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英语听力:听电影学英语-丑陋事实 04

时间:2012-03-26 07:56来源:互联网 提供网友:fei   字体: [ ]

   [00:01.10]Oh, you want to thank your pussy1 for me, then? 你想要我感谢你的咪咪?

  [00:07.26]Larry, Georgia, listen to me. l want you to skewer2 him. 赖瑞、乔雅你们听我说 我要你们搞死他
  [00:10.54]l want Mike Chadway to go down in flames. 我要查麦克死无葬身之地
  [00:12.94]l want Mike Chadway to be nothing but a pile of ash next to you. 我要查麦克在你们身旁化成灰烬
  [00:17.02]l want the janitor3 to come vacuum up the ashes of Mike with his Dustbuster... 我要打扫阿桑进来
  [00:20.78]...and when he dumps it outside, l want the rats to vomit4 and defecate... 用强力吸尘器把他的灰给吸光 再把灰都倒在外面的垃圾箱里
  [00:23.58]...on the ashes of Mike Chadway. 让老鼠在他的灰烬上又吐又拉
  [00:27.82]And l thought you were angry and bitter. 我还以为你比较泼辣呢
  [00:30.10]No, Larry, that would be my untouched vagina. 不,赖瑞 泼辣的是我饥渴的欲望
  [00:34.58]Twenty seconds to air. 在过20秒上现场
  [00:35.78]-Chadway? -What? - 查麦克 - 什么?
  [00:39.06]About ready? Larry? 准备好了?赖瑞?
  [00:39.98]-There's a bird in my dressing5 room. -l'll take care of it. - 我的化妆间有只小鸟 - 我会搞定
  [00:41.66]-A real bird? -lt's flying around. - 真的鸟? - 对,四处乱飞
  [00:42.74]-A sparrow? -Why? - 是麻雀? - 干嘛问?
  [00:44.66]-l don't know what type of bird it is. -Security here is awful. - 我不知是什么鸟,就是一只鸟 - 这里的保全真糟
  [00:48.50]You guys have really got to keep the doors closed. 你们该把门关好
  [00:49.90]Four, three.... 四、三
  [00:53.30]Morning, everyone, l'm Larry Freeman. Another beautiful day in Sacramento. 各位早安,我是费赖瑞 又是沙加缅度美好的一天
  [00:59.14]And I'm here with a beautiful woman. 我与一位美女同坐在此
  [01:00.86]-Go, 1 . -All right, here we go. - 一号机 - 好,开始了
  [01:01.22]Thank you, Larry. 谢谢你,赖瑞
  [01:03.02]-I'm Georgia Bordeney. -Ready for the single on Georgia. - 你好,我是波乔雅 - 好,准备给乔雅特写
  [01:05.38]For years, there have been concerns about lowering television standards. 多年来,电视水平低下常引争议
  [01:08.70]But many believe that this man and his local public-access show... 但许多人相信此人与其小众节目
  [01:14.94]...have brought things to a new low. 将水平带到了新低点
  [01:15.82]With that, we welcome Mike Chadway. 在此,我们欢迎查麦克
  [01:18.02]How you doing, guys? 各位好
  [01:19.94]Mike, how do you respond to people who say your show is offensive? 麦克,你对于 说你节目烂的人有何回应?
  [01:24.58]Well, it is. But then again, so is the truth. 的确是的,不过真相也是如此
  [01:26.98]The truth about what, Mr. Chadway? 什么的真相?
  [01:31.34]What relationships are really like. 男女关系的真实面孔
  [01:31.66]Take marriage, for instance. 就拿婚姻来说吧
  [01:34.66]lt's about social pressure, status and sex. 那结合了社会压力、地位和性
  [01:41.02]lf it weren't for these three things, men and women wouldn't even speak. 没这三样,女人根本懒得理你
  [01:44.90]Oh, dear. Sounds to me like no one's ever loved you... 天哪,听来你是根本没人爱
  [01:47.94]...and you're taking that out on the female population. 还把怒气发在女性族群的身上
  [01:51.74]-lt's like Crossfire6. -That was a good one. - 这真像《全民开讲》 - 那节目不错
  [01:52.94]Good one. 说得好
  [01:54.70]While we're making these observations... 乔雅,就我们观察
  [01:57.50]...you two project this image of the perfect couple, when clearly it's a lie. 你们投射出完美夫妻的形象 而这很明显根本是假象
  [02:02.98]Excuse me? 什么?
  [02:05.98]-Holy shit. -Break for commercial. - 妈呀 - 进广告
  [02:06.22]-No. -Stuart said keep rolling no matter what. - 不、不、不 - 老大说不管怎样都继续播
  [02:10.10]What? When? This is my show. 什么?这是我的节目
  [02:13.10]-Not right now, it isn't. -Not right now. - 现在不是了 - 现在不是
  [02:15.62]Come on, Larry. l watched your show for years. 拜托,赖瑞 我看你的节目很多年了
  [02:18.66]You used to be this cool, confident cat. 你以前是那么威风凛凛
  [02:21.58]What the hell happened to you? 你是怎么回事?
  [02:22.14]And you, Georgia. l mean, this one's no dumb bunny. 还有你,乔雅 这位可不是没脑袋的笨女人
  [02:28.34]The only way she was getting off the weekend shift... 她知道唯一往上爬的方法
  [02:29.62]...was by hooking up with you. 就是钓上你这个金龟婿
  [02:29.78]Then, lo and behold7, she became more popular than you did. 之后,她变得比你更有人气了
  [02:33.70]Ended up with twice your salary. 领的钱还多你两倍
  [02:35.18]-Camera 2, two-shot. -Come on, Larry, take him down. - 二号摄影机,拍两人表情 - 快啊,赖瑞,撂倒他
  [02:39.86]Hold on, pal8. l am very proud of my wife's success. 等等,我为我老婆的成功骄傲
  [02:41.62]Baloney, you are. You hate her success. 骄傲个头啦,你恨死她的成功
  [02:46.30]You feel emasculated by her. 她让你觉得自己没骨气
  [02:47.38]And that screws with your head. 这搞得你满脑子乌烟瘴气的
  [02:51.38]Which, in turn, screws with your manhood. 结果也害你成了不举男
  [02:53.58]What's your point? 你的重点是什么?
  [02:55.38]-Yes, Georgia, take control. -My point, Georgia.... - 对,乔雅,掌控情势 - 乔雅,我的重点是…
  [02:57.14]My point is that your husband... 你丈夫有一阵子
  [02:59.50]...hasn't had sex with you in... 没碰你了
  [03:02.98]...l'm gonna say, what, three months? 我敢说,有三个月了
  [03:05.78]-Chadway, that is not my fault. -l know. - 麦克,那不是我的错 - 我知道
  [03:10.38]-l mean, come on. -l know, l know. lt's her fault. - 你嘛帮帮忙! - 我知道,是她的错
  [03:10.78]Why is it my fault? What am l supposed to do? 怎么是我的错?
  [03:14.54]Say no to the money so he can get an erection? 难道我该拒绝高薪让他硬起来?
  [03:18.42]She just said ''erection'' on television. 她在主播台上说〝硬起来〞
  [03:20.42]-Other networks do it. -They're talking about erections. - 其它电视台也一样,没什么啦 - 他们在谈软硬的问题
  [03:22.50]They say ''erection'' on Sesame Street. 幼幼台也会说〝硬起来〞啊
  [03:24.26]-l agree. -Thank you. - 我同意 - 谢谢
  [03:25.30]You've economically emasculated your husband... 你在经济上让你老公去势
  [03:28.94]...to such a point that he's afraid to want you. 因此他害怕上你
  [03:32.42]l mean, sure, you could dump his ass9... 当然,你可以甩了他
  [03:34.42]...but, honey, have you seen the eligible10 men in Sacramento? Oh, God. 不过你看过这里的好男人没? 阿娘偎…
  [03:37.50]lt's slim pickings for a woman in her 40s, l can tell you. 四十岁的女人选择可不多
  [03:41.46]Forties? 四十岁?
  [03:43.38]-Oh, God. -Hold that shot with Georgia and Mike. - 喔,天啊 - 继续拍乔雅和麦克
  [03:45.62]He just talked about her age. 他竟敢谈她的年龄
  [03:47.46]-She's gonna kill me. -Well.... - 她会宰了我 - 这个嘛…
  [03:50.54]-Forty? -l mean, you ain't gonna do... - 四十岁? - 你找不到…
  [03:52.42]...any better than Larry. 比赖瑞更好的伴了
  [03:52.98]You just have to let him be a man. 你必须让他当男子汉
  [03:57.46]-Let him be a man, Georgia. -l let him be a man. - 让他当男子汉,乔雅 - 我让他当男子汉
  [04:01.18]-You have to let me be a man. -l have tried. - 你得让我当男子汉 - 我试过…
  [04:01.26]-Let him be a man. -You have to let me. - 让你当男子汉 - 你得让我当男子汉
  [04:03.26]Simple as that. Now, you, Frowny McFlaccid, come on. 就这么简单 好了,不举男,上啊
  [04:07.10]-Oh, God. -Camera 1 , ready for a three-shot. - 我的妈呀 - 一号机,准备特写这三个人
  [04:09.58]-l'm not frowny. -Yes, you are. - 我才没有不举 - 你就是
  [04:12.10]Move in here and give this beautiful woman a kiss. 过来给这位美女一个热吻
  [04:16.26]-God. This is ridiculous. -McFlaccid? - 天啊,太离谱了 - 不举?
  [04:18.26]-That mean what l think it means? -Yes. Kiss her. - 你真认为我不举? - 对,就是,吻她
  [04:19.26]-No. They're not gonna-- -Give it to her, right in front of me. - 不…他们不会 - 在我面前吻她
  [04:22.94]-And in front of them. -Let me-- - 也在大众面前 - 让我…
  [04:23.62]Goddamn it, Georgia, let me be a man. 该死,乔雅,让我当男子汉
  [04:26.10]-No! -Zoom11 in on that, 2. Zoom in. - 不会吧 - 特写,二号机特写
  [04:29.66]America doesn't want to see this. 观众不会想看这个的
  [04:30.86]And that, my friends, is the ugly truth. 朋友,这就是挖出来的真相
  [04:36.54]Get ready to roll to break. Ready to roll-- 准备进广告
  [04:36.86]Oh, you are a man. He is a man. Break. 你真是个男子汉 他是男子汉,麦克
  [04:40.14]Cut to commercial! 进广告
  [04:43.22]-Cut to commercial! -That was great! Wasn't that great? - 快进广告! - 真是太赞了!很赞吧?
  [04:46.26]l told you that guy was great. 我就说那家伙很行的
  [04:47.18]Good job, everybody. 干得好,各位
  [04:52.58]Abby? 艾比?
  [04:56.74]Found her. 找到了
  [04:57.82]One-thousand, one hundred and forty-three calls... 一千一百四十三通电话
  [04:59.22]...over 300 e-mails, 53 percent of them were women. 超过三百封电子邮件 其中百分之五十三是女性


1 pussy x0dzA     
  • Why can't they leave my pussy alone?为什么他们就不能离我小猫咪远一点?
  • The baby was playing with his pussy.孩子正和他的猫嬉戏。
2 skewer 2E3yI     
  • I used a skewer to make an extra hole in my belt.我用扦子在腰带上又打了一个眼儿。
  • He skewered his victim through the neck.他用扦子刺穿了受害人的脖子。
3 janitor iaFz7     
  • The janitor wiped on the windows with his rags.看门人用褴褛的衣服擦着窗户。
  • The janitor swept the floors and locked up the building every night.那个看门人每天晚上负责打扫大楼的地板和锁门。
4 vomit TL9zV     
  • They gave her salty water to make her vomit.他们给她喝盐水好让她吐出来。
  • She was stricken by pain and began to vomit.她感到一阵疼痛,开始呕吐起来。
5 dressing 1uOzJG     
  • Don't spend such a lot of time in dressing yourself.别花那么多时间来打扮自己。
  • The children enjoy dressing up in mother's old clothes.孩子们喜欢穿上妈妈旧时的衣服玩。
6 crossfire 6vSzBL     
  • They say they are caught in the crossfire between the education establishment and the government.他们称自己被卷进了教育机构与政府之间的争端。
  • When two industrial giants clash,small companies can get caught in the crossfire.两大工业企业争斗之下,小公司遭受池鱼之殃。
7 behold jQKy9     
  • The industry of these little ants is wonderful to behold.这些小蚂蚁辛勤劳动的样子看上去真令人惊叹。
  • The sunrise at the seaside was quite a sight to behold.海滨日出真是个奇景。
8 pal j4Fz4     
  • He is a pal of mine.他是我的一个朋友。
  • Listen,pal,I don't want you talking to my sister any more.听着,小子,我不让你再和我妹妹说话了。
9 ass qvyzK     
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
10 eligible Cq6xL     
  • He is an eligible young man.他是一个合格的年轻人。
  • Helen married an eligible bachelor.海伦嫁给了一个中意的单身汉。
11 zoom VenzWT     
  • The airplane's zoom carried it above the clouds.飞机的陡直上升使它飞到云层之上。
  • I live near an airport and the zoom of passing planes can be heard night and day.我住在一个飞机场附近,昼夜都能听到飞机飞过的嗡嗡声。
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