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    With his smiling mother and aunt, this is little Fionan Terry in one of the first portraits of his extraordinary family. 这是一张小菲奥南特里与满面笑容的妈妈和小姨一起拍的第一张照片,记录了他们特殊的一家人。...

  • 外媒质疑冰桶挑战 作秀还是慈善

    Facebook has become saturated with videos of people dumping buckets of ice on their heads. Facebook上充斥着人们往自己头上倒冰桶的视频。 Theyre taking the#icebucketchallenge, a viral phenomenon whose ostensible purpose is to raise mo...

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    Action superstar Jackie Chan has apologized via microblog for his son's drug use. Chan says he is ashamed and saddened at the actions of his celebrity son, Jaycee. The younger Chan, 31, and Taiwan actor Kai Ko, 23, were detained last Thursday. Police...

  • 低热量饮食能减肥?它可能让你更胖

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  • 2014艾美奖第一批颁奖嘉宾公布 毒师布莱恩等将出席

    The first list of stars who will present at the 66th Emmy Awards has been Published by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences in American recently. The starring actor of Breaking Bad Bryan Cranston is going to be there. Besides, the pout beauty...

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    Curvy women are more likely to live longer than their slimmer counterparts, researchers have found. 调查者发现,有曲线的女人比更纤瘦的女人更长寿。 Institute of Preventative Medicine in Copenhagen researchers found those with wi...

  • 儿子不接电话 辣妈开发APP控制手机

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  • 每个女孩的梦想 8克拉罕见粉钻

    It's flawless, rare and even pink - surely it's a girl's dream to own one. 每个女孩都梦想着拥有一颗美丽的钻石,尤其是这样一颗颜色纯净稀有的粉色钻石。 But to be able to show of this incredible piece of bling, you'l...

  • 想要机器人情人? 2025年就能实现

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  • 外媒关注 房祖名柯震东涉毒被抓

    The son of martial arts movie star Jackie Chan has been arrested for marijuana possession at his Beijing home. 武打巨星成龙之子房祖名因在北京的家中私藏大麻被警方逮捕。 Jaycee Chan, 32, and his Taiwanese movie star friend K...

  • 险酿事故 空管睡着致东航MU2528复飞

    A Chinese aircraft was forced to delay its landing after two air traffic controllers nodded off, reports said Tuesday, sparking a wave of online anger about airline safety. 本周二消息,两名空管打瞌睡导致一架中国飞机被迫延迟降落...

  • 环保组织拍摄冰川 土拨鼠舔屏抢镜

    This cheeky critter had other ideas when Greenpeace USA came to film a spectacular time-lapse video. 美国绿色和平组织在进行一次延时摄影时被这个捣蛋鬼搞了破坏。 Hours after environmentalists left a GoPro camera filming in...

  • 政治界的动物明星 狗村长猪总统

    Politics has quite literally gone to the dogs in one Minnesota village, where a seven-year-old pup has been named mayor. 在美国民尼苏达州的一个小村庄里,狗狗也开始涉足政坛了。一只7岁的小狗被任命为了村子的村长。...
