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  • 人生忠告-少借债(5)

    人生忠告 Incur less debt.少借债 Don't buy things you don't need and think long and hard before getting a credit card. No matter what they tell you, it's not free money, and no matter how high the limit, you shouldn't go blow it all on designer...

  • 人生忠告-结婚前要深思熟虑(4)

    人生忠告 Think carefully before marriage. 结婚前要深思熟虑 Several readers voiced they would have waited to get married. One reader said she would have waited until at least 30. While there's no hard and fast rule everyone can apply, it's...

  • 人生忠告-放慢脚步(3)

    人生忠告 Slow down. 放慢脚步 Too many of us waste precious moments because we're too busy connected to our digital devices or on social media or worrying about the next career move. Life is short. Savor it. We think a reader put it perfectly:...

  • 人生忠告-接受更好的教育(2)

    人生忠告 Get a better education. 接受更好的教育 As the saying goes, nobody can take your accomplishments away from you. Education is one of those accomplishments. Many readers wished they would have either gone to or stuck to college. Whet...

  • 人生忠告-关心健康问题(1)

    人生忠告 Consider health issues. 关心健康问题 By 25 you might have noticed your metabolism slowing down. Looking after yourself at this time is about creating habits (and breaking bad ones) that will lead to a long life in which you're heal...

  • 坏习惯-吃零食(5)

    Bad habits. 坏习惯 Snacking 吃零食 Snacking in front of the TV is often learned from parents. If you find yourself mindlessly snacking in front of the TV, you can look for other ways to make yourself feel better -- hanging out with a friend or...

  • 坏习惯-拖延(4)

    Bad habits. 坏习惯 可可电台 Procrastinating 拖延 Procrastinators sabotage themselves to avoid doing something that they don't want to do, and it can be a really bad habit.Therefore, set clear goals, with rewards if necessary, and imagine how...

  • 如何面对失败-我能向谁学习(1)

    How we deal with failure? 如何面对失败? What can I learn from this? 我从失败中学到了什么? Who can I learn from? 我能向谁学习? Is there someone to whom you can turn to for advice? Did a boss, colleague or a friend see what...

  • 如何面对失败-如果重来一次会不会有不同的处理方式(2)

    How we deal with failure? 如何面对失败? What could I have done differently? What other optionsdid you have? What choices did you make? How could you have handled it differently? With the benefit of hindsight, what different steps would you ha...

  • 如何面对失败-我从失败中学到了什么(3)

    how we deal with failure 如何面对失败 What can I learn from this? 我从失败中学到了什么? Take responsibility for what went wrong. OK, so it was not all your fault but some of it was. Successful people don't make excuses or blame othe...

  • 心态年轻-欣赏周围的小事物(1)

    Young at heart 心态年轻 You Appreciate The Little Things 欣赏周围的小事物 As a child, you were probably a lot more aware of the small things going on around you, from watching ants walk in a line to collecting unique pebbles. Children not...

  • 心态年轻-喜欢交朋友(2)

    Young at heart 心态年轻 You Try To Be Courageous, Instead Of Fearful 学着有胆识,不畏恐惧 Children's lives often feel boundless as they are not held back by a fear of failure or rejection. Adults who are young at heart embrace life, and...

  • 心态年轻-认为尝试新事物很重要(3)

    Young at heart 心态年轻 You Love To Be Outside 喜欢户外 Being outside and experiencing nature can improve your mood and calm you down. Adults who are young at heart appreciate nature whenever they are around it, and are always more than happy...

  • 懂得感恩-爱自己(1)

    懂得感恩 Love yourself. 爱自己。 Grateful people know that their thankful attitude can also fuel self-compassion. A study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences found that higher levels of gratitude were associated wi...

  • 懂得感恩-行动起来(2)

    Be Grateful 懂得感恩 Get moving. 行动起来。 They may not seem similar, but gratitude and fitness can go hand-in-hand. According to Emmons's 2003 study, people who practiced gratitude also engaged in more exercise. The results also found that...
