英语新闻听写 一带一路倡议初见成效 中国贸易伙伴难以跟上步伐
According to a report by Reuters, a surge in the number of trains traveling through the Polish border town of Malaszewicze has left authorities scrambling to meet demand that has increased to as many as 200 trains a month. 据路透社报道,经过波
英语新闻听写 抨击OPEC并对盟友撂狠话!特朗普警告欧洲公司:离伊朗远点
Reuters reported that President Donald Trump has accused OPEC of manipulating world oil markets and warned it to stop. 路透社报道,美国总统唐纳德特朗普指责欧佩克(石油输出国组织)操纵世界石油市场,并警告其停止
英语新闻听写 俄罗斯击败西班牙挺进四分之一决赛
Reuters reports that hosts Russia beat Spain 4-3 on penalties on Sunday to advance to the World Cup quarter-finals, 路透社消息称周天东道主俄罗斯在点球大战中4-3击败西班牙晋级世界杯四分之一决赛, where they will fac
英语新闻听写 亚马逊数字助手正大力进军第三方操作系统
According to a report by Digital Trends, Amazon is finally going to allow iOS users to control their digital assistant, Alexa, with their voice. 据Digital Trends报道,亚马逊终于将允许iOS用户用声音控制他们的数字助手Alexa。 U
英语新闻听写 特朗普关税将使美GDP下降0.1%,消灭数万就业机会
Business Insider reports at the trade war sparked by President Donald Trump and his administration could lead to 100,000 Americans losing their jobs next year. 据《商业内幕》网报道,美国总统唐纳德特朗普及其政府引发的贸易战
英语新闻听写 社交媒体推特的崛起
Two years ago, fans were preparing to say goodbye to Twitter. 两年前,粉丝们正准备弃用推特。 Without product direction, the company was losing users and advertisers, and seemed unable to contain a metastasizing trolling crisis that was
英语新闻听写 治疗癌症的新型药物疗法
A drug being tested for several types of cancer treatment has been found to be effective at reversing drug resistance in head and neck skin cancers. 针对几种类型的癌症治疗药物测试发现,有一种药物能够有效扭转头颈部癌症和
英语新闻听写 这些食物在家制作成本更低
There are several meals that are cheaper to prepare at home than to buy made. 有些食物在家制作要比买的更便宜。 Yogurt is a perfect example. 酸奶就是个典例。 Accord lifehacker.com, All you need to make your own yogurt is a half
英语新闻听写 特朗普:美国即将完成对欧盟汽车加征关税的研究
According to Reuters on Tuesday, U.S. President Donald Trump said the government was completing a study about increasing import tariffs on cars from the European Union and suggested he would take action soon. 据路透社周二报道,美国总统唐纳
英语新闻听写 使用种族侮辱性词汇 Netflix高管被扫地出门
On Friday Reuters reported that Netflix Chief Communications Officer Jonathan Friedland is leaving the video streaming company. 周五路透社报道网飞首席通信官乔纳森弗里德兰将要离开该视频流媒体公司。 Friedland tweeted t
英语新闻听写 特朗普的前副竞选经理对黑人说不礼貌言辞
BuzzFeed reports that during a heated exchange on Fox amp;Friends, a former deputy campaign manager for President Donald Trump told a black guest on the show that he was out of his cotton-picking mind. BuzzFeed报道,在与Fox amp;Friends的激烈交
英语新闻听写 酗酒增加年轻人心脏疾病风险
According to a new study on UPI.com, young adults who binge drink alcohol are more likely to face risks to their cardiovascular health than those who don't. UPI网站研究发现,酗酒的年轻人相比那些不酗酒的年轻人,更容易面临心
英语新闻听写 股票长期表现不佳 通用电气将被道琼斯指数剔除!
According to Reuters, Walgreens Boots Alliance will replace General Electric in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. 据路透社报道,沃博联将在道琼斯工业平均指数中取代通用电气。 Before the stock market opens on June 26, Genera
英语新闻听写 特朗普:总统唐纳德·特朗普在南卡罗来纳政坛中正遭遇困难
Politico reports that President Donald Trump is wading into the swamp of South Carolina politics in the latest test of his poll in Republican primaries. 政治新闻网站政治报道称,在共和党初选最近的民调结果中,总统唐纳德?特
英语新闻听写 SpaceX赢得美国空军大合同 利用猎鹰重型火箭发射机密卫星
According to a report by Digital Trends, SpaceX has nailed down its first major national security contract for its massive Falcon Heavy rocket, reportedly beating out competing bids from rivals that are rumored to have included United Launch Alliance