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  • 中英双语新闻 朝鲜判处韩裔美国人十年劳改

    African leaders are meeting in Kenya to discuss ways to stop the poaching of elephants and save the animals from extinction. The Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta called for decisive action to stop the illegal trade in ivory, Ann Soy is in Nairobi. Whe...

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    Air strikes in the northern city of Aleppo who pushed true safe grades in Feb to the point of collapse. Pihada Edwards reports. Russia has done little to ruin president Assad forces around to Aleppo. The Syria military was blamed for an attack on a h...

  • 中英双语新闻 美国副总统拜登突访伊拉克

    Civil defense workers in the Syrian city of Aleppo now say at least 55 people were killed by government airstrikes that hit a hospital on Wednesday night. The group known as the White Helmets were still digging through the rubble 24 hours after the b...

  • 中英双语新闻 脸书一季度利润三倍增长

    Hello, I am Sue Montgomery with the BBC news. The United Nation's special envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura has called for the ceasefire in Syria to be revitalized, before new peace talks in Geneva can be held. He urged the US and Russia to launch a...

  • 中英双语新闻 两岁男孩意外枪杀母亲

    Hello, I am Marion Marshall with BBC news. The US front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination Donald Trump has launched a scathing attack on President Obama's foreign policy. It's his first major speech on international affairs. Mr Trump...

  • 中英双语新闻 委内瑞拉推出一周两天工作制

    Hello, I'm Jerry Smit with BBC news. Donald Trump has said he now considers himself the Republican Party's presumptive nominee for the American presidency. He won in all five northeastern states holding primary elections on Tuesday. Nick Bryant is at...

  • 中英双语新闻 特朗普拿下东北五州初选

    Voters in five northeastern US states are casting ballots in primary elections that are expected to extend the leads of the front-runners to be candidates for the presidency. The latest opinion polls put the Republican Donald Trump and Hillary Clinto...

  • 中英双语新闻 切尔诺贝利核事故30周年

    Ukraine is holding ceremonies to mark the 30th anniversary of Chernobyl, the world's worst nuclear accident. Siren sounded at the exact moment of the first explosion in the plant's reactor in April 1986, from Ukraine, Tom Burridge. Candles were lit a...

  • 中英双语新闻 美国欲向叙利亚增兵250人

    US official say that President Barack Obama is to send 250 additional military personnel to Syria to support local militias in the fight against Islamic state group. According to the officials, the main objective is to encourage more fighters in nort...

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    Tributes have been streaming in for the American singer Prince who died unexpectedly on Thursday at the age of 57. President Obama described him as 'a virtuoso instrumentalist, a brilliant bandleader and an electrifying performer'. David Sillito now...

  • 中英双语新闻 美国流行巨星Prince去世

    The American singer Prince has died at his home in Minneapolis. He was 57. The flamboyant musician sprang to fame in early 80s with hits such as 'I wanna be your love' and 'Little Red Corvette'. He'd been suffering from poor health and recently cance...

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    BBC news with Iain Purdon. An explosion at a petrochemical plant in southeastern Mexico has killed 3 people and injured more than 1030. The plant is a part owned by Mexico's state oil company Pemex. Here is Nicolas Russia. Officials at Pemex say they...

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    This is the BBC news. Hello, I am Jonathan Izard. A court in Norway has upheld a claim of inhumane treatment brought by the mass murderer Anesh Brawick who killed 77 people in a gun and bomb rampage five years ago. He had claimed that his detention a...

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    Voters in New York are taking part in presidential primaries seen as key for both front runners after recent setbacks. The Democratic Party hopeful Hillary Clinton, former senator for New York, is expected to beat Bernie Sanders. Mrs. Clinton spoke t...

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    Brazil's president Dilma Rousseff has said she felt indignant and wronged by the decision of the lower house of congress to go ahead with impeachment proceedings against her. She's rejected claims that she manipulated budget figures to help secure he...
