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  • 英国卫报:小冰块下的大生意(10)

    Ice is not a monolith. It encompasses everything from the giant iceberg that sank the Titanic the most famous piece of ice in the history of the world, as the writer Mariana Gosnell observed 冰不是一块巨石。它包罗万象,从令泰坦尼克号...

  • 英国卫报:小冰块下的大生意(9)

    The epochal significance of the Super Cube should not be overlooked in an industry in which meaningful innovation has typically been considered close to impossible. 在一个有意义的创新通常被认为近乎不可能的行业中,超级立方体...

  • 英国卫报:小冰块下的大生意(8)

    A marketing strategy that could be crudely summarised as hope for a hot summer had served The Ice Co perfectly well for decades. 一种可以粗略概括为炎热夏天的希望的营销策略几十年来一直很适合The Ice Co。 But in a market w...

  • 英国卫报:小冰块下的大生意(7)

    In parallel to this democratisation of ice, a new wave of cocktail bars had started to focus on ice as a key component of their offering. 在冰块的民主化进程中,新一波的鸡尾酒吧也开始把冰块作为他们产品的关键组成部分...

  • 英国卫报:小冰块下的大生意(6)

    Britain took its first tentative steps towards ice enlightenment at the turn of the millennium. 在千禧年之交,英国试探性地迈出了冰启蒙的第一步。 In an echo of how ice had reinvigorated American cocktail culture in the early 20...

  • 英国卫报:小冰块下的大生意(5)

    The freezer aisle of a major supermarket is a cutthroat place to stake a claim: the product, after all, is frozen water, so no retailer in its right mind is going to stock competing brands. 大型超市的冰柜是一个竞争激烈的地方:毕竟产...

  • 英国卫报:小冰块下的大生意(4)

    Nevertheless, his discovery set in motion the birth of the second ice trade - and the death of the first. 然而,他的发现引发了第二次冰贸易的诞生,也导致了第一次冰贸易的死亡。 In 19th-century America (and, to a lesser...

  • 英国卫报:小冰块下的大生意(3)

    In 1626, the English philosopher Sir Francis Bacon was one of the first westerners to discover a new use for ice, after packing a dead chicken in snow in the hope of preserving its flesh. 1626年,英国哲学家弗朗西斯培根爵士将一只死鸡...

  • 英国卫报:小冰块下的大生意(2)

    The Ice Co is not only dominant in its own marketplace. As a supplier of a perishable good to major retailers, it is evaluated alongside and frequently outperforms some of the UK's most dynamic food and drink brands. Indeed, it recently beat out ente...

  • 英国卫报:小冰块下的大生意(1)

    The ice in your drink comes from one of two places: your freezer, or someone else's. For homemade ice, the supply chain is reassuringly familiar: water goes into the freezer, and a bit later, ice comes out. But what about the ice cubes that you bough...

  • 英国卫报:你还在相信统计数据吗?(16)

    On the one hand, it is worth recognising the capacity of long-standing political institutions to fight back. Just as sharing economy platforms such as Uber and Airbnb have recently been thwarted by legal rulings (Uber being compelled to recognise dri...

  • 英国卫报:你还在相信统计数据吗?(15)

    Few social findings arising from this kind of data analytics ever end up in the public domain. This means that it does very little to help anchor political narrative in any shared reality. With the authority of statistics waning, and nothing stepping...

  • 英国卫报:你还在相信统计数据吗?(14)

    What is most politically significant about this shift from a logic of statistics to one of data is how comfortably it sits with the rise of populism. Populist leaders can heap scorn upon traditional experts, such as economists and pollsters, while tr...

  • 英国卫报:你还在相信统计数据吗?(13)

    In the long term, the implications of this will probably be as profound as the invention of statistics was in the late 17th century. The rise of big data provides far greater opportunities for quantitative analysis than any amount of polling or stati...

  • 英国卫报:你还在相信统计数据吗?(12)

    The rise of identity politics since the 1960s has put additional strain on such systems of classification. Statistical data is only credible if people will accept the limited range of demographic categories that are on offer, which are selected by th...
