会(1) The Launch, May 6, 1998 iMac发布会:1998年5月6日 With the launch of the original Macintosh in 1984, Jobs had created a new kind of theater: 在1984年的Mac电脑发布会上,乔布斯就创造了一套新的舞台效果: the product debut
  • 乔布斯传 第455期:iMac发布会(2) After showing the grid of Apple's new product strategy and going through some slides about the new computer's performance, 在用幻灯片展示了苹果公司新的产品策略和新计算机的性能之后, he was ready to unveil his new baby. 他准
  • 乔布斯传 第456期:iMac发布会(3) Once again Jobs had produced an iconic new product, this one a harbinger of a new millennium. 乔布斯又一次推出了标志性的新产品,也是一个新纪元的开端。 It fulfilled the promise of Think Different. 它履行了非同凡想的承
  • 乔布斯传 第457期:iMac发布会(4) Carping was heard from only one familiar corner. 一个熟悉的声音又在吹毛求疵了。 As the iMac garnered kudos, Bill Gates assured a gathering of financial analysts visiting Microsoft that this would be a passing fad. iMac屡获殊荣之际,
  • 乔布斯传 第458期:iMac发布会(5) Ive soon came up with four new juicy-looking colors, in addition to bondi blue, for the iMacs. 除邦迪蓝之外,艾弗很快就为iMac设计出了4款看起来非常诱人的新颜色。 Offering the same computer in five colors would of course c
  • 乔布斯传 第459期:iMac发布会(6) If you go to slots, you will always be behind on the technology, Rubinstein argued. 如果你要做吸入式光驱,那你就会永远在技术上落后一步。鲁宾斯坦坚持道。 I don't care, that's what I want, Jobs snapped back. 我不在乎
  • 乔布斯传 第460期:蒂姆·库克(1) Tim Cook 蒂姆库克 When Steve Jobs returned to Apple and produced the Think Different ads and the iMac in his first year, 在重返苹果公司之后的第一年,史蒂夫乔布斯推出了非同凡想广告和iMac, it confirmed what most peop
  • 乔布斯传 第461期:蒂姆·库克(2) Jobs's successes came at a cost, since velvety diplomacy was still not part of his repertoire. 乔布斯的成功来之不易,因为怀柔政策仍然不在他的原则之内。 When he decided that a division of Airborne Express wasn't delivering
  • 乔布斯传 第462期:蒂姆·库克(3) After three months of working under Jobs, Apple's head of operations decided he could not bear the pressure, and he quit. 在和乔布斯工作了3个月之后,苹果公司的运营主管因为不堪压力而辞职。 For almost a year Jobs ran ope
  • 乔布斯传 第463期:蒂姆·库克(4) Cook, the son of a shipyard worker, was raised in Robertsdale, Alabama, 库克是一个造船厂工人的儿子,在亚拉巴马州的罗伯茨代尔长大, a small town between Mobile and Pensacola a half hour from the Gulf Coast. 这是一个位于