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  • Air-mazing!开在飞机上的麦当劳

    Forget the drive-thru, now you can eat your Big Mac and fries at an air-mazing McDonald's restaurant on this decommissioned aircraft. 忘掉汽车餐厅吧!现在你可以在这架退役飞机上的麦当劳享用巨无霸和薯条啦! For the la...

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  • 马航MH370多名乘客存款被神秘提取

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    To everyone sitting on their couches watching Shark Week: that's cool I guess. I prefer to go out, jump in and ride them like a horse. Steve Fernandez did just that with a 20,000lbs whale shark off the coast of New York City. 坐在沙发上看鲨鱼周...

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  • 马航MH370多名乘客存款被神秘提取

    More than ?20,000 has been stolen from four passengers aboard the doomed MH370 flight. 马航失联客机MH370四乘客账户日前被盗走2万多英镑。 Five months after the Malaysia Airlines flight went missing, mysterious withdrawals totaling...

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    August 13th is Left Handers' Day and this year, 2014, will mark the 22nd annual celebration. The first celebration took place in 1976 to promote awareness of left handers' and the struggles they face with the day-to-day products catered towards the r...

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