[00:04.12]Pretty good, thanks. 我很好 谢谢
[00:04.96]How you doing today? 你今天过得怎样
[00:08.16]All right. Okay. 好了 谢谢
[00:11.64]What’s your name? 你叫什么名字
[00:13.16]Alberto. 埃尔伯特
[00:14.84]Mr. Ryan. 瑞恩先生
[00:15.00]See you at workshop, okay? Goodbye. 咱们交流会见 再见
[00:16.20]You are something. Yes, sir. 你是个大人物啊 是啊 先生
[00:20.52]Say, would you mind signing that to "Donald and Shirley," please? 不介意给我签上"致唐纳和雪莉"吧?
[00:25.20]There you go. 多谢了
[00:28.88]Say, do you mind if I share? 你介意听我的倾诉吗
[00:29.88]Share? 倾诉?
[00:31.24]Yeah. See, there’s this fellow in his 60s 我是个60来岁的老头子
[00:33.08]and he thinks he’s just gonna, you know, sail through his retirement1. 他以为他的退休会一帆风顺
[00:35.76]But then one day, three years and 13 days ago, 不料 三年零十三天前
[00:39.60]his daughter dies. 他的女儿去世了
[00:43.28]And the truth is he hasn’t been doing very well. 说实话 他最近过的一直不太好
[00:47.64]He doesn’t sleep much, and he and his wife, well... 睡不好觉 失眠 他和他的妻子...
[00:52.84]You can understand. 你可以想象
[00:53.48]But his daughter’s husband, 可他的女婿
[00:57.68]any of these kinds of problems. No. 一点问题都没有
[00:58.36]well, he doesn’t seem to be having 他像没事人似的
[01:02.52]She was crushed to death in a car crash, but he, well... 妻子车祸死亡 而他...
[01:07.56]He’s making lemonade out of lemons. Isn’t that how it goes? 却有心情挤柠檬汁 我说的一切属实吗?
[01:21.92]When are you gonna stop lying, son? 你什么时候才会停止撒谎 孩子?
[01:27.96]Hypocrite. 伪君子!
[01:33.84]Burke, I am so sorry. 布尔克 真抱歉
[01:38.00]God. The balls on him! 老天爷 他怎么能这样!
[01:41.52]I’m fine. 我没事
[01:44.52]Who does he think he is? 他以为他是谁啊
[01:44.88]Her father. 我岳父
[01:49.36]Even so, way over the line. 尽管如此 还是很过分
[01:51.56]Forget that. You know what? She’d be proud of you. 别想了 你老婆会为你自豪的
[01:57.08]All right, you’re pissed off at me. 好吧 你可以把气撒在我身上
[01:59.44]A thousand times you said no to Seattle, but I wouldn’t listen. 你多次拒绝来西雅图 我却没听进去
[02:04.96]You gotta be pissed off at me. 你就拿我出气吧
[02:06.28]I’m fine. 我真的没事
[02:23.36]So, take a good look at them, mister. A little preview of tonight. 先生 您饱饱眼福吧 今晚的预告片哦
[02:28.56]I know how you love the high heels. 我知道你有多喜欢细高跟
[02:33.56]I’ll see you tonight at 8:00. Standing2 ta! 我们晚上8点见 我要站的高高的
[02:40.40]Big kiss. 亲一个
[02:42.76]Love you. 爱你
[02:51.12]"So, my ass3 don’t fit no Cosmo cover 我是那样完美的封面女郎
[02:51.80]"You think I can’t be some hot animal lover? 我可以当你的动物情人吗?
[02:55.80]"You scared of my cerebral4 cortex? That I’m Gloria’s fish, chromosome5 X? 你害怕我的头皮 我放荡不羁 自由的穿梭
[02:59.68]"Or maybe you’re just afraid of my battery-operated sex’ 也许 你抵抗不了我那致命的性感?
[03:07.52]What do you think? 表演可好?
[03:15.40]Hello. 你好
[03:16.88]There’s something wrong with that girl. 那女孩有毛病
[03:20.92]She said she wanted to hear it. 她说她乐意听我朗诵
[03:22.92]Marty. Slam poetry, coffee house. 马蒂 黄色诗歌演讲 去咖啡屋
[03:25.44]My shop, work. Please. 花店里只能工作 不许那样
[03:26.28]Yes, ma’am. 我知道了
[03:29.60]Are there any new receivables? 今天有生意吗
[03:29.96]Just that birthday arrangement I told you about. 只有那笔生日订单
[03:34.96]Right. Great. 行 不错
[03:35.32]Marty, you did not cauterize6 the stems. 马蒂 你这些花茎还没剪!
[03:37.16]Oh. 哦!
[03:41.68]You know what? Here’s what happens. 你知道会怎样
[03:44.68]The sap pollutes the water and then they die twice as fast. 根部烂了水变脏 过不了几天花就蔫了!
[03:48.88]I know, I know, I know, I know. I’ll get it. I promise. 我知道... 这就来处理 我保证
[03:50.72]I don’t understand this. We have roses, we have all of these. 真是的 我们店里都是玫瑰 这么多
[03:54.04]I mean, come on. These are flowers living out of water. 你看看 这些花都快干了!
[03:57.88]Are you all right? 你没事吧?
[04:00.92]Look, I just had a really... I’ve had a really bad couple of days, okay? 我...我这几天的确过的很糟糕!
[04:05.44]Would you like to talk to me about it? 跟我说说?
[04:07.76]No, I don’t. 不 不想说
[04:11.60]Because you weren’t this mad the last time I forgot to cauterize. 上次我忘记剪茎你可没这么歇斯底里
[04:16.96]Tyler. 泰勒
[04:21.64]And some groupie. 他又搞上一个歌迷
[04:23.84]Again? 又来?!
[04:25.16]Yeah. 是的
[04:26.52]No. No! 天啊!
[04:28.04]I can’t believe it. 真不敢相信
[04:28.84]I know. It’s crazy. 我知道 很不可思议
[04:32.04]God, you know what? No, I can believe it. I can totally believe it. 哦 不 其实 我觉得这事很有可能发生 真的
[04:34.72]Excuse me. What does that mean? What does that mean? 你说什么?!什么意思?
[04:37.72]It’s so clear to me. 这其实很显然
[04:39.40]It means that you manage to choose guys 我是说 你挑的那男人
[04:43.92]that guarantee that at some point, 几乎可以保证
[04:44.92]we are going to be standing here 咱俩会在这儿
[04:46.44]having this same conversation again. 旧事重提 讨论同样的事
[04:50.60]And you’re gonna be shocked at the outcome of the relationship again. 而你会对恋情的结果很失望 再一次
[04:53.28]But most of all, 不管怎样
[04:54.96]I just hate seeing you get so disappointed and hurt every single time. 我讨厌看到你每次为情所伤

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n.退休,退职 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 | |
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adj.脑的,大脑的;有智力的,理智型的 | |
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n.染色体 | |
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v.烧灼;腐蚀 | |
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