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  • 谁踩的七色云彩 珠峰空中的彩虹云

    Hovering in the sky, this rainbow cloud over Mount Everest took an astonished astronomer by surprise. 盘踞在珠穆朗玛峰上空中的彩虹云让一名天文学家震惊不已。 Oleg Bartunov, 51, caught the spectacle on camera during a Himalay...

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  • 疑丈夫见小三 加拿大女子怒拦飞机

    A Canadian airport is reviewing its security systems after a woman managed to scale a barbed wire fence and run onto the tarmac in an attempt to stop a plane from taking off. 加拿大一名女子成功越过一机场的倒刺铁丝围栏后,闯入停...

  • 一个时代的终结 好莱坞女星劳伦白考尔逝世

    US film and stage actress Lauren Bacall has died at the age of 89. 美国电影及舞台剧演员劳伦白考尔逝世,享年89岁。 Her Hollywood career spanned seven decades, with a memorable debut aged 19 opposite her future husband, Humphrey B...

  • 高露洁全效牙膏中的三氯生可能致癌

    A chemical that has been linked to cancer cell growth is being used by millions of Americans in toothpaste every day, it has emerged. 在成千上万的美国人每天使用的牙膏中,可能存在一种导致癌细胞增长的化学物质。 The...

  • 英国二货快递员 包裹扔到屋顶上

    An online shopper has been left dumbfounded after a parcel he ordered was left wedged in his gutter - 20ft above his front door - by a bungling delivery company. 一个英国人在网购后被笨手笨脚的快递公司给惊呆了。他发现自己的...

  • 5岁女儿筹款带绝症爸爸游玩迪士尼

    Damian Myles, 42, has been given just months to live, and fundraisers have dug deep to grant his daughter Ruby her wish of taking him to Disneyland Paris. 英国绍斯波特市42岁的戴米恩迈尔斯身患癌症,生命只剩下不到几个月的时...

  • 来自空中的钻石 捡到就归你

    A diamond worth ?12,000 was shot into space this morning - and whoever finds it when it lands back on earth gets to keep it. 今天早晨一颗价值1万2千英镑的钻石被送入太空,在它落地后,谁能找到它,它就归谁。 A diamon...

  • 塞内加尔出现疑似埃博拉病毒

    DAKAR, Aug. 9 (Xinhua) -- A Malian national living in northern Senegal has been quarantined in a hospital due to suspected Ebola symptoms, Senegalese News Agency reported Saturday. The 27-year-old patient had just returned to the northern city of Our...

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    A plane load of French humanitarian aid has arrived in Irbil, Iraq following airdrops from U.S and British planes. The aid will be distributed to thousands of displaced Iraqis including Christians, Yazidis and Shi'ite Shabak. Islamic State (IS) milit...

  • 中国测试新型月球轨道飞行器

    BEIJING, Aug. 10 (Xinhua) -- China is preparing for the launch of an experimental recoverable moon orbiter, said the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence on Sunday. The orbiter arrived in Xichang via air in so...

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    For nearly five decades he gazed out of his Sydney home overlooking the Pacific Ocean, inspired by one of Australia's most picturesque views. But it was not just a love for the sea that drew him to the dramatic panorama. 近五十年来,里奇一直从...

  • 英政府神规定 无法驱逐的恐怖分子

    An Islamic terrorist has stopped Britain deporting him by refusing to give his name for 21 years. 一名伊斯兰恐怖分子拒绝交代姓名长达21年,从而阻止英国将他驱逐出境。 A judge ruled that the Algerian is a trusted and seni...

  • 巴西夫妇寻生母 发现两人竟是亲姐弟

    A woman went in search of her long-lost mother - and discovered she has unknowingly married her own brother. 一名女子寻找自己失散多年的母亲,最终却发现自己在不知道的情况下嫁给了自己的亲弟弟。 Adriana, 39, and...

  • 吉尼斯世界纪录 俄国妈妈生娃69个

    The record for most babies born to one woman is 69. Yes, you read that correctly 69! 世界上生孩子最多的女人共生下了69个孩子。对,你没看错,就是69个! Who was this amazing woman? We dont really know. Her husband is the on...
