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  • 万物简史 第304期:地下的烈火(12) And what causes these massive intraplate rupturings? 这种跨板块大地震是怎么发生的? Something deep within the Earth. 原因在地球深处。 More than that we don't know. 更多的情况我们就不知道了。 By the 1960s scientists
  • 万物简史 第305期:地下的烈火(13) Four years later, Soviet scientists decided to try their luck on dry land. 4年以后,苏联科学家决定在陆地上碰碰运气。 They chose a spot on Russia's Kola Peninsula, near the Finnish border, and set to work with the hope of drilling
  • 万物简史 第306期:地下的烈火(14) Because we can't see into the Earth, we have to use other techniques, which mostly involve reading waves as they travel through the interior. 我们无法看到地球的深处,因此不得不使用别的方法,主要包括观察波在地球内部的
  • 万物简史 第307期:地下的烈火(15) So how much do we know about what's inside the Earth? Very little. 因此说,我们对地球的内部情况究竟了解多少?很少。 Scientists are generally agreed that the world beneath us is composed of four layers, 科学家们普遍认为,
  • 万物简史 第308期:地下的烈火(16) How and when the Earth got its crust are questions that divide geologists into two broad camps, 地球如何有了地壳,何时有了地壳,这两个问题把地质学家分成两大阵营, those who think it happened abruptly early in the Eart
  • 万物简史 第309期:地下的烈火(17) The hour hand on a clock moves about ten thousand times faster than the flowing rocks of the mantle. 钟面上时针的移动速度,比地幔岩石的流动速度,要快大约1万倍。 The movements occur not just laterally as the Earth's plates
  • 万物简史 第310期:地下的烈火(18) So all that can be said is that at some slightly indeterminate point as we head toward the center of Earth we leave the asthenosphere and plunge into pure mantle. 因此,我们只能说,在前往地球中心的过程中,我们会在某个不大确
  • 万物简史 第311期:地下的烈火(19) The outer core is in many ways even less well understood, though everyone is in agreement that it is fluid and that it is the seat of magnetism. 外核在许多方面被了解得更少,虽然大家都认为它是液态的,是产生磁力的地方。
  • 万物简史 第312期:地下的烈火(20) We may be going through a reversal now. 我们现在也许正经历一次逆转。 The Earth's magnetic field has diminished by perhaps as much as 6 percent in the last century alone. 仅仅在过去的一个世纪里,地球的磁场就减弱了大约
  • 万物简史 第313期:地下的烈火(21) At that time, the lower forty-eight United States had not seen a volcanic eruption for over sixty-five years. 当时,美国本土的48个州在过去的65年里没有见过火山爆发。 Therefore the government volcanologists called in to monitor
  • 万物简史 第314期:地下的烈火(22) Almost the only person who believed that something really bad might happen was Jack Hyde, a geology professor at a community college in Tacoma. 几乎只有一个人认为真的快出大问题了,他就是塔科马一所社区学院的地质学教授
  • 万物简史 第315期:地下的烈火(23) The luckiest person on that day was a graduate student named Harry Glicken. 那一天最走运的要算是一位名叫哈里格利肯的研究生。 He had been manning an observation post 5.7 miles from the mountain, 他是离火山9公里处一个观
  • 万物简史 第315期:地下的烈火(23) The luckiest person on that day was a graduate student named Harry Glicken. 那一天最走运的要算是一位名叫哈里格利肯的研究生。 He had been manning an observation post 5.7 miles from the mountain, 他是离火山9公里处一个观
  • 万物简史 第316期:地下的烈火(24) In an extraordinarily unself-critical book called Surviving Galeras, Williams said he could only shake my head in wonder when he learned afterward 但威廉斯毫不自责,在一本名叫《加莱拉斯火山幸存记》的书里说,当他后来听
  • 万物简史 第317期:地下的烈火(25) Ninety minutes after the blast, ash began to rain down on Yakima, Washington, 爆发90分钟以后,灰烬开始雨滴般地洒落在华盛顿州的亚基马。 a community of fifty thousand people about eighty miles away. 那是个有5万人口的社