《特别响,非常近》精讲 01缅怀过去是最好的自省
There are more people alive now, 现在全世界活着的人 than have died in all of human history. 比史上所有死去的人还要多 But the number of dead people is increasing. 而人们还在不断死去 One day, there isn't going to be any ro
《特别响,非常近》精讲 02生活总在某个瞬间留下遗憾
Was there really a Sixth Borough? 第六区真的存在过吗 Well, as with anything, 任何事都是这样 if you want to believe, you can find reasons to. 要想相信 总找得到理由 What reasons? 什么理由 The clues, of course. 当然是线索
《特别响,非常近》精讲 03每个人心中都有把打不开的锁
This is Oskar Schell. 奥斯卡谢尔呼叫 Grandma? Grandma, are you awake? 奶奶 奶奶 你睡了吗 Over. 完毕 Grandma? 奶奶 It's Grandma. Uh, what is it, sweetheart? Can't you sleep? 奶奶在这 怎么了甜心 睡不着吗 Do you want me t
《特别响,非常近》精讲 04找出真相是唯一的选择
Shouldn't you be in school? 你不上学吗 It's Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. 今天是马丁路德金纪念日 Lie number two. 第二次撒谎 I started counting my lies, 那天早上我开始数的 earlier that morning when I told Mom I had a f
《特别响,非常近》精讲 05永远不要停下逐梦的脚步
I put together a backpack 我收拾了背包 of vital things I would need for my survival. 装上我的生存必需品 An Israeli gas mask Grandma bought me 一副以色列防毒面具 two weeks after the worst day. 出事那天两周后 奶奶买给我
《特别响,非常近》精讲 06战胜内心的恐惧,继续追寻的脚步
I didn't know what was waiting for me. 我不知道前方有什么 Although my stomach hurt and my eyes were watering. 我胃疼 冻得眼泪直流 I made up my mind that nothing, nothing was going tostopme. 但我下定决心 不让任何东西阻碍我
《特别响,非常近》精讲 07不试,你怎么知道行不行
Come on, try. 来吧 试一把 I can't try. 我不行 If you don't try, you'll never know. 不试 哪知道不行呢 So try. 试试 Don't be disappointed with me! 别对我失望 Come on. Take your juice. 来 喝果汁 You know, Grandma brought me to
《特别响,非常近》精讲 08时间会给所有问题一个答案
Who's that? 那是谁 My husband. 我丈夫 You must think this is veryodd. 你一定觉得这很怪吧 Oh, I think a lot of things are odd. 我觉得很多事都很怪 People tell me I'm very odd all the time. 大家一直都说我很怪 I got teste
《特别响,非常近》精讲 09痛苦地回忆总是挥之不去如影随形
Look, I was hoping you would be home. 我希望你在家 I don't know if you heard about what happened. 不知你听说了没有 but I just wanted you to know I'm okay. 不过我想让你知道我没事 Everything is fine. 都还好 We're still waiti
《特别响,非常近》精讲 10时间究竟能否抚平一切创伤
Recording. 现在开始录音 Hi, you've reached the Schell residence. 你好 这里是谢尔家 Today is Tuesday, September 11th. 今天是9月11号 星期二 Here's today's fact of the day: 今天发生的事记录如下 It is so cold in Yakutia, t
《特别响,非常近》精讲 11记住,每一天都是一个奇迹
Remember, every day is amiracle. 记住 每一天都是一个奇迹 I don't believe in miracles. 我不相信奇迹 Finding what this key fits, 找到这把钥匙指向之物 would be a miracle. 就是个奇迹 I started with a simple problem: a key
《特别响,非常近》精讲 12不是每件事情都有道理和答案
What if I die tomorrow? 要是明天我死了怎么办 You're not going to die tomorrow. 你明天不会死的 Dad didn't think he was gonna die tomorrow either. 爸爸也没觉得他第二天会死 It's not gonna happen to you. 那样的事不会发生
《特别响,非常近》精讲 13如果还有明天,你会怎样刻画生命
Hey. 你好 Linda? 琳达吗 Yeah, I've been trying to reach you. 是我 我一直想联系上你 I'm on my way home. I'm coming home. 我正往家里赶呢 Thomas, can you hear me? 托马斯 能听到吗 Yeah, I can hear you. 听得到 Ugh, this is
《特别响,非常近》精讲 14你有只属于你自己的故事吗
Who are you? 你是谁 I'm Oskar Schell, Grandma's grandson. 我是奥斯卡谢尔 奶奶的孙子 Do you know where my grandma is? 你知道我奶奶在哪里吗 Out this time of night? 出去了 这么晚吗 Do you know where? It's kind of a matter
《特别响,非常近》精讲 15上帝关了你的门,却会为你留扇窗
You promised not to leave me. 你答应过我不离开我的 What's he saying? 他说什么 He's saying, I have lived in many places, 他说 我在很多地方都待过 but I was born in Germany. 不过我出生于德国 After the war, I got married.
- 热门文章
- 《特别响,非常近》精讲 01缅
- 《特别响,非常近》精讲 02生
- 《特别响,非常近》精讲 03每
- 《特别响,非常近》精讲 04找
- 《特别响,非常近》精讲 05永
- 《特别响,非常近》精讲 06战
- 《特别响,非常近》精讲 07不
- 《特别响,非常近》精讲 08时
- 《特别响,非常近》精讲 09痛
- 《特别响,非常近》精讲 10时