英语新闻听写 苹果CEO库克不打算合并MacOS和iOS操作系统
In a recent interview, Apple CEO Tim Cook said he doesn't believe customers want MacOS and iOS to merge. 在最近的一次采访中,苹果CEO蒂姆库克称他不认为消费者想要合并MacOS和iOS。 Doing so would water down both for the conv
英语新闻听写 沃尔玛与送餐提供商DoorDash合作配送杂货
TechCrunch reports Walmart is partnering with DoorDash, a restaurant delivery provider, for grocery delivery in Atlanta, Georgia. 据TechCrunch报道,沃尔玛正与送餐提供商DoorDash合作,在佐治亚州的亚特兰大配送杂货。 DoorD
英语新闻听写 数百中美洲移民将抵美墨边境,特朗普忙下令阻拦
On Wednesday hundreds of Central American migrants from a caravan through Mexico reunited in Tijuana, and planned to cross into the United States together this weekend. 周三,数百名美洲移民乘坐大篷车抵达墨西哥城市提华纳,他们
英语新闻听写 自动驾驶又出事 特斯拉将车祸责任推到司机身上
Tesla has released a statement placing the blame of a fatal car crash on the driver. 特斯拉发表了一份声明,将致命的车祸责任推到了司机身上。 According to Tesla, the driver of a Model X that crashed along a California highway
英语新闻听写 热衷环保 Lyft自愿成为碳抵消最大买家
Lyft launched a program this week to immediately offset the carbon emissions from all rides globally. 本周Lyft发起了一项即刻抵消全球所有汽车的碳排放的计划。 The company has committed to ensuring that any Lyft ride... will be
英语新闻听写 多数人并不需要补充维生素D
According to Business Insider, a human body needs to produce or consume Vitamin D to stay healthy and grow strong bones. 《商业内幕》称,人体需要产生或吸收维生素D才能保持身体健康、促进强健骨骼。 You can get Vitamin
英语新闻听写 朝韩峰会成果令世界振奋
On Sunday, North Koreas state news agency on called the inter-Korean summit a turning point for the Korean peninsula. 周日,朝鲜国家通讯社称朝韩峰会是朝鲜半岛的转折点。 Meanwhile, U.S. President Donald Trump said he would mai
英语新闻听写 美国五角大楼要求下架华为中兴产品
The U.S. Department of Defense has stopped selling mobile phones and modems made by the Chinese technology companies Huawei Technologies and ZTE Corp in stores on its military bases. 美国国防部已停止在其军事基地零售店中售卖中国华
英语新闻听写 以色列指责"伊朗撒谎" 游说特朗普
On Tuesday, a senior Israeli official said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu informed U.S. President Donald Trump about evidence of a past secret Iranian nuclear arms program in March. 星期二,一名以色列高级官员称,以色列
英语新闻听写 为应对美国制裁 华为一直在开发智能手机操作系统
According to reports, Chinese phone maker Huawei has been developing an operation system for years. 据报道,多年来中国手机制造商华为一直在开发操作系统。 And Huawei may have to finish their smartphone OS, if they lose access
英语新闻听写 偷渡大军抵美边境
Roughly 400 Central Americans are currently waiting in Tijuana demanding access into the United States. 目前大约有400名中美洲人在提华纳等待被准许进入美国。 But the U.S. agency responsible for handling this surge of migrants ar
英语新闻听写 又搞垄断?美国两大移动运营商宣布合并
T-Mobile and Sprint announced a plan to merge the mobile carriers. T-Mobile和斯普林特宣布了一个合并这两个移动运营商的计划。 The combined entity will maintain the T-Mobile brand with a combined subscriber base of 70 million. 合并
英语新闻听写 你的皮肤还健康么
It doesn't take tons of products to get healthy skin. In fact, you're probably taking care of your skin better than you think. 皮肤健康不需要过多产品去维护。事实上,你或许已经在很好地护理你的皮肤了。 Any slight bit
英语新闻听写 蓝色起源公司完成第八次亚轨道载人火箭发射
Blue Origin successfully completed the eighth launch of its New Shepard suborbital crewed vehicle. 蓝色起源公司成功完成了New Shepard亚轨道载人火箭的第八次发射。 On Sunday, the reusable rocket shot into a cloudless sky above w
英语新闻听写 与脸书不和 子公司WhatsApp CEO库姆辞职
On Monday, the Washington post reported that Jan Koum, the CEO of Facebook subsidiary WhatsApp, is leaving the company. 据《华盛顿邮报》周一报道,脸书子公司WhatsApp的CEO简库姆离职了。 Koum is leaving following disputes over