英语新闻听写 德国科学家发明出机器人手
A robotic hand was developed in Berlin that will allow people with certain types of spinal injuries to perform everyday activities. 一只机器人手在柏林被发明了出来,这使得患有某些脊髓损伤的人群能够正常进行日常活动
英语新闻听写 研究表明练习瑜伽有助于降低血压
A new study says yoga may help reduce blood pressure in people who are at risk for developing hypertension. 一项新的研究表明,瑜伽可能有助于降低高血压危险人群的血压。 The study author says patients with pre-hypertension,
英语新闻听写 苹果公司更加透明化 公开其人工智能研究信息
Apple is becoming transparent! 苹果公司变得更加透明啦! According to a Bloomberg report, Apple will publically release their artificial intelligence research. 据彭博社报道,苹果公司将公开发布他们的人工智能研究状况
英语新闻听写 从2016年谷歌搜索词条排行榜看大众焦点
In 2016, powerball was the top trending term on Google and Prince came in second. The surge in powerball searches happened in January when the jackpot reached more than $1 billion. Prince was searched for the most in April when he passed away unexpec
英语新闻听写 苹果或雇佣保时捷工程师 进军汽车行业扑朔迷离
Apple's automotive plans continue to perplex industry experts. In October, Bloomberg reported that the tech giant had scaled back its automotive plans amid a series of Project Titan layoffs, and was moving from building a complete car to developing a
英语新闻听写 优步无视法律规定 继续使用自动驾驶车辆
Uber launched a small fleet of self-driving cars in San Francisco on Wednesday, but the California Department of Motor Vehicles told the ride-sharing company that without a permit it was breaking the law. 周三,优步在旧金山推出了少量自动
英语新闻听写 高耐痛性会增加心脏病发作的风险吗?
A new study suggests that people who have a high pain tolerance could have an increased risk of having a silent heart attack. 一项新的研究表明,有高耐痛性的人可能会增加患隐性心脏病的风险。 The most common symptom of a h
英语新闻听写 一首歌红遍圣诞节 成为22年来的不朽佳作
For 22 years, Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas Is You has been the Christmas gift that keeps on giving. 22年以来,马丽亚凯莉的歌曲All I Want for Christmas Is You一直都是圣诞节永不过时的礼物。 This year, it again topp
英语新闻听写 人类将在2050年之前与机器人结婚
AI expert, Dr. David Levy believes that humans and robots will start getting married before, not after, the year 2050. Levy has been involved with artificial intelligence research for decades and he's a very good friend of computing pioneer Clive Sin
英语新闻听写 美国流行性腮腺炎病例升至10年来最高
According to health officials, cases for the contagious disease Mumps has hit a 10-year high in the United States. 据卫生官员称,美国流行性腮腺炎病例已达到10年来的最高水平。 Officials add that the disease is especially com
英语新闻听写 优步将在亚利桑那州测试自动驾驶车辆
On Thursday after being banned from California roads over safety concerns, a fleet of self-driving Uber cars left for Arizona. 周四,加利福尼亚在出于安全考虑禁止优步自动驾驶车辆上路之后,优步把车辆转到了亚利桑那
英语新闻听写 墨西哥一烟花市场发生爆炸 已致32人死亡
On Wednesday, it was reported that the death toll from a massive explosion at a Mexico fireworks market had climbed to 32. 周三,据报道墨西哥烟花爆竹市场的大规模爆炸已致32人死亡。 Mexico state official Jose Manzur said at a
英语新闻听写 巧克力面膜真的有用吗?
Instagram star and beauty blogger Habiba recently posted a face mask that's basically made out of nutella. She uses gelatin, milk, cocoa powder, and neem honey, which she peels off her face once dry. Instagram明星及秀丽博主哈比芭最近晒出了
英语新闻听写 苹果手表开发出新功能 帮你保持身体健康
The Apple watch just got a fancy new improvement that will help users stay true to their New Year fitness goals. Beginning January 2nd, Apple Watch owners will be able to track their goals on the Apple Watch Activity App. 苹果手表刚刚更新了一
英语新闻听写 2016年迪士尼票房大赚 收获满满
Sources report Walt Disney Studios officially announced the company made over 7 billion dollars at the global box office in just one year; a first for the company and the film industry all around. 有消息报道,迪士尼影城官方宣布该公司一