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时间:2018-12-13 00:50来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   and that for most people those two things are connected.So you don't even think about it,right 对很多人来说 这两部分是结合在一起的 无需再考虑其它 是的

  You just assume if you are a boy,you feel like,you are supposed to feel like a boy and a girl was supposed to feel like a girl,right 如果你是一个男孩 你就是男孩的思维方式 是女孩 就是女孩的思维方式 是的
  But for some people that is just not the casue,that's what being transgender is 但对于一些人来说 情况并不是这样的 那就是变性人
  So we transition,so that we can make our,you know our gender1 indentiy,our gender  and our brain match our physical bodies 所以我们做变性手术 使我们的思维与性别和我们的身体性别一致
  You know,I have to say we have to take break,but I have to say one thing I don't understand 我们要休息一下 但我必须得说这件让我费解的事
  People saying you know because they're calling for boycott2 of the show,There are people up in arms 我实在不明白为什么有人挥舞着手臂 呼吁抵制《与星共舞》
  Because they think it's dangerous for children to see you 就因为他们觉得会有潜在的危险 当孩子在节目里看到你
  Anyone who thinks that just someone watching the show is going,hey I should maybe change my sex 谁会在看节目时边看边想 哎呀 我也应当改变我的性别
  that actually seems like a good idea to me to go through a major surgery,a major operation take hormones3 change my whole life,because society is so embracing of it 找一著名外科医生做一个变性手术再注射荷尔蒙 这实际上是个好主意 因为现在社会可是欢迎这种事情
  I think that's a great idea,thanks for being on dancing with the stars Chaz 我认为那是个不错的主意 Chaz 感谢你能来“与Ellen共舞”
  How anyone could think you will influence anyone,I know 怎么会有人觉得你就是能影响其它人呢 我理解
  and one more thing because I,of course am so upset about the bullying4 that goes on in schools 还有一件让我感到不安的是 学校里仍在发生欺凌事件
  and until we take responsibility for how adults treat one another until we see we are doing the same thing that we ask the kids not to do at school 直到我们成年人为自己的为人处事负起责任 直到我们明白教育孩子 要以身作则才可能结束这些
  Politicians do it.Adults do it to say that he is different,and he is wrong,and he try to make something of it 政客在说 成年人在说 他与众不同 他是异类 他想闹事儿
  It shame on us for doing that and be an example for kids,because that is not,still mad.All right we have to take a break,we will be right back 给孩子们设立这样的榜样 真让人羞愧 因为这不 还是很气愤 好吧 进会广告休息下 马上回来


1 gender slSyD     
  • French differs from English in having gender for all nouns.法语不同于英语,所有的名词都有性。
  • Women are sometimes denied opportunities solely because of their gender.妇女有时仅仅因为性别而无法获得种种机会。
2 boycott EW3zC     
  • We put the production under a boycott.我们联合抵制该商品。
  • The boycott lasts a year until the Victoria board permitsreturn.这个抗争持续了一年直到维多利亚教育局妥协为止。
3 hormones hormones     
n. 荷尔蒙,激素 名词hormone的复数形式
  • This hormone interacts closely with other hormones in the body. 这种荷尔蒙与体內其他荷尔蒙紧密地相互作用。
  • The adrenals produce a large per cent of a man's sex hormones. 肾上腺分泌人体的大部分性激素。
4 bullying f23dd48b95ce083d3774838a76074f5f     
v.恐吓,威逼( bully的现在分词 );豪;跋扈
  • Many cases of bullying go unreported . 很多恐吓案件都没有人告发。
  • All cases of bullying will be severely dealt with. 所有以大欺小的情况都将受到严肃处理。 来自《简明英汉词典》
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